institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Тimoshenkova Ekaterina Petrovna

Тimoshenkova Ekaterina Petrovna
  • Scientific degree: Candidate of Historical Sciences
  • Education:
    In 2001 – graduated with honors from the Smolensk Pedagogical State University, Faculty of History and Law
  • Postgraduate:
    2003 – 2006 - Internal postgraduate program at the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IE RAS)
  • Candidate dissertation:
    May 2007 - «The German question in the foreign policy of the Soviet Union (1945-1955) »
  • Position:
    Leading Researcher of the Department of Social and Political Studies
  • Scientific activities:


    2008–2009  became the winner of the contest «Best Scientists. PhDs and Doctors of Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences»

    Research traineeships/fellowships:

    10/2014-11/2014; 07/2015 -08/2015 scientific research on the topic «EU in Depth – European Identity, Cultural Diversity and Political Changes» (VII science and technology development framework program of the European Union) at the Georg August University (Göttingen, Germany).

    03/2009 – 05/2009 The Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany, Office of the Deputy Chairman of the CDU / CSU, Dr. Andreas Schockenhoff, Coordinator for the German-Russian cooperation in civil societies, with the support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

    09/2009 – 11/2009 Berlin, scientific research on the topic: «German Elections of 2009, the chances of the CDU / CSU», with the support of the Hanns Seidel Foundation.

    02/2008 – 03/2008 The Akademie für Politische Bildung (Тutzing, Germany), scientific research on the subject: «The party and political system of Germany».

    11/2005 – 05/2006 Institute of Contemporary History (Berlin, Germany), scientific research on the topic: «The German question in the foreign policy of the Soviet Union (1945-1955)», with the support of the Gerda Henkel Foundation.

  • Scope of scientific interests:
    The German political and party system, domestic and foreign policy of Germany at the present stage, history of the Russian-German relations after the Second World War, Russian-European and Russian-German relations.
  • Major publications:

    Personal monographs:

    Timoshenkova E.P. The German party political system during Angela Merkel’s chancellorship (2005–2017) – M.: Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), 2020. (Reports of the Institute of Europe RAS No. 369), p. 148.

    Timoshenkova E.P. The German question in the foreign policy of the Soviet Union (1945-1955) - M., Institute of Europe RAS, 2008 (Reports of the Institute of Europe No. 217), p. 133.

    Chapters in collective monographs:

    Timoshenkova E.P. The Political evolution of Angela Merkel - from "Ossie" to "Wessi", Europe in search of new solutions [A.S. Ayvazyan and others; Ed. by R.N. Lunkin, P.V. Shards]. M.: Institute of Europe RAS, 2020. (Reports of the Institute of Europe No. 372), pp. 25-41.

    Timoshenkova E.P. The Challenges for the political party system: the future of the people's parties / Germany. 2019. [V.B. Belov and others; Ed. by V.B. Belov]. M.: Institute of Europe RAS, 2020, pp. 27-41.

    Timoshenkova E.P. Germany in Europe: the leader against one's will? // Europe between three oceans: monograph / [Al.A. Gromyko, V.V. Zhurkin, V.P. Fedorov and others]; under the general editorship of Al.A. Gromyko and V.P. Fedorov. - M.: Institute of Europe RAS: Nestor-History, 2019, pp. 108-115.

    Timoshenkova E.P. Formula of power A. Merkel: why the chancellor resigned from the post of chairman of the CDU party / Economy and politics of Germany: a year after the elections / [V.P. Fedorov and others; Ed. by E.P. Timoshenkova]. M: Institute of Europe RAS, 2019. pp. 49-56.

    Timoshenkova E.P. "The Formation of the Grand Coalition 2018: A Compromise Without Unity", Germany 2018, Reports of the Institute of Europe No. 361, Ed. by V.B. Belov, Moscow, 2019, pp. 13-22

    Timoshenkova E.P. "Formula of power A. Merkel: why the chancellor refused the post of chairman of the CDU party", Economics and politics of Germany: a year after the elections, Reports of the Institute of Europe No. 360, Ed. by E.P. Timoshenkova, Moscow, 2019, pp. 49-56

    Timoshenkova E.P. "Peculiarities of the strategy of" people's parties "in the election campaign to the Bundestag in 2017 and the formation of the government", Germany 2017, Reports of the Institute of Europe No. 354, M., 2018, pp. 105-114

    Timoshenkova E.P. "On the question of German sovereignty: historical features and modern problems", Protection of State Sovereignty - the experience of the European Union and European countries, Ed. by V.B. Belov, Moscow, 2018, pp. 117 - 126

    Timoshenkova E.P. “Grand Coalition” and the Concept of Overcoming the Migration Crisis”, Germany 2015, Reports of the Institute of Europe RAS, Ed. by V.B. Belov, Moscow, 2016, pp. 45-55

    Timoshenkova E.P. "The party-political system of Germany in the era of changes", "Modern Germany. Economics and Politics., Ed. by V.B. Belov, Moscow, 2015, pp. 454 -482

    Timoshenkova E. “Das Parteisystem in Deutschland zur Zeit des Wandels”, Deutschlandversteher - Russlands wissenschaftliche Elilte schaut auf das heutige, moderne Deutschland. Belov B., Pavlov N., Supyan N., Baranova K., Antyuschiina V., Kamkin A., Ronanova E., Zedilin L., Gracheva M., Timoshenkova E., Sindeev A., Berlin, 2015, S. 305-319

    Babynina L.O., Govorova N.G., Timoshenkova E.P. Relations of the European Union with Iceland, Norway, Switzerland: Integration without Membership., "The European Union in Search of a Global Role: Politics, Economics, Security", Ed by Al.A. Gromyko, M.G. Nosov, Moscow, 2015, pp. 181-217

    Timoshenkova E.P. “Reform of the Citizenship Law: Causes and Consequences”, Germany 2014, Reports of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ed. by V.B. Belov, Moscow, 2015, pp. 37-51

    Timoshenkova E.P. Party-political development of the FRG - the chances and risks of the black-yellow coalition., Germany 2010., Ed. by V.B. Belov, Reports of the Institute of Europe RAS, No. 267, Moscow, 2011, pp. 43-52

    Rykin V.S., Vilde A.A., Timoshenkova E.P. "Internal political development in Germany", Germany. Challenges of the XXI century, Ed. by V. B. Belov, Ed. Whole world, Moscow, 2009

    Articles in scientific collections:

    Timoshenkova E.P. Angela Merkel: you need to leave on time / Socio-political risks and conditions for the formation of a new world order: (On the 110th anniversary of the birth of A. A. Gromyko) [Al.A. Gromyko, others; Ed. By N.B. Kondratyeva and A.K. Nikitin]. - M.: IE RAS: Klyuch-S, 2019, pp. 105-112

    Timoshenkova E.P. "Elections to the Bundestag 2017: a new stage or a crisis in the party system?"/ Europe 2017: parties, elections, power. Reports of the Institute of Europe RAS No. 353, Ed. by V. Ya. Schweitzer, Moscow 2018, pp. 42-52

    Timoshenkova E.P. "Features of the party-political development of Germany and the migration crisis in 2015-2016." Transformation of the party-political landscape in the countries of the European Union during the crisis. Part I, Reports of the Institute of Europe No. 337, Ed. by B.P. Guseletov, Moscow, 2017, pp. 20-34

    Timoshenkova E.P. "Party-political discussion in Germany on amendments to the law on citizenship" / Migration problems in Europe and ways to solve them. Reports of the Institute of Europe RAS No. 315, M., 2015, pp. 45 54

    Timoshenkova E.P. “Elections to the German Bundestag 2013: results, features, prospects” /. European dimension: politics, economics, culture, international relations., Ed. by S. Baburin, Z. Stankevich, Moscow, 2014, pp. 93 -114

    Timoshenkova EP "The German question" in the foreign policy of the Soviet Union in the 1950s" / Collection: Testaments of the Great Victory. 65 years after the end of the Great Patriotic War., Materials of the conference in Tutzing (December 5-11, 2010), under the general editorship of Al.A. Gromyko, M., 2011, pp. 25-31

    Govorova N.V., Timoshenkova E.P. "Experience in the fight against corruption in Germany" / Fighting Corruption: The Experience of Europe. Ed. by M.G. Nosov, Reports of the Institute of Europe RAS No. 263, Moscow, 2010, pp. 14-45

    Timoshenkova E.P. “Social Democratic Party of Germany: from coalition to opposition ” / "Social democracy in the modern world", materials of the scientific and practical conference "The crisis of European social democracy: causes, forms, manifestations and ways of overcoming" under. Ed. by Schweitzer, Moscow, 2010, pp. 64-78

    Timoshenkova E.P. "The policy of the" Grand Coalition "towards Russia" /. Russian-German relations in the context of European security ", Ed. by I.V. Dashichev, Moscow, Institute of Economics RAS, 2009, pp. 131-142;

    Timoshenkova E.P. “I.V. Stalin and the "German question" (1945-1949) / "Collection" To the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II ", Materials of the scientific German-Russian conference (Berlin, June 22-24, 2009), Reports of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences No. 236 , M. 2009, pp. 132-153

    Timoshenkova E.P. "Youth policy in Germany" /. Youth Policy: European Experience, Ed. By O. Potemkina. Reports of the Institute of Europe RAS No. 163, Moscow, 2005, pp. 8-17

    Articles in scientific journals:

    Timoshenkova E.P. “Unification of Germany: the beginning of A. Merkel's political career”, Contemporary Europe, 2019. No. 5 (91). pp. 165-176.

    Timoshenkova E.P. “Germany: before and after the fall of the wall”, Scientific-analytical bulletin of the Institute of Europe RAS. 2019. No. 6 (12). pp. 144-151

    Timoshenkova E.P. "Election to the European Parliament on May 6, 2019: Peculiarities of the Election Campaign in Germany", Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the Institute of Europe RAS, 2019, No. 2 (8), pp. 52-59

    Timoshenkova E.P. “How sovereign is the united Germany in reality?, Scientific-analytical bulletin of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018. No. 6 (6). pp. 172-176

    Timoshenkova E.P. "Results of the elections to the Bundestag: new challenges - old answers", Contemporary Europe, 2018, no. 2 (81), pp. 29-39

    Timoshenkova E.P. "Alternative for Germany in the Bundestag: Germany's turn to the right", Scientific-Analytical Bulletin of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2018, No. 3, pp. 54-62

    Timoshenkova E.P. "Why A. Merkel gave up the post of chairman of the CDU party", Scientific and analytical bulletin of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2018, No. 6, pp. 65-70

    Timoshenkova E.P. “On the main party political processes in European states. Germany ", Contemporary Europe,  2017, No. 1, pp. 116-123

    Timoshenkova E.P., Parkhalina T.G., Smirnov V.N., Pogorelskaya E.P., Tsvyk A.V., Shanshieva L.N., Trunov F.O., Belinsky A.V. "Elections in Germany - 2017: Prospects for Domestic and Foreign Policy", Russia and the Modern World, 2018, No. 2 (99), pp. 245-259

    Timoshenkova E.P. “Migrants in Europe. Germany ”, Contemporary Europe, 2016, No. 2, pp. 116-120.

    Babynina L.O., Govorova N.V., Timoshenkova E.P. "The European Union and Switzerland: Multidirectional Vectors of Cooperation", Contemporary Europe, 2015, No. 2 (62), pp. 34 -47

    • Timoshenkova E.P. “The party-political system of the Federal Republic of Germany after the elections to the Bundestag: the main development trends (2014 -2015)”, Bulletin of MGIMO University No. 5 (44), 2015, pp. 108-117

    Timoshenkova E.P. “Main results and trends of land elections in Germany in 2014”, Contemporary Europe, No. 2 (62), 2015, pp. 113-118

    Ananyeva E.V., Timoshenkova E.P. "The Second World War and its Impact on Post-War Relations in Europe", Contemporary Europe, 2011, No. 2, pp. 138-141.

    Timoshenkova E.P. “Elections 2005. and a large coalition in Germany ”, Contemporary Europe, No. 1, 2009, pp. 41-54

    Timoshenkova E.P. “Who unleashed the second world war?”, Contemporary Europe,  2009, No. 4, pp. 140-142.

    Woop, E. Timoschenkowa Anlass, die Beziehungen neu zu beleben. Deutschland und Russland und der 60. Jahrestag der Befreiung. Disput, 05.2005.

    Timoshenkova E.P. "The New policy of Angela Merkel", Contemporary Europe, 2006, No. 3, pp. 137 -140.


    Ekaterina Timoshenkova "The political consequences of the coronavirus", Radio "Vesti FM", program "Iron Logic", 03/10/2020, URL: https: // V = sP7ZFXEOzjU & feature =

    Ekaterina Timoshenkova “Struggle for A. Merkel's inheritance”, Radio Vesti FM, program “Iron Logic”, 18.02.2020, URL: https: // V = e_3z4wgC4zM & feature = ( The interview starts from the 40th minute)

    Ekaterina Timoshenkova, Radio Mayak, "Unification of Germany: How It Was", 7.10.2019, URL:

    Ekaterina Timoshenkova: “Kol's personality is controversial in German society”, Russia 24, 01.07.2017, URL: https: // V = 6TqreaOlTLM

    Expert: "Alternative for Germany" has a chance to break into the Bundestag”, Russia 24, 03/14/2016, URL:

    “The AfD's success is evidence of protest sentiments in Germany - expert Ekaterina Timoshenkova”, Videomost, Russia Today, 09/27/2017, URL: https: // V = G45gaSjCapE

    “About the political system and Angela Merkel told the studio: Ekaterina Timoshenkova”, Radio Mayak, 05/03/2018, URL: https: //

    Ekaterina Timoshenkova on the situation in Germany. Iron logic with Sergei Mikheev Vesti FM, 11/27/2017, URL: https: // V = 3bN3PXHRZks

    Guests in the studio: Ekaterina Timoshenkova - Deputy Head of the Center for German Studies. Interview, Vesti FM, 27.04.2018, URL: https: // V = _z6Yf_gVrHw

    Ekaterina Timoshenkova: Merkel has no real rivals. Iron logic with Sergei Mikheev, Vesti FM, 22.09.17, URL: https: // V = 4VZt3rQssyw

    Elections in Germany. Ekaterina Timoshenkova in the program "Abroad", Russian News Service, November 22, 2016, URL: https: // V = yX9Or05z_ug

  • Membership in scientific associations:
    Member of Board of the Society «Russia and Germany»
  • Foreign languages:
    • german, english
  • Contacts:

    Phone: +7 (495) 692-20-65

    E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.