A new article «(Dis)integration processes: Vulnerabilities of a globalised world» by Alexey Gromyko, director of the Institute of Europe (Russian Academy of Sciences), is published by the DOC Research Institute. It is a part of a series the ‘Future of globalisation’, launched recently by DOC. https://doc-research.org/2020/06/disintegration-processes-vulnerabilities-globalised-world/

Kira Godovanyuk .The Battle 7of Brexit: The House of Commons vs Boris Johnson. 10.09.2019. URL: http://valdaiclub.com/a/highlights/the-battle-of-brexit-the-house-of-commons-vs-boris/
Yelena Ananyeva. Second Prime Minister Falls Victim to Brexit. How Long Will the Third Last? 29.07.2019/ http://valdaiclub.com/a/highlights/second-prime-minister-falls-victim-to-brexit/
Vladislav Belov. PRAGMATISM IN ACTION: WHAT TO EXPECT FROM THE PUTIN-MERKEL SUMMIT. URL: http://valdaiclub.com/a/highlights/merkel-putin-summit-germany/
English version of «International affairs» journal published the article of IE RAS Head of British studies E.V. Ananieva «Brexit: Prehistory and Reasons». Elena ANANIEVA. Brexit: prehistory and reasons. International Affairs: A Russian Journal of World Politics, Diplomacy and International Relations. 64 (2), 2018. P:95-105
French presidential election results in comments of IE RAS associates
On May 8, 2017, Head of IE RAS Department of social and political studies V.Y. Schveytzer and leading scientific associate of the Department S.V. Fedorov gave interviews to Vesti FM radio on French presidential election results.
https://radiovesti.ru/brand/61177/episode/1499259/ Review of S.А. Roginko of “Modern Germany: Economy and Politics” monograph
