306. The Italian Republic in a Changing World. Ed. by A.A.Yazkova. Reports of the IE RAS, № 306, М., 2014.

305. PORTUGAL: 40 YEARS AFTER THE REVOLUTION. WHAT IS NEXT? Ed. by V.L. Vernikov. Reports of the Institute of Europe № 305, М., 2014,
ISBN 978-5-98163-037-8.
This collection of articles by Portuguese and Russian experts is dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution. After several decades of dictatorship Portugal gained freedom and soon granted it to its former colonies, with which it had led prolonged wars. The period of the Portuguese transit was short and contradictory, but post-revolutionary reforms solidified the democratic nature of the state. Despite its membership in the EU and lavish subsidies from its funds, Portugal was unable to attain sustainable economic growth. The world financial crisis has aggravated its condition, bringing down its labour market and social benefits, driving the budget deficit and foreign debt to new records.
304. GERMANY. 2013. Ed. by V.B. Belov. Reports of the Institute of Europe № 304, М., 2014.
This analytical yearbook of the Center for German Studies of IE RAS examines major political and economic processes in Germany in 2013, analyzes particularities of the Bundestag election campaign, formation of a new coalition government and contents of the coalition agreement. Special attention is paid to the energy transformation, reforms of education and Bundeswehr, the intermediate results of de-bureaucratization, the Eastern vector of German foreign policy, as well as to the hacking spy scandal.
303. EUROINTEGRATION: IMPACT ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE. Ed. by A.I. Bazhan, K.N. Gusev, A.A. Maslennikov. Reports of the Institute of Europe № 303. М., 2014 г., ISBN 978-5-98163-035-4.
On the brink of XXIst century, joining the European Union was the most important task for many countries of Central and Eastern Europe, by means of which they hoped to boost and improve their economic growth. This report demonstrates whether those hopes have lived up to reality after almost 10 years since first CEE countries joined the EU. The publication contains detailed analysis of peculiarities of economic growth, changes in industry, agriculture and banking system, as well as trends of evolution of the innovative sphere of economy and social relations of the mentioned states. Certain attention is given in the book to possibilities of using CEE states eurointegration experience (its negative and positive sides) in solving the problems of economic integration in the post-Soviet area.
302. THE EUROPEAN CULTURE: THE CHALLENGES OF MODERNITY. Ed. by E.V. Vodopianova. Reports of the Institute of Europe № 302. М., 2014.
On January, 29 2014 IE RAS, together with INION RAS, organized «The European culture: the challenges of modernity» conference that covered the following issues: the European values between tradition and modernity, the modern European culture development path and its commercialization in the XXI century, the European science in socio-cultural measurements and practices of the European cultural construction, the humanitarian dialogue between Europe and Russia etc. The conference was attended by experts from different spheres: philosophers, economists, culturologists, political scientists and experts in history of arts. They all shared their views thus turning the conference into an interdisciplinary event. This collection of articles is based on its materials.
301. EASTERN PARTNERSHIP BEFORE AND AFTER VILNIUS. Ed. by A.A. Yazkova. Reports of the Institute of Europe № 301. М., 2014.
The collection of articles is based on materials of the round table discussion conducted by researchers and experts from a number of academic institutions and universities, held in IE RAS on November 13, 2013, on the eve of EU summit in Vilnius. The publication is focused on the results and prospects of implementation of the «Eastern Partnership» initiative. The book examines evolution of the EU policy regarding the Eastern Partnership in circumstances of the global economic crisis and institutional reforms in the European Union. The report discusses as well how these issues are viewed by major world and regional players, ie. the US, Russia and Turkey.
298. A.D. Haitun. RUSSIA ON THE EUROPEAN ENERGY MARKET. Part I. Reports of the Institute of Europe № 298. М., 2013.
This publication highlights the urgent issues of Russia’s activities on the European energy market and related problems. The impact of the shale gas revolution in the US on the natural gas price formation in Europe is analyzed. Economic and political aspects of simultaneous competition and cooperation of the countries in Central Asia with Russia for the European consumer of energy resources are discussed. Access to the energy resources market of China is viewed through the prism of regional development of Eastern Siberia. New trends in gas transportation routes are studied from the viewpoint of strengthening international energy security.
297. MAIN TRENDS OF EUROPEAN VALUES. Ed. by Y.I. Rubinskiy. Reports of the Institute of Europe № 297. М., 2013.
The essay of professor Yuri Rubinski, head of the Center for French Studies of IE RAS, analyzes main periods in the history of European values and their place in the globalized world of the XXI century. For the author the most important feature of those values is the combination of pluralism and their deep internal coherence, which insures that the European values play indispensable role in the value system of human civilization.
296. GLOBAL RISKS IN THE XXI CENTURY: LIMITS OF REGULATION. Ed. by N.P. Smelev, V.P. Fedorov, T.T. Timofeev, Al.A. Gromyko. Reports of the Institute of Europe № 296. М., 2013.
This collection of articles is dedicated to the problems of global, regional and local risks, to mainstream scenarios of development of the European and other civilizations. The authors focus their attention on possibilities and limits of regulation on different levels of world government. Further increase in ethnic and religious tensions is factored in. At the same time the emphasis is put on centrality of the constructive and peaceful approach to solution of highlighted problems.295. GERMANY. 2012. PART II. Ed. by V.B. Belov. Reports of the Institute of Europe №295.
М., 2013.
The second volume of the regular analytical yearbook focuses on the banking sector, which faced complicated reorganization and adaptation to internal and external challenges. The authors discuss the ongoing reform of Bundeswehr and the new demographic doctrine of the German government. The conditions and prospects of German-Russian political and economic ties, going through difficult times now, are in the center of the volume’s research as well.294. GERMANY. 2012. PART I. Ed. by V.B. Belov. Reports of the Institute of Europe №294.
М., 2013.
This is the first volume of the two-volume edition of the regular analytical yearbook, covering main economic and political processes in Germany in 2012. In this volume the authors analyze the role of Germany in Europe, characteristics of its economic development in the context of ongoing crisis in euro zone, labor market, finance, energy, education, scientific researches and innovations. The year-book contains detailed analysis of changes in the German political landscape, leading parties campaign for the Bundestag elections in 2013. The authors also discuss the possible consensus of political elites, place and role of social justice in social policy.293. E.V. Ananieva. FROM NEW LABOUR TO PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATISM. Reports of the Institute of Europe №293. М., 2013.
The UK transition to postindustrial society gave birth to Thatcherism and New Labour as ideologies and political practices of the country in the process of modernization. The demise of T. Blair and the accession of G. Brown did not prevent the decline of New Labour. The term of the last Labour government coincided with the initial stage of the world financial and economic crisis. The author analyses the social and economic situation in the country, measures of the government to overcome daunting problems (and their implications for the UK foreign policy) in the broad context of objective and subjective factors. The poor state of the two-party system brought to power the conservative/liberal democrats coalition against the backdrop of leading political forces in search of new big ideas.292. WIDER EUROPE IN THE GLOBAL WORLD: NEW CHALLENGES – NEW SOLUTIONS. Ed. by Al. A. Gromyko. Reports of the Institute of Europe №292. М., 2013.
This collective work is dedicated to the soft power of Russia, its historical and current images, the present state of the Smaller Europe (the EU) and its prospects. The authors discuss the making of Russian and European images, legacy and lessons of the Byzantine Empire for the contemporary Europe, the role of Russian language and culture in the foreign policy of this country. The book focuses as well on the outlines of the post-crisis Europe, consequences of the EU enlargement, situation in the social sphere, transformations in the party-political systems and developments in the CSDP. The topics of demography, migration, multiculturalism, situation in particular European countries are covered as well.291. GLOBAL GOVERNANCE IN THE XXI CENTURY: INNOVATIVE APPROACHES. Ed. by Al.A. Gromyko. Reports of the Institute of Europe №291. М., 2013.
This collective work discusses a new system of regulation and management for the modern polycentric world and the role of Russia in this fast-emerging reality. Risks and opportunities of multipolarity, the Arab Spring and the Middle East Arch of instability, the state of integration projects in the post-Soviet space are in the focus of attention of Russian experts in international affairs. The main idea underlined throughout the book is the acute demand for innovative approach to global problems, for viable combination of novelty and tradition in finding the most sought solutions of today’s world.290. SOUTH-EASTERN EUROPE: BETWEEN THE PAST AND THE FUTURE. Ed. by A.A. Yazkova. Reports of the Institute of Europe № 290. М., 2013.
This publication analyzes the role and place of the South-Eastern Europe in the fast-changing and globalizing world. For a long time the South-Eastern Europe has been and still remains the most problematic European region, the stumbling block in international relations, because of the presence of a number of conflicts and crises (the «frozen conflicts»), which may affect the balance of power in the world. The paper discusses the features of new regional integration structures in the political, economic, legal, military and other spheres, provides assessments of a number of countries and organizations, such as Turkey, Russia, the EU, NATO, BSEC. The prospects and results of ongoing regional initiatives are considered as well.289. GLOBAL IMBALANCES AND WORLD ECONOMIC CRISIS. PART II. Ed. by A.I Bazhan, K.N. Gusev. Reports of the Institute of Europe № 289. М
., 2013.
The world economy is going through a difficult period in its development. Crises persist. They arise from the global imbalances. Analysis of the imbalances, their causes, forms and influence on the world financial system and global economy is vital not only for overcoming the consequences of current crisis, but also for counteracting possible similar events in the future.288. GLOBAL IMBALANCES AND WORLD ECONOMIC CRISIS. PART I. Ed. by A.I Bazhan, K.N. Gusev. Reports of the Institute of Europe № 288. М., 2013.
The world economy is going through a difficult period in its development. Crises persist. They arise from the global imbalances. Analysis of the imbalances, their causes, forms and influence on the world financial system and global economy is vital not only for overcoming the consequences of current crisis, but also for counteracting possible similar events in the future.287. WHAT DOES RUSSIA EXPECT FROM THE EUROPEAN UNION? Ed. by N.B. Kondratieva. Reports of the Institute of Europe № 287.
М., 2013.
This volume contains contributions presented at the international seminar held on December 19, 2012 and organized by the Department for European Studies of IE RAS with support of the RAS Presidium. Experts from Latvia, Belarus and Ukraine, officials from MFA RF, representatives of the EU member-states embassies, NGOs and media as well as researchers from IE RAS took part in the seminar. The participants were asked to formulate Russia’s anxieties and expectations in its relations with the EU in economic, political and security spheres. Most papers presented in the volume conclude that there is no other alternative than to further develop the ongoing dialog between Russia and the EU. Specific tasks of broad cooperation agenda in economy, justice, security, science and culture make both sides look for a reasonable compromise in the dialog, even if their interests and guiding principles differ.
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