institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Europe after Donald Trump's victory

  • 08 February 2017
On February 8, 2017, Vladimir Sсhveytzer, Head of IE RAS Department of social and political studies, Boris Guseletov, leading scientific associate of the Department and Ekaterina Timoshenkova, deputy Head of IE RAS Centre for German studies participated in the discussion on future leaders of Europe at the program «Pravo Golosa», TVCentre channel.
The experts discussed situation in Europe after Donald Trump coming to the presidential post in the USA and after the UK’s decision to leave the EU. Other topics of discussion included possible vectors of EU-US and EU-Russia relations as well as the relations between key European countries and the fight for leadership within the EU.
Vladimir Schveytzer remarked that the average Western voter primarily takes into account the changes in his or her quality of life during the previous electoral period before making his or her political choice. Ekaterina Timoshenkova highlighted possible outcomes of Germany's parliamentary elections. Boris Guseletov said that despite the society's fatigue of the current elites in Germany and France, it is highly probable that representatives of these elites (Angela Merkel or Martin Schulz in Germany, François Fillon or Emmanuel Marcon in France) will win the upcoming elections.

Europe after Donald Trump's victory Europe after Donald Trump's victory Europe after Donald Trump's victory Europe after Donald Trump's victory Europe after Donald Trump's victory