institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Institute news

International scientific readings to the 115th anniversary of А.А. Gromyko

International scientific readings to the 115th anniversary of А.А. Gromyko
28 June 2024

On June 27-28, 2024, IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko took part in International scientific readings to the 115th anniversary of A.A. Gromyko in Gomel State University.

Religion in modern crises

Religion in modern crises
27 June 2024

On June 27, 2024, IE RAS held the scientific conference «The present and the future of religion policy in the context of modern crises».

Analytical paper No 15, 2024 «Foreign policy consensus against the backdrop of the UK election campaign»

Analytical paper No 15, 2024 «Foreign policy consensus against the backdrop of the UK election campaign»
27 June 2024

IE RAS presents Analytical papers of IE RAS No 15, 2024 «Foreign policy consensus against the backdrop of the UK election campaign» (in Russian) by Kira Godovanyuk, Candidate of Science (Political Science), leading researcher of the Center for UK studies, Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Primakov readings 2024

Primakov readings 2024
26 June 2024

On June 25-26, 2024, IE RAS associates took part in X international scientific and expert forum «Primakov readings»: «Russia in global context».

Analytical paper No 14, 2024 «The UK Election Campaign»

Analytical paper No 14, 2024 «The UK Election Campaign»
26 June 2024
IE RAS presents Analytical papers of IE RAS No 14, 2024 «The UK Election Campaign» (in Russian) by Elena Ananieva, Candidate of Science (Philosophy), Head of the Center for British Studies, Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences.

«European Parliament elections: results and prospects»

«European Parliament elections: results and prospects»
24 June 2024

On June 24, 2024, IE RAS held the round table «European Parliament elections: results and prospects».

«The latest trends in politics, economy and security of Europe»

«The latest trends in politics, economy and security of Europe»
21 June 2024

On June 21, 2024, IE RAS and AES held the All-Russian scientific conference of European studies experts «The latest trends in politics, economy and security of Europe».

Petersburg international economic forum

Petersburg international economic forum
08 June 2024

On June 5-8, 2024, IE RAS associates took part in ХХVII Petersburg international economic forum «The basis for multipolarity – formation of new growth centers».

Acute challenges and solutions for international relations in Eurasia

Acute challenges and solutions for international relations in Eurasia
07 June 2024
On June 6-7, 2024, IE RAS, AES and Kant Baltic Federal University held the conference «The new challenges and old solutions for international relations in Eurasia». 

Series of events, held by Geneva Center for Security Policy

Series of events, held by Geneva Center for Security Policy
05 June 2024

On June 3-5, 2024, IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko took part in the series of events, held by Geneva Center for Security Policy (GCSP), chaired by Thomas Greminger, former OSCE General Secretary.

Analytical paper No 13, 2024 «Change of First ministers in Scotland and Wales – a new crisis of power in a country»

Analytical paper No 13, 2024 «Change of First ministers in Scotland and Wales – a new crisis of power in a country»
03 June 2024

IE RAS presents Analytical papers of IE RAS No 13, 2024 «Change of First ministers in Scotland and Wales – a new crisis of power in a country» (in Russian) by Oleg Okhoshin, Candidate of Science (History), Senior Research Fellow of Centre for British Studies, Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

«World order of the XXI century: paradoxes of the present and outlines of the future»

«World order of the XXI century: paradoxes of the present and outlines of the future»
31 May 2024

On May 30-31, 2024, MGIMO University hosted the conference «World order of the XXI century: paradoxes of the present and outlines of the future», attended by IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko, who took part in the plenary session «The Russian school of international studies: politics, diplomacy, expertize».

«Russia and China: cooperation in the new era. 75 years of diplomatic relations»

«Russia and China: cooperation in the new era. 75 years of diplomatic relations»
29 May 2024

On May 29, 2024, IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko took part in the special Russian-Chinese seminar, opening the 9th international conference «Russia and China: cooperation in the new era. 75 years of diplomatic relations». 

«British internal and external policy: what to expect from the parliamentary election on the 4th of July?»

«British internal and external policy: what to expect from the parliamentary election on the 4th of July?»
29 May 2024

On May 29, 2024, IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko and Head of IE RAS Center for British studies Е.V. Аnanieva took part in the press conference «British internal and external policy: what to expect from the parliamentary election on the 4th of July?», organized by MIA Russia Today.

Scientific research laboratory «The Mechanisms of Economic Security in Europe: Challenges to Russia's National Interests»

Scientific research laboratory «The Mechanisms of Economic Security in Europe: Challenges to Russia's National Interests»
29 May 2024

Based on the results of the all-Russian competition for the creation of «new youth laboratories under the guidance of promising young researchers» within the framework of the Federal project “Science and Universities”, the scientific project of the Council of Young Scientists of the IE RAS was among the 200 winning laboratories.

«Europe – Asia: dialogue of civilizations»

«Europe – Asia: dialogue of civilizations»
24 May 2024

On May 23-24, 2024, IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko in Perm National Research University took part in the second International conference «Europe – Asia: dialogue of civilizations».

«European Parliament elections 2024: radical changes imminent?»

«European Parliament elections 2024: radical changes imminent?»
20 May 2024

On May 20, 2024, Head of IE RAS Departments of Social and political studies and Country studies V.Y. Schveytzer and V.B. Belov in IMEMO RAS presented speeches at the scientific seminar «European Parliament elections 2024: radical changes imminent?»

Analytical paper No 12, 2024 «Franco-German tandem and the modernization of the EU»

Analytical paper No 12, 2024 «Franco-German tandem and the modernization of the EU»
20 May 2024

IE RAS presents Analytical papers of IE RAS No 12, 2024 «Franco-German tandem and the modernization of the EU» (in Russian) by Yury Rubinskiy, Doctor of Sciences (History), Professor, Chief Researcher, Head of Centre for French Studies, Institute of Europe, RAS, and Alexey Sindeev, Doctor of Sciences (History), Professor of RAS, Chief Researcher, Institute of Europe, RAS.

Plenary conference of MAEF 2024 in IE RAS

Plenary conference of MAEF 2024 in IE RAS
16 May 2024

On May 16, 2024, IE RAS hosted the plenary conference of MAEF 2024 «Economic areas of Russia and Europe: navigation of strategies in the conditions of geoeconomic risks».

Analytical paper No 11, 2024 «On results of Xi Jinping's visit to Serbia in the context of "shuttle diplomacy"»

Analytical paper No 11, 2024 «On results of Xi Jinping's visit to Serbia in the context of "shuttle diplomacy"»
16 May 2024

IE RAS presents Analytical papers of IE RAS No 11, 2024 «On results of Xi Jinping's visit to Serbia in the context of "shuttle diplomacy"» (in Russian) by Entina Ekaterina, Doctor of Science (Politics), Head of the Department of Black Sea and Mediterranean Studies, Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor at HSE University.