Education: Ural Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Metallurgy, 1972-1977.
Postgraduate: Ural Polytechnic Institute, 1979-1983.
Candidate dissertation: "Development, research and implementation of hot rolling technology for electrical products made of copper and its alloys on a wide range of mills", Ural Polytechnic Institute, 1983.
Doctoral dissertation: "The problem of institutionalization of social-democratic and socialist parties in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS", Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2013.
Position: Leading Researcher of the Department of Social and Political Studies
Professional activities: 1977 -1985-Researcher, Ural Polytechnic Institute.
1986 -1991-Associate Professor, Sverdlovsk Engineering and Pedagogical Institute.
1992-2000-Vice-Rector, Ural Academy of Public Administration.
2001-2003-Deputy Chairman of the Russian United Social Democratic Party.
2004-2012-Professor of the Department of Political Science and Sociology, Russian State University of Trade and Economics.
From 2009 to the present-Head of the Center for International Projects and Programs of the Fair World Institute.
2012-2016-Assistant to the Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
2014-present-Leading Researcher in the Department of Social and Political Studies at the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Scope of scientific interests: International relations, the party and political system of the EU and CIS countries, the political institutions of the European Union, the international socialist movement;
prospects for the development of social-democratic and socialist parties in the EU and CIS countries.
Major publications:
- Guseletov B. P. Social-democratic movement today. The Socialist International: the History of its Creation, Goals, Tasks, and main areas of activity (pp. 323-346). On the Party of European Socialists (pes) and its faction in the European Parliament (pp. 347-364). Social-democracy in Modern Russia (pp. 365-391). In the book "Actual social-democracy in the XXI century. - Moscow: Klyuch-S, 2009-392 p. (Library of the Institute of the Just World: issue 12). [Electronic resource]. URL: _xxi_veka.pdf.
- Guseletov B. P., Velikaya N. M. Social-democratic and socialist parties in the CIS countries: institutionalization, practices, prospects. - Moscow: MGIMO University Publishing House; 2011. - 249 p.: ill. ISBN 978-5-9228-0779-1.
- Guseletov B. P. Formation of social-democratic and socialist parties in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS: ideological and political self-identification within the framework of the modern world socialist movement/ Moscow: Publishing House of the RGTEU University; 2011. 163 p.: ill. ISBN 978-5-87827-443-2.
- Guseletov B. P. Lessons of Russian social democracy in the XX-XXI centuries. Social reformism and radical social transformations. - Historical debates of the Social Democrats of Germany and Russia / Ed. Rudolf Traub-Merz. Moscow: Politicheskaya Entsiklopediya, 2015. P. 123-136. (Lehren aus der Gesghichte der russischen Sozialdemokratie Und im 21. Jahrhundert. Sozialreformismus und radikale gesellschaftliche Transformation – Historische Debatten in der Sozialdemokratie in Deutschland und Russland / Hrsg. Von Rudolf Traub-Merz. MOSKAU: Politische Enzyklopadie, 2015. P. 123-136). ISBN 978-5-8243-1950-7.
- Guseletov B. P., Velikaya N. M. Social-democracy in the post-Soviet countries: challenges and hopes. Monograph. - M. Publishing House Klyuch-S: 2015. - 219 p.: ill. ISBN 978-5-906751-13-3.
- Guseletov B. P. On the role and place of Russia in the emerging system of international relations. The European dimension of 2015. Collection of scientific articles. articles edited by S. N. Baburin and Z. A. Stankevich. M.: Book World, European Institute JUSTO, 2015. pp. 317-337.
- Guseletov B. P. Russian experience of political modernization: lessons of the past and challenges of the future. In the book. The European dimension of 2016. Collection of scientific works under the general editorship of S. N. Baburin and Z. A. Stankevich. - M.: Book World, European Institute JUSTO, 2016, p. 203-8
- Guseletov B. P. Russian Revolution: some results in connection with the centennial anniversary. In the book. The European dimension of 2017. Collection of scientific works under the general editorship of S. N. Baburin and Z. A. Stankevich. - M.: Book World, European Institute JUSTO, 2017.
- Guseletov B. The role and place of BRICS in the context of globalization. China National Institute of Global Strategy, CASN. Coordination of development strategies of the BRICS: the path to shared prosperity. International report on joint research. No. 3. 08.2017. pp. 28-38. ISBN 978-7-5201-0500-9.
- Guseletov B. Questions of domestic and foreign policy in the work of the European Parliament/ Europe 2017: parties, elections, power. Reports of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, No. 353, Moscow, 2018, pp. 119-130. ISBN 978-5-98163. URL: uploads/doklad/353. pdf.
- Guseletov B. Eurosceptics on the eve of the next elections to the European Parliament/ "Parties and movements of political alternatives in modern Europe". Reports of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, No. 357, Moscow, 2018, pp. 29-35. ISBN 978-5-98163-109-2. URL:
- Guseletov B. Chapter 5. Attitude to the problem of sovereignty of the leading Pan-European political parties and their factions in the European Parliament. pp. 48-60. Protection of state sovereignty-the experience of the European Union and European countries: [monograph] / [V. B. Belov et al.; ed. V. B. Belov]; Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - Moscow: IE RAS, publishing house "All the World", 2018. – 204 p. – ISBN 978-5-98163-123-08 (IE RAS); ISBN 978-5-7777-0759-8 (All the World). URL:
- Guseletov B. P. The new composition of the European Parliament: forecasts and results. pp. 26-29. In the book. European Parliament elections 2019: national responses to the challenges of European integration. Edited by Yu. D. Kvashnin, A. K. Kudryavtsev, N. S. Plevako, V. Ya. Schweitzer-M. IMEMO RAS, IE RAS. 2019. pp. 26-29. DOI: 10.20542/978-5-9535-0559-8.
- Guseletov B. P. Experience of mutual exchange of Western and Asian values, especially in the field of humanitarian education and social life, and its applicability for a single humanity-global citizenship and a common future. pp. 522-532. In the book. Reflection on the World Philosophy Day 2019. Edited by N. M. N. Muhammad. Publishing house of the Institute of Entrepreneurship of the University of Malaysia Kelantan. Kuala Lumpur. 2019. ISBN 978-967-17655-0-0.
- Guseletov B. P. Prospects for the development of cooperation between the European Union, the Russian Federation and China. pp. 95-110. Central and Eastern Europe between the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union: prospects for Competition and cooperation. Scientific editors T. Stempniewski, Z. Stankiewicz, and A. Shabatsiuk, Institute of Central Europe in Lublin, Witte University of Moscow. Institute of Central Europe in Lublin, 2019. ISBN 978-83-66413-11-5.
- Guseletov B. P. Chapter 15. On the influence of the political factions of the European Parliament on the formation of the European Commission/ Coalition government in modern Europe: chances and risks. Reports of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, No. 347, Moscow, 2020, pp. 116-123 ISBN 978-5-98163-163-4. URL: DOI:
Articles reports at conferences
- Guseletov B. P. Reformation of relations between state authorities and local self-government bodies in countries with different forms of statehood: stages, models, problems. Official Magazine, No. 1, 1998. [Electronic resource]. URL: Id=195.
- Guseletov B. P. Decentralization of power in the conditions of the formation of Russian federalism: problems and prospects, pp. 51-76. In: Federalism and Decentralization. Yekaterinburg. Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1998, 416 p.
- Guseletov B. P. Prospects for the development of relations between Russia and the European Union: a political aspect. Proceedings of the International Conference "Partnership of the state and Civil Society in the Implementation of Administrative, Political and Educational Reforms in Russia", URAGS, Yekaterinburg, p. 51-53, 2007.
- Guseletov B. P. Results of the elections to the European Parliament. Online magazine "Socialist". 08.06.2009 g. [Electronic resource]. URL: 285.html.
- Velikaya N. M., Guseletov B. P. Global social-democracy in the context of globalization. Bulletin of the RSUH. series " Philosophy. Sociology", № 3 (46)/10, Moscow, 2010, pp. 59-74. URL:
- Velikaya N. M., Guseletov B. P. Formation of social-democracy in modern Russia. Journal of Social-Democratic Thought, No. 4, pp. 24-41, 2010. N. Wielikaja, B. Gusieletow. Ksztaltowanie sie soclaldemokracji we wspolczesnej Rosji. “Mysl socjaldemokratyczna”. № 4, 2010.
- Guseletov B. P. Features of the process of institutionalization of socialist and social-democratic parties in the CIS countries. Bulletin of MGIMO University. No. 1, pp. 181-189, 2011. [URL: _content&view= article&id=419
- Guseletov B. P. Development of a dialogue between political groups in the European Parliament and Russian parties. The European Union: new problems, solutions, and prospects. Part II. Russia and the European Union: complex cooperation/ [ed. by V. P. Fedorov (ed.) and others]. - Moscow: Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Rus. Souvenir, 2010. - 120 p. - (Reports of the Institute of Europe = Reports of the Institute of Europe RAS; No. 261). - Paral. tit. L. Eng.pp. 90-96.
- Guseletov B. P. Comparative analysis of the processes of formation and development of socialist and social-democratic parties in Central and Eastern Europe (late XIX-late XX centuries). Bulletin of Russian state University of Economics. No. 2 (51), pp. 140-153, Moscow, 2011. URL: Vestnik/DocLib4/2011%20year/Vestnik%20RGTEU%20№2%20(51).pdf.
- Guseletov B. P. Successes and failures of the Social International in Central and Eastern Europe. Journal "Modern Europe", No. 2, pp. 37-44, 2011. [Electronic resource]. URL:
- Guseletov B. P. The influence of the Socialist International on the process of formation of social democracy in the CIS countries. Political expertise: POLITEX. Scientific journal. Volume 7. No. 3. pp. 137-152. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg University, 2011.
- Guseletov B. P. Comparative analysis of the process of formation and identification of social-democratic and socialist parties in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS within the framework of the modern world socialist movement. Bulletin of MGIMO University. No. 6, pp. 161-169, 2011. URL: index.php?option=com_content& view=article&id= 699.
- Guseletov B. P. Results of the 2012 elections in the countries of the former socialist camp. The Socialists are coming back. Scientific and analytical journal "CITIZEN. ELECTIONS. POWER", appendix to the journal "Bulletin of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation", No. 1, pp. 177-192. January-June, 2013.
- Guseletov B. P. Internal political situation in Russia after the last presidential and parliamentary elections and the role of leading political parties in the country's foreign policy. Materials of the international scientific conference "Russia and China: Dialogue of Civilizations". Institute of Russian Language and Institute of Russian Studies of Heilongjiang University and the Chinese Association for the Study of Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Harbin, September 21-22, 2013
- Guseletov B. P. " The Social Democrats and the European People's Party have almost equal chances in the elections of deputies of the European Parliament." The Website Of The Institute "Fair World". 17.04.2014. URL: _guseletov.pdf.
- Guseletov B. P. "The influence of the Silk Road Economic Belt on the development of relations between Russia and China". Proceedings of the International Scientific Forum of Think Tanks of twelve countries. Construction and prospects of the Silk Road Economic Belt. Beijing People's University, Beijing, China, June 27-28, 2014
- Guseletov B. P. Development of political dialogue in the post-Soviet space as a factor of strengthening security: the role and position of Russia. In the book " Security of the Post-Soviet space: new challenges and threats". Series "Oriental Studies" of the Institute of Central and Eastern Europe. (Scientific edition of Z. Stankiewicz, T. Stempniewski, A. Abacuc). John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin Publishing House. Institute of Central and Eastern Europe in Lublin, Lublin-Moscow. 2014.
- Guseletov B. P. Preparation for the elections to the European Parliament and their results. European Parliament elections 2014: results and prospects: collection of articles / [ed. Col.: V. Ya. Schweitzer (ed.), B. P. Guseletov, N. S. Plevako]. - Moscow: IE RAS. 2014. - 224 p. - (Library of the Institute "Fair World" / Federal State Budget. Institute of Science of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of "Just World"; Issue 34).
- Guseletov B. P. Preparation for the elections to the European Parliament and their results. European Parliament elections 2014: results and prospects: collection of articles / [ed. Col.: V. Ya. Schweitzer (ed.), B. P. Guseletov, N. S. Plevako]. - Moscow: IE RAS. 2014. - 224 p. - (Library of the Institute "Fair World" / Federal State Budget. Institute of Science of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of "Just World"; Issue 34).
- Guseletov B. P. Socialist alternative to the neoliberal model of globalization-reality or utopia? (The socialist alternative to the neoliberal model for globalization-reality or utopia? In Bulgarian). Ponedelnik. Journal of Theory, Politics, and Culture. Sofia. 2014. No. 11/12. pp. 7-20.
- Guseletov B. P. Russian experience of political modernization: lessons of the past and challenges of the future. In the book. New reforms in China. The role of the party. Materials of the international conference "Party and World Dialogue 2014". May 2015. ISBN 978-7-5117-2656-8. Central Compilation&Translation Press. S. 103-109.
- Guseletov B. P. Post-Soviet space: prospects for transformation and the impact of the international security system. Nano World magazine. Volume 1, Issue 2. 2015. P. 51-69. URL:
- Guseletov B. P. Ideas of sustainable development in the world social-democratic thought and practice. Socio-political transformation in modern Russia: Search for a model of sustainable development: a collection of articles / In-t "Just World", Russian Assoc. polit. science, the Foundation of them. Friedrich Ebert, Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences; [ed. Col.: L. I. Nikovskaya (ed.), V. N. Shevchenko, V. N. Yakimets]. - Moscow: Klyuch-S, p. 37-41. 2015. - 542 p.
- Guseletov B. P. Transformation of the party-political landscape in the EU countries in the post-crisis period (on the example of Germany and Great Britain). International scientific journal of Communication. NO. 4-4. 2016, pp. 31-41. URL:
- Guseletov B. P. Elections to the European Parliament in Poland in 2004-2014: results, trends, prospects (in English)/ Collection of articles and reports of the International Scientific Conference "Program evolution of the main political parties in Poland in 2014-2016", held on September 4-5, 2016 within the framework of the European Commission research project "Transformation of the party-political system in the EU countries in the post-crisis period", Jean Monnet project of the Erasmus + program, No. 565531-EPP-1-2015-1-RU-EPPJMO-PROJECT. Higher School of International Relations and Social Communications, Helm. 2016. pp. 49-67.
- Guseletov B. P. The results of the parliamentary elections in Russia in 2016 and their impact on the further development of the country. (in Chinese). Russian Studies. Journal of Heilongjiang University. No. 1, pp. 10-16.
- Guseletov B. P. Transformation of the party-political system in the EU countries in the post-crisis period (results). Journal "Modern Europe", No. 3, pp. 154-156, 2017. URL:
- Guseletov B. P. Results of the implementation of the Jean Monnet project of the Erasmus + EU program " Transformation of the party and political landscape in the EU countries in the post-crisis period. Transformation of the party-political landscape in the EU countries in the context of the crisis. Part I. Executive editor B. P. Guseletov. Reports of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, No. 337, 2017, pp. 7-13. ISBN 978-5-98163-084-2. URL: images/uploads/doklad/337. pdf
- Guseletov B. P. The Russian Revolution: some results in connection with the centenary. In the book. The European dimension of 2017. Collection of scientific works under the general editorship of S. N. Baburin and Z. A. Stankevich. - M.: Book World, European Institute JUSTO, 2017.
- Guseletov B. P. Updating the party-political landscape in the EU countries following the results of the 2003-2016 elections: trends and prospects. Transformation of the party-political landscape in the EU countries in the context of the crisis. Part I. Executive editor B. P. Guseletov. Reports of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, No. 337, Moscow, 2017, pp. 121-131. ISBN 978-5-98163-084-2. URL:
- Guseletov B. P. Results of the presidential elections in the Czech Republic. Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the IE RAS, No. 1, 2018. pp. 16-21. URL: images/guseletov_ presidential election_in_chehia. pdf.
- Guseletov B. P. The results of the parliamentary elections in the Czech Republic: the success of the populists and the failure of the Social Democrats. Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the IE RAS, No. 1, 2018. pp. 28-37. URL: / guseletov_parliament_election_chehia. pdf
- Guseletov B. P. Results of the parliamentary elections in Italy. Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the IE RAS, No. 1, 2018. pp. 55-69. URL: images/guseletov_parliament_election_in_ital_. pdf.
- Guseletov B. P. Elections 2017 in the EU countries: general and special. Journal "Modern Europe", No. 2, pp. 154-156, 2018. URL:
- Guseletov B. P. Parliamentary elections in the Czech Republic: the balance of political forces. Europe 2017: Parties, elections, power. Reports of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, No. 353, Moscow, 2018, pp. 102-107. ISBN 978-5-98163. URL:
- Guseletov B. Questions of domestic and foreign policy in the work of the European Parliament. Reports of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, No. 353, Moscow, 2018, pp. 119-130. ISBN 978-5-98163. URL:
- Guseletov B. Relations between the European Union and China at the present stage. Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the IE RAS, No. 4, 2018. pp. 28-35. URL: 0%B5%D1%82%D0% BE%D0%Bpdf
- Guseletova E. L., Vishnevskaya S., Kusseh H., Guseletov B. P. Improving teaching in higher education in Russia and China on the basis of European experience. Kazan Pedagogical Journal, No. 5. 2018. URL: - 5_2018_verstka _ispr. pdf
- Guseletov B. P. Slovenia: the results of the parliamentary elections in 2018 The EUROPEAN UNION: FACTS AND COMMENTS (Electronic edition). MOSCOW, October 2018. p. 5-13. URL:
- Guseletov B. P. Eurosceptics on the eve of the next elections to the European Parliament. "Political Alternative Parties and Movements in modern Europe". Reports of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, No. 357, Moscow, 2018, pp. 29-35. ISBN 978-5-98163-109-2. URL:
- Guseletov B. On the prospects of moderate Eurosceptic parties in the upcoming Pan-European elections of 2019. Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the IE RAS, No. 5, 2018. pp. 95-102. URL: D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B21. pdf.
- Guseletov B. On the prospects of radical Eurosceptic political parties in the upcoming pan-European elections in 2019 Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the IE RAS, No. 5, 2018. pp. 110-114. URL: %D0%B3%D1%83%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B. pdf
- Guseletov B. Pan-European elections of 2019: preliminary forecasts and possible prospects. Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the IE RAS, No. 6, 2018. pp. 47-53. URL: 81%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B2_6_2018. pdf.
- Guseletov B. European elections 2019: program approaches and electoral prospects of the leading Pan-European parties. Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the IE RAS, No. 2, 2019. pp. 44-51. URL:
- Guseletov B. European elections 2019: regional aspect. Proceedings of the Ural Federal University. Series 3. Social Sciences 2019. Vol. 14. no. 2 (188). pp. 211-213. URL: izvestia/2019/Izvestija_ serija_3_2019_2_188__bib. pdf
- Guseletov B. Preliminary results of the European elections 2019. Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the IE RAS, No. 3, 2019. pp. 44-51. URL:
- Guseletov B. Prospects for the development of relations between the Russian Federation and the European Union in the field of education and science (in English). "Research of international cooperation in the practice of teaching and learning in the system of higher education" / / Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference (Kazan, October 16-17, 2018) / / Edited by D. ped. n., prof. Tregubova T. M., Master of Public Administration Guseletova E. L.-Kazan, Print-Service XXI century, 2019. - 319 p., p. 13-28.
- Guseletov B. P. Slovenia: the results of the parliamentary elections in 2018. THE EUROPEAN UNION: FACTS AND COMMENTS (Electronic edition). Moscow, October 2018. p. 5-13. URL:
- Guseletov B. On the prospects of moderate Eurosceptic parties in the upcoming Pan-European elections of 2019. Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the IE RAS, No. 5, 2018. pp. 95-102. URL: %D0%B3%D1%83%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%BE%D0% B21. pdf.
- Guseletov B. On the prospects of radical Eurosceptic political parties in the upcoming pan-European elections in 2019 Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the IE RAS, No. 5, 2018. pp. 110-114. URL: %81%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B22. pdf.
- Guseletov B. Pan-European elections of 2019: preliminary forecasts and possible prospects. Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the IE RAS, No. 6, 2018. pp. 47-53. URL: B3%D1%83%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%Bpdf. DOI:10.15211/VESTNIKIERAN620184754
- Guseletov B. European elections 2019: program approaches and electoral prospects of the leading Pan-European parties. Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the IE RAS, No. 2, 2019. pp. 44-51. URL: DOI:15211/VESTNIKIERAN220194451
- Guseletov B. European elections 2019: regional aspect. Proceedings of the Ural Federal University. Series 3. Social Sciences 2019. Vol. 14. no. 2 (188). pp. 211-213. URL: izvestia/2019/ Izvestija serija_3_ pdf.
- Guseletov B. European elections 2019: statistics and forecasts. Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the IE RAS, No. 3, 2019. pp. 44-51. URL: DOI: 15211/VESTNIKIERAN320191116
- Guseletov B. P. The victory of the Social Democrats in Finland as the beginning of the revival of social democracy in Europe. THE EUROPEAN UNION: FACTS AND COMMENTS (Electronic edition). Moscow, March-May 2019. pp. 61-66. URL: DOI:
- Guseletov B. P. Political structure and governing bodies of the new European Parliament. THE EUROPEAN UNION: FACTS AND COMMENTS (Electronic edition). Moscow, June-August 2019. p. 15-23. URL: DOI:
- Guseletov B. Greece: SYRIZA is losing. What's next? Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the IE RAS, No. 5, 2019. pp. 43-48. URL: Guseletov52019. pdf. DOI:
- Guseletov B. P. The leadership of the European Union: changes following the results of the elections to the European Parliament in 2019. Journal "Modern Europe", No. 6, 2019, pp. 85-94. URL: DOI:
- Guseletov B. P. European social democracy: is there a chance for revival? Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the IE RAS, No. 6, 2019. pp. 43-48. URL: DOI:
- Guseletov B. P. The impact of the trade war between the United States and China on the European Union. The scientific journal VESTNIK RGGU. A series of "Eurasian studies. History. Political science. International relations". No. 3, 2019. p. 10-18. DOI: 10.28995/2073-6339-2019-3-10-18.
- Guseletov B. P. Autumn series of elections of 2019 in the EU countries: general and special. THE EUROPEAN UNION: FACTS AND COMMENTS (Electronic edition). Moscow, September-November 2019. pp. 70-76. URL: DOI:
- Guseletov B. P. Will the EPP retain its leadership in the political arena of Europe? Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the IE RAS, No. 1, 2020. pp. 36-42. URL: DOI: 120203642.
- Guseletov B. P. Will the European liberals be able to remain the third force in Europe? Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the IE RAS, No. 2, 2020. pp. 48-54. URL: DOI:
- Guseletov B. P. On the phenomenon of growing popularity of the European Green Party. Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the IE RAS, No. 3, 2020. pp. 55-61. URL: DOI: 320205561.
- Guseletov B. P. Relations between the EU and China against the background of the coronavirus pandemic. THE EUROPEAN UNION: FACTS AND COMMENTS (Electronic edition). Moscow, March-May 2020. pp. 143-149. URL: content/user_files/files/100. pdf. DOI:
- Guseletov B. P. The Party of European Conservatives and Reformists continues to fight with the European People's Party. Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the IE RAS, No. 4, 2020. pp. 43-50. URL: images/Guseletovpdf. DOI:
- Guseletov B. P. Formation of the Institute of Pan-European Political parties. Journal "Modern Europe", No. 4, 2020, pp. 133-143. URL: DOI:
- Guseletov B. P. On the position of the European Parliament and its factions on the seven-year budget of the European Union for 2021-2027. THE EUROPEAN UNION: FACTS AND COMMENTS (Electronic edition). Moscow, June-August 2020. S. 23-29. URL: DOI:
Guseletov B. P. Whether the Party of the European Left will return the ghost of communism to Europe. Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the IE RAS, No. 5, 2020. pp. 16-25. URL: DOI:
Guseletov B. P. Results of the European elections 2019: a new balance of power in the European Parliament and the European Commission, including the gender aspect // History and modern Worldview. Vol. 2. no. 4. 2020. p. 9-15. URL: DOI: 10.33693/2658-4654/-2020-2-4-9-15.
Guseletov B. P. Results of the Parliamentary elections in Lithuania. 17.12.2020. Analytical notes of the IE RAS. No. 45 (228). URL:
Guseletov B. P. On the prospects of the party "Identity and Democracy". Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the IE RAS, No. 6, 2020. pp. 66-73. URL: DOI:
Guseletov B. P. The Socialist International as an international political organization: the current state and prospects. M 43 International relations in the XX-XXI centuries: IV Champion Readings dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War and the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War: a collection of scientific papers. articles and messages. (Yekaterinburg, December 17-18, 2020) / Ed. and comp. O. S. Porshneva( ed.), A.V. Antoshin, Yu. M. Galkina. - Yekaterinburg: UMC UPI, 2020. ISBN 978-5-8295-0743-5.
Guseletov B. P. Results of the parliamentary elections in Romania. 27.12.2020. Analytical notes of the IE RAS. No. 46 (229). URL:
RSCI: SPIN code 1360-6779 Author ID: 899947
Web of Science: R-4354-2018
Scopus: ID 57202470741
ORCID: 0000-0001-6256-5013
Membership in scientific associations: Member of the editorial board of the international journal "NanoWorld".
Honorary title: Vice-President of the International Slavic Academy of Sciences, Education, Art and Culture (2015).
Senior Foreign Researcher at the Shongyang Institute of Financial Studies, People's University of China (2014).
Honorary Professor of the Heilongjiang Provincial Academy of Social Sciences (1999).
Honorary member of the All-China Academy of Social Sciences (1995).
Visiting Professor at the University of Luton (England) (2000) and the University of North Carolina (USA) (2001).
Room 109. Tel: + 7 495 629 5625; E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.