Collective monograph series: The Old World – the New Times
These series of collective monograph studies of countries and regions of Europe were launched in 2007 with focus on multidimensional changes that took place in Europe in the last 25 years. These changes are of great importance to Russia, since they relate to our closest and most significant neighbors, and thus directly influence the development of Russia itself. The first three books of the series (2007) provoked considerable public and scientific interest, ensured by the following releases of two books in 2008, which in turn urged the Institute to extend the series framework, now providing for more than ten already published and soon to be released monographs.
Collective monograph series: The Old World – the New Times
The European Union in Search of Global Role: Politics, Economy, Security 
Ed. by Аl.А. Gromyko and М.G. Nosov. М.: «Ves Mir», 2015. ISBN 978-5-7777-0597-6
The book is devoted to the EU foreign policy, its political, military and economic aspects. While the key role of the EU in global economy is beyond any doubt, its external political and military capabilities remain to be much less pronounced. They are still incomparable to the EU's impact on the global economy due to several reasons. The WWII results for Europe, as well as for Japan, became a strong anti-war vaccine demonstrating that, by cutting military expenses, one can promote economic development. USA, willingly and to their own benefit, proclaimed themselves the warrantor of Western Europe’s security, turning the European foreign policy into the function of the policy of Washington. Creation of NATO, dominated by the US, sealed the role of USA as the leading antagonist of Moscow in the Cold war.
Collective monograph series: The Old World – the New Times
Agricultural Europe in the ХХI Century 
Ed. by RAS Academician E.N. Krylatykh, head of the Series editorial board – RAS Academician N.P. Shmelev. M.: Letniy Sad, 2015. ISBN 978-5-98856-213-9
This study of agricultural Europe was conducted in the period of growing instability of global economy and food supply security problems in many regions. This period was marked as well by serious scientific advancements in selection and seed industry, breeding and biotechnologies. The agricultural policies in the EU, Russia and other European countries continued their improvement provoking growing demand for research methodology for economic, organizational and social aspects of building sustainable food supply security, complex studies of factors and changes in food supply of European countries. This book uses an interdisciplinary approach covering economic, social, agricultural and ecological processes, as well as innovative institutional and information factors of the agricultural Europe development in the era of globalization and interstate integration. Special stress is made on evaluation of actual achievements and possible risks on the way to sustainable food supply security of Russia and other European countries.
Collective monograph series: The Old World – the New Times
The Greater Europe. Ideas, Reality, Prospects 
Ed. by Аl.А. Gromyko and V.P. Fedorov. М.: «Ves Mir», 2014. ISBN 978-5-7777-0643-0 60x90 1/16, 704 p.
Scientists of IE RAS and other Russian research centers united to study the key aspects of interstate and supernational relations on the European continent in the context of continuing integration. The book has three parts: «Europe in the World History», «Contemporary Europe» and «Future of the Greater Europe», and suggests the most efficient ways and means of settlement of the existing and newly arising contradictions between European countries and their unions. This publication features high level of actuality, wide scope of subjects and comprehensive analysis of historical, political, economic, ideological and cultural aspects of the problems considered. The authors conclude that, despite all difficulties and recoils in building Russia’s relations with other European countries and the EU, the objective necessity for creation of the common Greater Europe area and further rapprochement of Russia and its neighbors remains.
Series: The Old World – the New Times
Portugal: the path from revolution… Ed. By V.L. Vernikov. М.: «Ves Mir», 2014. ISBN 978-5-7777-0585-3 60х90 1/16 368 p.
Forty years ago a group of progressively thinking military officers seized power in the country by coup d’Etat, which is known as “the Carnation revolution”. After several decades of dictatorship the country gained freedom. And soon Portugal liberated its former colonies, with which it had long been at war. The “Portuguese transit” began – a short and controversial period of transformations which ensured the democratic nature of the state. However, frequent changes of governments, despite membership in the EU and its generous subsidies, hindered sustainable economic growth. Global financial crisis made the situation even worse by plunging the labor market and cutting social expenses. The life and problems of the modern Portugal and spiritual state of the society are portrayed in the monograph by “two pens” – Russian and Portuguese scientists, which makes the whole picture profound and comprehensive. This monograph is the first in Russia systematic analytical study of the modern Portugal after the “Carnation revolution”.
Series: The Old World – the New Times
The European culture: the XXI century  Ed. by Е.V.Vodopianova. М., Spb.: Nestor-Istoriya, 2013. - 480 p.
This book is a multi-discipline study of the European culture of the previous decade. It is based on understanding that, born by the computer background and internet, the modern culture is becoming more and more digital in its forms and realization methods, at the same time being network-based in terms of organization and communication. The authors state that the European culture is becoming critically different, as compared to the passing industrial epoch, its current principal direction is shifting from the high mission to entertainment and commercialization. In some cases, the European cultural development stands against the American strategies, demonstrating its own vision and local objectives, in other cases it goes in line with the trends set by globalization. This book is addressed to various experts in humanitarian sciences, as well as to those interested in the modern European culture problems. It contains both analytical and reference information.
Series: The Old World – the New Times
The European union in the XXI century: the time of tests 
Ed. by О.Y. Potemkina. М.: «Ves Mir», 2012. ISBN 978-5-7777-0547-1 60х90 1/16 656 p.
This is an academic vision of the current state of affairs in the European union. The authors’ objective was to carry out complex analysis of the results of development of the EU in the first decade of the XXI century, reveal its achievements, internal and external problems, disclose new trends of the EU development and evaluate its prospects. The challenges and problems of the EU are of unconditional interest and great importance to Russia, both in the context of multidimensional bilateral relations, and from the viewpoint of growing integration in the post-Soviet area. The monograph authors represent the Institute of Europe and Institute of World Economy and International Relations of RAS, Lomonosov Moscow State University, MGIMO University of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and a number of regional universities. This book aims at scientific and university audience, expert society, as well as all readers interested in analysis of the current state of affairs in the world, Europe and Russia.
Series: The Old World – the New Times
Crossroads of the Mediterranean: «The Italian boot» in face of challenges of the XXI century 
Ed. by Т.V. Zonova. М.: «Ves Mir», 2011. ISBN 978-5-7777-0519-8 60х90 1/16 456 p.
This monograph represents joint efforts of prominent Russian scientists, specializing in the problems of modern Italy and Vatican, and well-known Italian authors. The book offers deep analysis of the drastic changes that affected the political system of Italy in early 1990s, comprehensive review of political competition in the country by the most important aspects of foreign and internal policy, including the problem of European integration. The authors discuss the perception of Italian political life by Italian and foreign experts, and study the development of Italian diplomatic service. Important focus of the chapters, devoted to the economy and foreign trade of Italy, is on the Russian-Italian relations and utilization of Italian experience of industrial and innovation clusters in modern Russia. Another aspect of the study is the Russian-Italian cultural ties and the image of Russia in Italy. The monographs presents comprehensive review of the current role of Vatican in the world, relations between Vatican and Russia, and the Russian Orthodox church.
Series: The Old World – the New Times
Security of Europe 
Ed. by V.V. Zhurkin. М.: «Ves Mir», 2011. ISBN 978-5-7777-0509-9 60х90 1/16 752 p.
This book is a result of multidimensional research of the European security problems and the role of Russia in it, conducted in the Institute of Europe under supervision of academician V.V. Zhurkin. This fundamental monograph considers in detail the structure of European security system, its genesis, changes, achievements, downfalls and prospects of improvement. Authors of the book are acclaimed experts in security problems – both scientists and diplomats. Their analysis takes into account both inertness trends, coming from the past, and new phenomena, factors, ideas, initiatives, originating in the present days. The book draws special attention to the problem of military and non-military security aspects ratio and indicates the gradual rise of importance of the latter. Economic security is the primary but not the only example of such aspects, lately referred to as “soft” threats as opposed to “hard” - military and political - threats. The scope of “soft” threats is quite wide and continues to grow through new social, humanitarian, ecological and other similar problems. This book will be of interest to those directly involved in elaboration and realization of security policy, as well as experts, scientists, professors and students of International relations courses.
Series: The Old World – the New Times
She social Europe in the ХХI century 
Ed. by М.V. Kargalova. М.: «Ves Mir», 2011. ISBN 978-5-7777-0474-0 60х90 1/16 528 p.
This publication offers deep and comprehensive analysis of the social dimension problems of modern Europe, social policies of particular countries and the EU in general. The book draws special attention to the essence and practical realization of the European social model (ESM), which many Europeans consider the best in the world, even compared to the successful American model. ESM reflects special attitude to a human being and offers protection of political, democratic and social rights. This model is a composition of both achievements of mass labor organizations and preventive policy of entrepreneurs and states. Majority of population uses the social advantages, provided by ESM. In the West of Europe it helped to create the numerous middle class, now accounting for two thirds of the EU citizens. ESM, based on the fusion of traditional European civilization values and array of finite social development goals, continues to be an ideal to which others aspire. This book shows that pursuing such an ideal during financial, economic and social crises is a difficult task. But, at the same time, the authors stress that organic complementing of economic integration with the social one defines the EU’s ability to cope with crises, and plays important role in the development potential of European Union.
Series: The Old World – the New Times
Russia in diversity of civilizations 
Ed. by N.P. Shmelev. М.: «Ves Mir» ISBN 978-5-7777-0487-0 60х90 1/16 896 p.
This monograph explores how Russia is affected by globalization and the new forms of inter-civilization contacts. The book offers analysis of actual shifts in the world economy, studies of latest literature and opinion polls, estimates of positions of the leading players on the global scene. The authors believe that the rapidly changing world and the civilization peculiarity of Russia urge our country to reconsider and fine-tune its economic, internal and foreign political strategy. In general, there are reasons to believe that Russia has already passed a part of the way from catastrophic consequences of the destructive policy of 1990s to a certain degree of normalization. However, the principal tasks, facing our country, are still outstanding. This is more or less evident in various spheres of our life. Russia is yet to create a modern innovation oriented economy, align its social security system, go through the complex way of creating full-fledged democracy and efficient civil society, set unconditional priority of human rights and civil liberties, provide adequate level of life and social protection. If Russia sets the objective to preserve and further explore its territory within present geographic borders, it is destined for high self-containment and preservation of its role as one of the leading world centers of power. This is even more important, since the rising tensions in the system of international relations pose additional threats to Russia.
Series: The Old World – the New Times
The Vysehrad Europe: from where and where to? Two decades on the way of reforms in Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Czech republic 
Ed by. L.N. Shishelina. М.: «Ves mir» ISBN 978-5-7777-0485-6 60х90 1/16 568 p.
Many times in history the common nature of the Central and Eastern European countries – Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland — urged them to find a collective solution to common problems. Two decades ago the Vysehrad group was created as an informal union of the four countries with the view of coordinating their way to the European Union. The monograph offers deep analysis of political, social and economic aspects of the Vysehrad countries development, revealing pros and cons of their participation in the European integration process. The book draws special attention to development of relations of the mentioned countries with Russia.
Series: The Old World – the New Times
Germany. Challenges of the XXI century 
Ed by. V.B. Belov. М.: «Ves Mir» ISBN 978-5-7777-0467-2 60х90 1/16 792 p.
The last 25 years were the time of constant changes for Germany: reunification of the East and the West, new quality of the European integration, globalization challenges, increasingly affecting economic and political life of the country. This book reveals peculiarities of the German internal political landscape, the process of formation of five party system and modern foreign policy of the country. The authors - well-known experts in German studies - analyze the attempts of the German state to modernize the existing social and economic model, including labor and financial markets and R&D. This study discloses particular qualities of the Russian-German relations and shows civilization and cultural aspects of life in Germany.
Series: The Old World – the New Times
The Alps region and Benelux states in the changing Europe 
Ed. by V.Y. Shveytzer. М.:«Ves Mir», 2009. ISBN 978-5-7777-0455-9 60х90 1/16 544 p.
This monograph discusses the problems typical to the Alps region (Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein) and Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg) countries. Detailed analysis is given to the special features of their administrative structure, constitutional norms, legislative and executive power systems. The book draws special attention to the development of party and political systems, as well as to the activities of governments and parliaments, non-governmental organizations and mass movements. The study portrays the evolution of economic mechanisms and social systems of the above-mentioned countries, analyzes their current economic problems, relations with the European Union and various aspects of foreign policy.
Series: The Old World – the New Times
The Northern Europe. The region of new development 
Ed. by Y.S. Deryabin, N.М. Antyushina. М.: «Ves Mir», 2008. ISBN 978-5-7777-0392-7 60х90 1/16, 512 p.
This monograph is dedicated to the «traditional» northern countries of Europe - Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, which are now world leaders by a number of social and economic development indicators. The book carefully examines the distinctive features of the Northern European model of common wealth state, considers the process of information society creation and transition to innovative and sustainable development, democracy and civil society issues, military and strategic security problems and participation of the region in the European integration and globalization. Authors of the book - leading Russian experts in the Northern European studies - name this region as the strategic zone for Russian national security and underline its importance to foreign and defense policy of Russia.
Series: The Old World – the New Times
The Great Britain: the epoch of reforms 
Ed. by А.А. Gromyko. М.: «Ves Mir», 2007. ISBN 978-5-7777-0389-7 60x90 1/16, 536 p.
In the last 25 years the Great Britain passed through a complex process of modernization, all spheres of its life faced significant, sometimes dramatic, changes. This collective monograph opens the country series of the Institute of Europe and acquaints its readers with the changes in the party and political system and new trends in the economy of Great Britain, portrays the latest events in its foreign and military policy, current state of the British monarchy, relations between various confessions and the role of woman in society. The authors include both acclaimed Russian experts in the British studies and young specialists.
Series: The Old World – the New Times
France. In search of new ways 
Ed. by Y.I. Rubinskiy. М.: «Ves Mir», 2007 ISBN 978-5-7777-0407-8 60x90 1/16, 624 p.
This monograph analyses the problems of economy, society, internal and foreign policy of modern France. The departure from previous social and economic model of development, typical to the first decades after WWII, provoked inevitable transition to the new model, combining liberalization of economy with preservation of considerable role of state and modernized social security system. The authors discuss the challenges that France faces in the new globalized world and the peculiarities that mark it among other European states.
Series: The Old World – the New Times
South-Eastern Europe in the epoch of cardinal changes 
Ed. by А.А. Yazkova. М.: «Ves Mir», 2007. ISBN 5-7777-0353-8, 978-5-7777-0353-8 60x90 1/16, 352 p.
South-Eastern Europe is historically the most problematic region of the continent, constantly giving birth to threats of international crises and conflicts. This monograph analyses internal and foreign policies of the countries for the last 15 years, identifies the region’s role in modern Europe and the world in general, reveals civilizational, cultural and historical peculiarities of its development. Special attention is drawn to analysis of transitional reforms in the South-Eastern Europe and relations of the countries with Russia. The authors estimate prospects of solving the region’s problems in the context of cooperation with OSCE, EU and NATO.
Series: The Old World – the New Times
Spain. En face and in profile 
Ed. by V.L. Vernikov. М.: «Ves Mir», 2007. ISBN 978-5-7777-0384-2 60x90 1/16, 480 p.
More than three decades ago Spain said “Farewell!” to its long dictatorship past and began transition to the new life in democracy. The transition period, or the so-called “Spanish transit”, lasted for quite long. The most significant changes began in 1982, when the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party, headed by Felipe Gonzales, came to power, and those changes continued in the following years. This monograph is the result of analytical research of the most significant achievements and mistakes of the governments of Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party and People’s party in economic and foreign policies, party construction, social and cultural life of the country in the last two and a half decades. Authors of the book include both acclaimed experts in Spanish studies and young scientists.