institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

X Convent of Russian association of international studies (RAIS)

  • 08 December 2016
On December 8, 2016, IE RAS associates took part in X Convent of Russian association of international studies (RAIS) «25 years in Russian foreign policy» in MGIMO University.

The convent gathered leading Russian and foreign scientists who analyzed the development and achievements of Russian foreign policy over 25 years, foreign strategy of Russia in the modern world. IE RAS along with Institute of linguistic, civilizational and migration processes (ILCMP) of «Russkiy Mir» foundation conducted the session «Migration processes in Europe: challenges and prospects». Moderator Dr. О.Y. Potemkina (Head of IE RAS Department of European integration research) suggested two sets of problems: European approach to the migration situation in Europe, including the new trends in legal migration regulation and integration of migrants and the European countries that accept the massive inflow of refugees. ILCMP was represented by reports on the Russian vision of migration problems of О.S. Chudinovskih, Head of Lab Sector on Economics of population and demography of Lomonosov MSU economic faculty, Е.А. Оmelchenko, Dean of International education faculty of Moscow Institute of open education, Chairman of Commission on science and education of National Affairs Council of Moscow Government, L.А. Bukalerova, Head of Criminal law department of PFUR.

Country viewpoints were represented in reports of К.V. Vlasova, V.V. Vorotnikova, А.А. Gabarda, P.Е. Kandel, Е.P. Timoshenkova, S.М. Fedorov. The subject of intellectual migration was covered by N.V. Govorova. The convent discussed the most acute aspects of migration processes in the EU in general, its member-states and regions and Russia. The participants considered the prospects of political, social and economic situation in the region influenced by massive inflow of refugees, as well as parameters and problems of legal labor migration.



X Convent of Russian association of international studies (RAIS) X Convent of Russian association of international studies (RAIS) X Convent of Russian association of international studies (RAIS) X Convent of Russian association of international studies (RAIS)