institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Bisson Lyubov Sergeevna

Bisson Lyubov Sergeevna
  • Date of birth: 16.07.86
  • Scientific degree: PhD (Political Science)
  • Education:
    MGIMO University, BA in Political Science and MA in Regional Studies
  • Position:
    senior scientific researcher at the Department of European integration studies
  • Professional activities:
    2009-2010 – Assistant to director of SAMU social Moscou
    2012-2013 – Assistant to Head of USRBC's Representation in the RF
    2019-2020 – associate professor, School of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
    2010 – present Institute of Europe RAS, senior scientific researcher at the Department of European integration studies (earlier: scientific researcher)
  • Scope of scientific interests:
    Migration Studies, Integration Studies, European integration, EU migration policy, EU social policy, EU-Russia relations, EU foreign policy
  • Total number of publications:
    More than 25 publications including a monograph, book chapters and articles in leading Russian journals like MEiMO and Sovremennaya Evropa.
  • Major publications:
    Selected publications in Russian

    Legal migration governance in the European Union. Monograph. Moscow. 150 p. ISBN 978-5-98163-158-0.DOI:
    The monograph presents a comprehensive analysis of stages and principles of the supranational component’s evolution in the common EU migration policy, which was strengthened by the Lisbon Treaty. The author pays special attention to the political and legal aspects, methods and instruments, as well as the external dimension of migration management in the European Union.
    The EU's New Strategy for Africa: in Search of a Genuine Partnership
    Contemporary Europe, 2020, No 3, pp.39-50. DOI:
    The article analyzes the prospects of the new EU strategy for Africa. The author highlights the strengthening of the discourse of equal partnership on the part of the EU. The author explains the partial departure of the EU from the principle of conditionality in relations with the African states and stresses that in order to achieve its competitive advantage in the region the EU needs to support more actively the connectivity agenda and infrastructure projects.
    Islam and the Republic in France
    Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS, 2020, No 2, pp.117-122. DOI:
    The article looks into the place of Islam in France through the prism of republican values that have formed the modern French state. The growth in the number of Muslims in the country, both among citizens and due to immigration, raises new questions for the Republic such as to what extent the peaceful existence of a growing Muslim community within a secular state is possible considering that Islam draws no division between public and private life. In the long run it will depend on whether laïcité is understood as an autonomy, rather than the complete exclusion of religion from the public sphere.
    European Integration: A Restart of the Idea of “Social Europe”
    Contemporary Europe, 2019, No 3, pp.5-17 (with Yuri Borko). DOI:
    The article considers the contradictions in the development of the social dimension of European integration and identifies ways to overcome the asymmetry between the market development and social progress. Looking into the dynamics of social rights harmonization in the EU, the authors identify several stages of activation of the idea of “Social Europe”. The authors conclude that the European social model is undergoing redesigning and the consequences of the crisis will only strengthen the need for more coordinated action in social policy at supranational level.
    Implementation of “Civil Citizenship Concept” in European Union Migration Policy
    Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS, 2019, No 6, pp.86-91. DOI:
    The article addresses to the problem of integration of third-country nationals in the European Union, the author provides a detailed analysis of the development of the concept of «civic citizenship» and highlights the role of supranational institutions (the Commission and the CJEU) in promoting the uniform application of the Directive 2003/109/EC and guaranteeing the rights of legal immigrants in the EU. The author notes that the EU long-term resident status can be considered as a step towards a post-national form of membership in the host community that overcomes the restrictive nature of national citizenship.
    (for full list, see the bibliography in Russian)
    Selected publications in foreign languages

    “Cooperation between Russia and the EU in the sphere of migration” in Russian Politics and Law. 2014. Vol. 52. No 6. pp. 76-93. DOI:
    Politique de l’immigration en Russie : nouveaux enjeux et outils. IFRI, Russie.Nei.Visions n° 91, janvier 2016. 23p. (ISBN 978-2-36567-514-7)

    РИНЦ Author ID: 628028  (spin-код: 9015-1800)

    ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6082-2730

    Scopus Author ID:  56769317600

    WoS Researcher ID: Z-3844-2019


  • Foreign languages:
    • English, French
  • Contacts:

    Phone: + 7 495 692 20 15 

    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.