institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences


Series of books: "Reports of the Institute of Europe RAS" 

Report № 337 - 2017. Transformation of the party and political landscape in european union countries in the period of crisis. Part I / Ed. by Guseletov B.P.

337. Transformation of the party and political landscape in european union countries in the period of crisis. Part I / Ed. by Guseletov B.P. Reports of the IE RAS, № 337, М., 2017. ISBN 978-5-98163-084-2.

Report № 336 - 2017. European Union: prognostic support of innovations. V.S. Tsirenshchikov

336. European Union: prognostic support of innovations. V.S. Tsirenshchikov. Reports of the IE RAS, № 336, М., 2017. ISBN 978-5-98163-083-5.

Report № 329 - 2016. The International monetary system: present and future. Ed. by A.I. Bazhan.

329. The International monetary system: present and future. Ed. by A.I. Bazhan.Reports of the IE RAS, № 329, М., 2016.

Report № 328 - 2016. Germany. 2015. Part II. Ed. by V.B. Belov.

328. Germany. 2015. Part II. Ed. by V.B. Belov. Reports of the IE RAS, № 328, М., 2016. ISBN 978-5-98163-075-0.

Report № 327 - 2016. Germany. 2015. Part I. Ed. by V.B. Belov.

327. Germany. 2015. Part I. Ed. by V.B. Belov. Reports of the IE RAS, № 327, М., 2016. ISBN 978-5-98163-072-3.

Report № 326 - 2016. European Social Development: Problems and Perspectives. M.V. Kargalova.

326. European Social Development: Problems and Perspectives. Ed. by M.V. Kargalova. Reports of  the IE RAS, № 326, М., 2016. ISBN 978-5-98163- 071-2.

Report № 325 - 2016. The destiny of humanitarian progress. Rubinsky Yu.I.

325. The destiny of  humanitarian progress. Rubinsky Yu.I. Reports of  IE RAS № 325. М., 2016. ISBN978-5-98163-070-5.

Report № 324 - 2016. The Wider Black Sea Region: contradictions and strategic solutions for Russia. Ed. by A.А. Yazkova.

324. The Wider Black Sea Region: contradictions and strategic solutions for Russia. Ed. by A.А. Yazkova. Reports of  the IE RAS, № 324, М., 2016. ISBN978-5-98163-069-9

Report № 323 - 2015. Russia – EU: problems of interaction in the energy sphere. A.D. Khaytun.

323. Russia – EU: problems of interaction in the energy sphere. Ed. by A.D. Khaytun. Reports of  the IE RAS, № 323, М., 2015. ISBN 978-5-98163-072-9.

Report № 322 - 2015. European Union: tendencies of innovative renewal. V.S. Tsirenshchikov.

322. European Union: tendencies of innovative renewal. V.S. Tsirenshchikov. Reports of the IE RAS, № 322, М., 2015. ISBN978-5-98163-066-8

Report № 321-2015. The 70th Anniversary of the First UN Assem-bly and Current Challenges to International Security. Ed. by Al.A. Gromyko.

321. The 70th Anniversary of the First UN Assem-bly and Current Challenges to International Security. Ed. by Al.A. Gromyko. Reports of the IE RAS, № 321, М., 2015 г.

Report № 320-2015. Elections and election campaigns in Europe (2014–2015). Ed. by Shweitzer V.Ya.

320. Elections and election campaigns in Europe (2014–2015). Ed. by Shweitzer V.Ya. Reports of the IE RAS, № 321, М., 2015. ISBN978-5-98163-063-7

Report № 319-2015. UK General Election-2015: the Pre-election Campaign, Results and Consequences. Ed. by E.V.Ananieva.

319. UK General Election-2015: the Pre-election Campaign, Results and Consequences. Ed. by E.V.Ananieva. Reports of the IE RAS, № 319, М., 2015

Report № 318-2015. Separatism in the political life of modern Europe. Ed. by P.E. Kandel.

318. Separatism in the political life of modern Europe. Ed. by P.E. Kandel.ReportsoftheIERAS,№318, М., 2015. ISBN 978-5-98163-061-3.

Report № 317-2015. Euro integration of Ukraine: prospects, consequences and Russia’s policy. Ed. by A.I.Bazhan.

317. Euro integration of Ukraine: prospects, consequences and Russia’s policy. Ed. by A.I.Bazhan. Reports of the IE RAS, № 317, М., 2015. ISBN 978-5-98163-057-6.

Report № 316. Italy: from the Second Republic to the Third? Ed. by E.A. Maslova.

316. Italy: from the Second Republic to the Third? Ed. by E.A. Maslova. Reports of  the IE RAS, № 316, М., 2015. ISBN 978-5-98163-056-9.

Report № 315. Migration in Europe: problems and remedies. Ed. by N.B. Kondratieva, O.Y. Potemkina.

315. Migration in Europe: problems and remedies. Ed. by N.B. Kondratieva, O.Y. Potemkina.  Reports of the IE RAS, № 315, М., 2015.  ISBN 978-5-98163-053-8

Report № 314. The role of small parties in party-political system of Germany. Ed. by V.B. Belov, E.P. Timoshenkova.

314. The role of small parties in party-political system of Germany. Ed. by V.B. Belov, E.P. Timoshenkova. Reports of the IE RAS, № 314,М., 2015. ISBN 978-5-98163-052-1


Report № 313. Germany. 2014. Part II. Policy. Ed. by V.B. Belov.

313. Germany. 2014. Part II. Policy. Ed. by V.B. Belov. Reports of the IE RAS, № 313, М., 2015.