institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences


Series of books: "Reports of the Institute of Europe RAS" 

Report № 409-416 - 2024.

Report № 408 - 2024. Germany. 2023: [monograph] / [V.B. Belov].

М.: IE RAS, 2024. – DOI: – ISBN 978-5-98163-217-4). – EDN: YBCECS

A collective monograph by leading Russian Germanists is dedicated to the study of the main party-political and socio-economic processes in Germany in 2023. They took place against the background of multiple crisis processes. The main impact, as in 2022, was exerted by the energy and geopolitical crises. The results of the landtag elections in Berlin, Bremen, Hesse and Bavaria, changes in the leading parties and in the electoral preferences of German citizens are analyzed. The state of the economic and political space of Germany and the reasons for the decline in its competitiveness are investigated. Special attention is paid to energy-intensive industries. The issues of budgetary policy are considered. The analysis of the military aspects of German foreign policy is given. The USA, Chinese, Middle East and Russian foreign policy vectors of Germany are analyzed. The forecast of Germany’s development for 2024 is given. 

Report № 404 - 2023. New developments in the European economy : [monograph] / [А.I. Bazhan].

М.: IE RAS, 2023. – ISBN 978-5-98163-207-5. – DOI: – EDN: YWHVJM.

This monograph analyzes the acute problems of European economy and the new economic developments in the region stemming from Covid crisis, UK’s exit from the EU and the military and political conflict between Russia and collective West in connection with the events in Ukraine. Authors focus on the new trends in innovation and monetary policy of the European Union, examine the tools and methods of supranational financial regulation and financing, analyze the peculiarities of the EU environmental agenda and intermediate results of moving towards the Green economy. A lot of attention is paid to the energy crisis and prospects of the regional gas market, as well as the new mechanisms of employment support and transformation of intraregional trade in the EU amid the growing crisis trends in its economy.

Report № 403 - 2023. Ethnic politics: conflict, migration, and electoral process : [monograph] / [P.V. Оskolkov].

М.: IE RAS, 2023. – ISBN 978-5-98163-204-4. – DOI: – EDN: MTIYVH.

In the edited volume, three dimensions of the current ethnic politics in European countries are studied: crisis and conflict potential, migration processes, and electoral aspects. The authors, who represent various scientific schools, consider ethnic politics an inherent part of the social dynamics in Europe. They combine qualitative and quantitative research methods and the methodological optics of Political Science, Economics, Anthropology, and Criminology, and fo- cus on the issues of ethnicity actualization in the online extremist discourse, ethnic identification role in the escalation and settlement of political conflicts, reactions of the EU and Russian institutes to the influx of the «ethnic» migrants. Particular attention is paid to the role of ethnicity in electoral processes, especially to party formation and fraction-building, discursive dominants of ethnoregional parties, electoral activities of the indigenous peoples, and fragmentation of ethnic voting.

Report № 402 - 2023. Evolution of the Franco-German tandem : [monograph] / [Y.I. Rubinskiy, А.А. Sindeev].

М.: IE RAS, 2023. – DOI:
– ISBN 978-5-98163-203-7. – EDN: XARPMK.

The monograph considers the most important, according to the authors, historical knots, trends and factors in the evolution of the Franco-German tandem, analyzes the current state of the tandem, and attempts to predict its prospects in the context of selective partnership and the transformation of international relations. The au- thors use the problem-chronological principle. The monograph is intended for everyone interested in the history and modernity of Franco-German relations and European integration. Introduction, conclusion, chapters 1-4 were written by Yu.I. Rubinsky, chapters 5-10 – Yu.I. Rubinsky and A.A. Sindeev.

Report № 401 - 2023. Germany. 2022. P.2 : [monograph] / [V.B. Belov].

М.: IE RAS, 2023. – DOI: – ISBN 978-5-98163-202-0. – EDN: MLUNXM.

A collective monograph by the leading Russian Germanists is dedicated to the study of the main party-political and socio-economic processes in Germany in 2022, which took place against the background of multiple crises, including the energy and geopolitical crises. Particular attention is paid to the results of the landtag elections, the changes in the established parties and changes in electoral preferences. The consequences of the crisis phenomena for the economic and political space, and the attempts of the state to mitigate their negative impact, including in the field of electric power industry and critical infrastructure. The issues of the continuing split between the West and the East of the country are considered. The British and Russian foreign policy vectors of Germany are investigated. The forecast for Germany’s development in 2023 is given. The monograph consists of two parts.

Report № 400 - 2023. Germany. 2022. P. 1 : [monograph] / [V.B. Belov].

М.: IE RAS, 2023. – DOI: – ISBN 978-5-98163-201-3. – EDN: KIQOFO.

A collective monograph by the leading Russian Germanists is dedicated to the study of the main party-political and socio-economic processes in Germany in 2022, which took place against the background of multiple crises, including the energy and geopolitical crises. Particular attention is paid to the results of the landtag elections, the changes in the established parties and changes in electoral preferences. The consequences of the crisis phenomena for the economic and political space, and the attempts of the state to mitigate their negative impact, including in the field of electric power industry and critical infrastructure. The issues of the continuing split between the West and the East of the country are considered. The British and Russian foreign policy vectors of Germany are investigated. The forecast for Germany’s development in 2023 is given. The monograph consists of two parts.

Report № 399 - 2023. Британия-2022: смена премьеров, смена монарха : [monograph] / [Е.V. Аnanieva].

М.: IE RAS, 2023. – ISBN 978-5-98163-200-63. DOI: – EDN: CJAJZQ.

The edited monograph of Russian scholars is devoted to the political and economic changes in the UK in 2022 due to the sharp intensification of the confrontation between the West and Russia in the international arena, the global energy crisis. The authors analyze the strategy of «anglobalization», the peculiarities of the country’s foreign economic policy and the Bank of England’s credit and financial regulation. The fall of the authority of the central government during the premiership of B. Johnson, L. Truss and R. Sunak caused by scandals in the political elite and ineffective management methods, the reasons for growth of separatism in the Celtic regions of the UK are studied. Special attention is paid to the transformation of the British political elite and the institute of monarchy. The monograph examines the multilevel forms of interaction between the UK and NATO member states in the context of the military conflict in Ukraine and the role of London in undermining European security; attempts to strengthen relations with countries outside the Euro-Atlantic.

Report № 398 - 2023. «Soft power» in the Black Sea – Mediterranean region : [monograph] / [Е.G. Entina, N. Тanasich].

М.: IE RAS, 2023. – ISBN 978-5-98163-199-3.  DOI: – EDN: –TWJUCL.

This collective monograph is the result of research by historians, political scientists, and IR scholars from the IE RAS, the Higher School of Economics, the MGIMO, the Diplomatic Academy, the UrFU, as well as research institutions in Armenia, Bulgaria, and Serbia. Using the rich empirical material, it aims to demonstrate how different international actors use the resources of «soft power». Among the traditional ones are the activities of non-governmental and non-profit organizations, educational and scientific cooperation. Relatively new are the media and their development in the last decade, social networks, and e-diplomacy, all of which have significantly expanded as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. The monograph also raises the important philosophical question what is true «soft power».

Report № 397 - 2022. Politics, economics and security of the modern Arctic (to the 25th anniversary of the Arctic council) : [monograph] / [C. Van, C. Yang, B.Е. Vlasov].

М.: IE RAS, 2022. – DOI: – EDN: YVGEHY – ISBN 978-5-98163-196-2.

The collective monograph is edited by the Center for Arctic Studies of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The book is devoted to topical issues of the Arctic development, among which the current geopolitical processes and its future potential. The authors attempt to systematise knowledge about the Arctic problems and challenges of the last decade, which is most important for the Russian Federation, as well as to assess the prospects for the near future, to foresee possible threats to Russia. Particular attention is paid to the role of the Arctic Council in the Arctic development; several Arctic strategies and policies of European and Asian countries were analysed; the economic, social, environmental, legal, and civilisational issues of the modern Arctic were touched upon; the security problems in the Arctic region are considered.

Report № 396 - 2022. «Classic problems» of common European security in the works of Russian political scientists : [monograph] / [А.А. Sindeev].

М.: IE RAS, 2022. – ISBN 978-5-98163-195-5. – DOI: – EDN: RPCUXJ.

The monograph is devoted to the study of the problems of common European security by Russian political scientists. The author continued the conceptual systematization of the points of view that have developed in domestic political science about the essence and interconnection of the most important problems for European security. Recommendations are given on possible ways to intensify work to resolve existing problems and consolidate Russian political scientists. The author believes that modernity makes it possible to increase the productivity of interaction between domestic political scientists and strengthen the competitiveness of the Russian political science school in the world. The author has carried out the primary conceptual systematization of the points of view that have developed in Russian political science about the essence and interrelation of the problems fundamental to European security and the transformations taking place in the European space. The monograph substantiates the thesis about the constructed nature of the phenomenon of common European security and presents two algorithms for the formation of concepts. The monograph develops a new scientific direction – study of the works of political scientists.

Report № 395 - 2022. Society and politics in the «COVID-19 era» : [monograph] / [V.Y. Schveytzer].

М.: IE RAS, 2022. – DOI: – ISBN 978-5-98163-194-8. – EDN: XGYROE 

In a collective monograph authors explore problems of European social and political life connected with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020–2022. Issues of civil society, system of higher education and religious institutes are examined. Chapters of the book touch upon internal political situation in the majority of European countries and regions such as Great Britain, France, Sweden, Greece, Norway, South-Eastern Europe. Authors come to a conclusion that COVID-19 highlighted problems in medical, social and economic spheres of the majority of European countries and unpreparedness of political structures to tackle the multifaceted threat of the global pandemic.

Report № 394 - 2022. Ethnopolitical Processes in Contemporary Europe : [monograph] / [P.V. Оskolkov].

М.: IE RAS, 2022. – DOI: – ISBN 978-5-98163-192-4. – EDN: NNGVGI.

The authors of the present edited volume analyze some key aspects of ethnopolitical dynamics in the contemporary European countries. The authors draw attention to such issues as the role of ethnicity in the European political order, problematic classification of ethnic minorities, the crisis of the nation-state model, integration and disengagement measures aimed at external migrants, transformation of the right-wing anti-immigrant populism. The special focus of the book is the regional cases of practical ethnopolitical management, with evidence taken from Northern Ireland, Nagorno Karabakh, Ukraine, and the Balkans. The authors show that ethnicity retains its role as one of the most important sources for political mobilization in Europe, and ethnopolitical management is still one of the key aspects of state policies.

Report № 393 - 2022. Germany. 2021 : [monograph] / [V.B. Belov].

М.: IE RAS, 2022. – DOI: – ISBN 978-5-98163-190-0.

In an academic monograph, leading Russian Germanists examine the most important political and economic processes in Germany in 2021. The authors pay particular attention to party political processes, a range of state elections, the election campaign for seats in the Bundestag and its results. The coalition negotiations between the SPD, Union 90/Greens, the FDP, the subsequent conclusion of the contract, the formation of a new cabinet of ministers and its first steps under the leadership of Federal Chancellor O. Scholz, who replaced the 16-year reigning A. Merkel, were analyzed. The economic consequences of the ongoing corona crisis and the measures taken by the state to deal with them are being examined. Particular attention is paid to the maritime economy, the electricity sector and Germany's growing import dependency. Relations of Germany with the USA and the Russian Federation are analyzed, including the problems of the Nord Stream 2 project and the specifics of their political and economic cooperation.

Report № 392 - 2022. The concept of regional «smart specialization»: experience in Germany : [monograph] / [A.V. Коtоv].

М.: IE RAS, 2022. –  DOI: – ISBN 978-5-98163-189-4. – EDN: VABNUL.

The monograph examines the context of the emergence and development of the concept of the so-called «smart specialization» in the EU – the policy of economic growth based on innovation, which is currently one of the main methodological foundations of European regional policy. In the new planning period 2021–2027 in the EU, the concept of smart specialization will remain relevant. The practice of generalizing real strategic documents of the federal lands of the Federal Republic of Germany has shown that the implementation of this approach has its own specifics for each region. The role of the hydrogen economy as a new economic specialization of the federal lands is noted. The author states the importance of the concept of smart specialization for updating the national strategy of spatial development as performing the function of linking federal and regional economic, scientific and technological capabilities priorities of the regions.

Report № 391 - 2022. Political problems of modern Austria : [monograph] / [V.Y. Schveytzer

М.: IE RAS, 2022. – ISBN 978-5-98163-187-0. – DOI:

The monograph covers the events of the political history of Austria at the end of the XX – first two decades of the XXI century. The structures of national institutions of legislative and executive power, the activities of political parties of various kinds – conservatives, Social Democrats, nationalists, «greens» – are analyzed in detail. The assessment of the most significant political figures of the beginning of the XXI century is given. The role and place of Austria's membership in the EU for the formation of its domestic and foreign policy are considered. The author states the crisis state of the national political model, its dependence on a number of external and internal factors.

Report № 390 - 2022. The stage of the special military operation in Ukraine. The anatomy of the anti-Russia policy in Europe : [monograph] / [А.А. Gromyko].

М.: IE RAS, 2022. – ISBN 978-5-98163-186-3. – DOI:

The collective study presents the results of an endevour of a team of historians, political scientists, economists of the Institute of Europe (Russian Academy of Sciences), with participation of specialists from some other research centres. The goal of this research is to explore in a comprehensive way the events unfolding in Europe after the Russian Federation recognised the independence of Donetsk Peoples Republic and Lugansk Peoples Republic and the special military operation was started in Ukraine. The fundamental goal of the operation is the protection of the citizens of DPR and LPR, demilitarisation and denazification of Ukraine. The book contains analysis of the reaction to these decisions focusing on the European Union, NATO, Council of Europe, major European countries, selected partner states of Russia in the CIS, the Russian Orthodox Church.

Report № 389 - 2022. The EU policy in the South Caucasus states: democracy, prosperity, security? : [monograph] / [A.S. Ayvazyan].

М.: IE RAS, 2022. – ISBN 978-5-98163-185-6. – DOI: 

The author examines possibilities and limits of the EU’s normative power as a part of the EU foreign policy, using the specific example of the South Caucasus region. The study touches upon theoretical understanding of norms as important components of foreign policy, spheres of normative influence and criteria for its evaluation. The author raises the question, whether the EU influences political processes in Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan through the formation of the values of democratic governance, welfare growth, and peaceful resolution of conflicts in these states. The experience of the EU is especially relevant for the region with a high conflict potential and unstable political institutions.

Report № 388 - 2022. Trans European Political Parties in XXI Century: Formation, Development, Prospects : [monograph] / [B.P. Guseletov].

М.: IE RAS, 2022. – ISBN 978-5-98163-184-9. 
– DOI: 

The monograph studies the formation of the institute of pan-European political parties. An analysis of this relatively new phenomenon in the socio-political life of Europe made it possible to determine the special features and prospects for the development of pan-European political parties in XXI century. Issues for discussion concerning the formation and further transformation of the pan-European political system were raised; new mechanisms of interaction of social and political actors are revealed. The work can be useful for undergraduates, graduate students and researchers involved in the study of party-political systems and related phenomena and processes.