Prof. Alexey Gromyko, Director of the Institute of Europe (Russian Academy of Sciences), gave an interview to the weekly La Mañana (Uruguay). 25.10.2023. URL:
Comment “Brexit Between Scylla and Charybdis” by Yelena Ananyeva, Head of the Center for British Studies at the IE RAS, for the Valday international discussion club // July 11, 2018
Interview. Alexei Gromyko: Science and Diplomacy go Shoulder to Shoulder 03.2018

Comment of D.A. Danilov, Head of IE RAS Department of European security for RIAC. «NATO Summit: Initial Results» // July 11, 2016
Interview of Head of IE RAS Department of European security D.А. Danilov to Russia Direct "Why a European Army is unlikely?"
Schengen is more alive than dead? On September 5, 2016, the «Reports of Valday international discussion club» published the report «Schengen is more alive than dead?» by Head of IE RAS Department of European integration research О.Y. Potemkina and State civil officer of Federal Migration Service of RF Y.V. Paukova. The report covers the current state and prospects of the Schengen area development, as well as the consequences of the European migration crisis for Russia.

The report highlights and slides
are attached.
Аl.А. Gromyko Громыко participated in the London School of Economics and Political Studies project, devoted to the prospects of the UK’s exit out of the EU. Yuri Rubinskiy "France: Two Congresses "
Mikhail Nosov "Separatism"
Al.A. Gromyko "The Greater Europe in the Web of the Ukrainian Crisis" Аl.A. Gromyko "Ukraine: Internal Risk and External Factors"
Vladimir Shveytzer "Ancestor of the Modern Summits" International Working Group on Greater Europe released its address to the world public "Avoiding War in Europe: How to Reduce the Risk of a Military Encounter Between Russia and NATO".
RAS Presidium discussion inspired by “Russia, USA, Smaller Europe (EU): Competition in the Polycentric World” report of IE RAS Director Al.A. Gromyko.
Аl.A. Gromyko “We Are Living in the Moment of Transition to the Polycentric World”.
Europe, who are with and where are you headed to? Conversation with Alexey Gromyko, Director of IE RAS. Literaturnaya Gazeta, №27 (6515). July 1-7, 2015. RUS
Alexey Gromyko «Reason will prevail» /Rossiyskaya Gazeta, №134 (6705), June 23, 2015. RUS