institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Presentation of the monograph on Ukraine

  • 29 May 2017
On May 29, 2017, IE RAS Center for Ukrainian studies and Head of Department of Speech Arts of MSU Arts faculty Dr. О.S. Кrukova (author) presented the monograph «Romantic image of Ukraine in the Russian literature of the ХIХ century» («Nauka» publishing house, 2016).
Greeting the participants, Vice-President of the Russian association of Ukrainian studies, Head of IE RAS Center for Ukrainian studies, Editor-in-chief of «Contemporary Europe» journal V.I. Mironenko said that the monograph «introduces a few bright colorful touches in the quite dull picture of the modern Russian Ukrainian studies». This book, as well as other recent profound studies, devoted to Ukraine, marks the rising interest of Russian scientists to its history and its current complex, and sometimes tragic, social and political processes.
О.S. Krukova stated that the book is a part of the comprehensive work, conducted by the author and her colleagues, to develop the studies of literature in conjunction with political science, helping people to build relations and better understand representatives of other cultures within and beyond their country.


Presentation of the monograph on Ukraine