institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Mironenko Victor

Mironenko Victor
  • Date of birth: 07.06.53
  • Place of birth: Chernigov, Ukraine
  • Scientific degree: Candidate of Science (History)
  • Education:
    1975, National University «Collegium of T.G. Shevchenko», Chernigov, Ukraine Historical faculty
  • Postgraduate:
    Moscow Social and Humanitarian Academy
  • Candidate dissertation:
    Evolution of Komsomol in the Perestroika years (1985 - 1990)
  • Position:
    Leading Researcher, Division of Country Studies, Head, Centre of Ukrainian Studies
  • Professional activities:
    1975 - 1977 - Lecturer, National University «Collegium of T.G. Shevchenko», Chernigov, Ukraine
    1977-1991 - work in the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League:
    1983-1986 - First Secretary of the Ukrainian All-Union Leninist Young Communist League Central Committee;
    1986-1990 - First Secretary of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League Central Committee;
    1985 - 1988 - Candidate for the Central Committee of CPSU;
    1988 - 1991 - Member of the Central Committee of CPSU;
    1986 - 1989 - Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of USSR;
    1989 - 1991 - People’s Deputy of the USSR;
    1990 - 1991 - First Deputy of the Department of the Central Committee of the CPSU;
    1991 - Secretary of the Committee on International Affairs of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR;
    1991 - 2004 - State Service and Political Activity:
    1991 - 1994 - Counsellor of the Government of the Moscow Region;
    1992 - 1994 - Chairman of the executive committee of the All-russian Union «Renewal» (Civic Union);
    1994 - 1997 - Executive Director of the Foundation for the 200th anniversary of A.S. Pushkin;
    1996 - Counsellor, Chief of the Election Staff of M. Gorbachev on the election of the President of the Russian Federation;
    1997 - 2001 - Moscow Humanities University: Lecturer, Head of the UNESCO Centre «Youth for a Culture of Peace»;
    1999 - 2001 - Russian United Social Democratic Party, member of the Political Council, Secretary for International Relations;
    2001 - 2004 - Social Democratic Party of Russia, Secretary-Coordinator;
    2004 - to date - Institute of Europe RAS, Leading Researcher;
    2007 - 2019- Editor-in-chief of the magazine «Contemporary Europe»;
    2008 - to date - Head of the Ukrainian Research Center.
  • Scope of scientific interests:
    Scope of scientific interests: the newest history of Ukraine, Europe – Ukraine relations
  • Total number of publications:
    over 200
  • Major publications:

    For full list, see the bibliography in Russian.

    Виктор Мироненко. Первый год президента Зеленского. Современная Европа, №5, 2020. С. 121 - 131. / Victor Mironenko. Ukraine. The first year of President Zelensky. Contemporary Europe, #5, 2020  . PP. 121 - 131.

    Виктор Мироненко. Украина и ЕС. О некоторых аспектах украинской евроинтеграции в 2014 - 2019 гг. Современная Европа, 2019, №5. С. 23 - 34.  / Victor Mironenkoю Ukraine and the EU. Some Aspects of Ukrainian European Integration in 2014‒2019. Contemporary Europe, #5, 2019  . PP.23 - 34.

    Виктор Мироненко. О некоторых аспектах евроинтеграции Украины в 1991 - 2014 гг. Современная Европа, 2018, №4. С. 68 - 79. / Victor Mironenko. Ukraine and the EU. Some Aspects of Ukrainian European Integration in 1991‒2014. Contemporary Europe, #4, 2018  . PP.68 - 79.

    Виктор Мироненко. О некоторых аспектах ежегодного послания Президента Украины Петра Порошенко. Современная Европа, №1 2017 / Victor Mironenko. On Some Aspects of the Annual Address of Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko. Contemporary Europe, #1, 2017 . PP.143 - 147.

    Виктор Мироненко. Уроки украинского кризиса: взгляд изнутри. Современная Европа, №5 ,2016  СС. 141 - 148 / Victor Mironenko. Lessons from the Ukrainian crisis: an inward look. Contemporary Europe, #5, 2016 . PP.141 - 148.

    Abstract. Review of Nikolay Azarov’s book "Ukraine at a crossroads. Notes by the Prime Minister". Moscow Veche, 2015. 512 s.

    Виктор Мироненко. Революция обманутых надежд. Современная Европа, №2, 2015, С. 131 - 143. / Victor Mironenko. Ukraine: Revolution of Frustrated Hopes. Contemporary Europe, #5, 2016 . PP. 131 - 143.

    Мироненко В.И. Украинский транзит. Опыт ситуационного ана- лиза = Ukrainian transit. Situation analysis experience : [монография] / В.И. Мироненко. – М. : Ин-т Европы РАН , 2020. – 98 с. – (Доклады Института Европы = Reports of the Institute of Europe / Федеральное гос. бюджетное учреждение науки Ин-т Европы Российской акад. наук ; No 377)

    1.     Report to the ХХth Congress of
    the Young Communist League of USSR. М.: «Molodaya gvardia», 1987.

    2.     Russian-Ukrainian relations in 1991 – 2001. Historiographical essay. М., 2004. 162 p.

    3.     Discovery of Ukraine. Political anatomy of the «orange revolution». «Contemporary Europe» journal. IE RAS – 2005. - №2.

    4.     On the way to «the fifth republic»: Ukraine after the «orange revolution». «Vlast» magazine. – 2005. №12.

    5.     Patriot games. «Profile» magazine (Ukraine). – 2006. – August.

    6.     Ukraine: on the way to «the fifth republic». Some results of the «orange revolution». «Contemporary Europe» journal. – 2006. - №3.

    7.     Images of Russia in Ukraine: some peculiarities of formation. «Otechestvenniye zapiski» journal, - 2006. – April.

    8.     Russia and Ukraine. Conflict Potential. «Vestnik Europy» journal. XXVI-XXVII. P. 40-57

    9.      Symbol of the victory not gained.  Russia in global politics. Т.7. №6. November-December. 2009. P. 164-174.

    10.   Russia puts in for too long... «Contemporary Europe» journal, №2 (42) April-July 2010.

    11.  Selected problems of Russian historical Ukrainian studies / First conference of Russian association of Ukrainian studies: Materials of the scientific and practical conference. Moscow, RSUH, November 10, 2010. М.: RSUH, 2011. P. 106-112.

    12.  Russian political influence in Ukraine in 1991-2010 / Reports of IE RAS №273. М., 2011.

    13. Russian political influence in Ukraine: prerequisites and conditions. «Istoriya v podrobnostyakh» journal. №10(40) October 2013. P. 84-92

    Ukraine in 1945 - 2011 / History of Ukraine. – SPb.: Aleteya, 2015.

    15. EU - Ukraine / European Union in search of its global role / Ed. by Аl. А. Gromyko, М.G. Nosov. - М.: Ves Mir, 2015.

  • Awards:
    orders of USSR, Ukraine
  • Foreign languages:
    • English, Ukrainian
  • Contacts: Phone: +7 (495) 692-23-12; E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.