institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Institute news

The African vector in the foreign policy of France: the hard breakup with «Francafrique»

The African vector in the foreign policy of France: the hard breakup with «Francafrique»
21 March 2024

Institute of Europe RAS presents the new publication «The African vector in the foreign policy of France: the hard breakup with “Francafrique”».

«Social trends on the eve of European parliament elections»

«Social trends on the eve of European parliament elections»
20 March 2024

On March 20, 2024, IE RAS held a regular meeting of A.A. Krasikov Social seminar on the subject of «Social trends on the eve of European parliament elections».

EU Summit: Europe on the way to escalation?

EU Summit: Europe on the way to escalation?
20 March 2024

On March 20, 2024, Deputy IE RAS Director V.B. Belov and Head of IE RAS Department of European security D.А. Danilov took part in the round table «EU Summit: Europe on the way to escalation?», organized by MIA «Russia Today».

Analytical paper No 7, 2024 «Presidential elections in Finland 2024»

Analytical paper No 7, 2024 «Presidential elections in Finland 2024»
19 March 2024

IE RAS presents Analytical papers of IE RAS No 7, 2024 «Presidential elections in Finland 2024» (in Russian) by Natalia Plevako, Candidate of Sciences (History), Leading Researcher, Head of the Nordic Center of the Department of Country Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Russian President elections on French RT TV channel

Russian President elections on French RT TV channel
18 March 2024

On March 16-18, 2024, IE RAS leading scientific associate S.М. Fedorov commented live on French RT TV channel the course of Russian President elections.

Analytical paper No 6, 2024 «Parliament election in Belarus as an element of constitutional reform»

Analytical paper No 6, 2024 «Parliament election in Belarus as an element of constitutional reform»
12 March 2024

IE RAS presents Analytical papers of IE RAS No 6, 2024 «Parliament election in Belarus as an element of constitutional reform» (in Russian) by Nikolay M. Mezhevich, Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor, Head of the Center for Belarusian Studies, Department of Social and Political Studies, Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Vsevolod V. Shimov, Candidate of Science (Politics), Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Belarusian State University.

Global youth festival in Sochi

Global youth festival in Sochi
06 March 2024

On March 5-6, 2024, Global youth festival in Sochi was attended by IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko and Head of IE RAS Center for Belorussian studies N.М. Меzhevich.

«Far East and Arctic: sustainable development»

«Far East and Arctic: sustainable development»
06 March 2024

On March 5-6, 2024, Head of IE RAS Center for Arctic studies V.P. Zhuravel took part in IХ international conference «Far East and Arctic: sustainable development».

XL meeting of Economic seminar n.a. Academician N.P. Shmelev

XL meeting of Economic seminar n.a. Academician N.P. Shmelev
05 March 2024

On March 5, 2024, IE RAS held XL meeting of Economic seminar n.a. Academician N.P. Shmelev on the subject of «The EU center and periphery: convergence problems».

Analytical paper No 5, 2024 «Referendum on Irish unity: chances and prospects»

Analytical paper No 5, 2024 «Referendum on Irish unity: chances and prospects»
04 March 2024

IE RAS presents Analytical papers of IE RAS No 5, 2024 «Referendum on Irish unity: chances and prospects» (in Russian) by Oleg Okhoshin, Candidate of Science (History), Senior Research Fellow of Centre for British Studies, Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

«Transatlantic talks» on block chain political economy

«Transatlantic talks» on block chain political economy
28 February 2024

On February 28, 2024, IE RAS held a new seminar in «Transatlantic talks» series on relations between cryptocurrency ecosystems and state monetary systems in USA and EU.

«Mediterranean talks»

«Mediterranean talks»
27 February 2024
On February 27, 2024, IE RAS held a new seminar in «Mediterranean talks» series on prospects of conceptual mapping of the Greater Mediterranean.

«Theory and practice of strategizing»

«Theory and practice of strategizing»
21 February 2024

On February 21, 2024, IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko took part in VII international conference «Theory and practice of strategizing».

Discussion on the results of Munich Security Conference

Discussion on the results of Munich Security Conference
19 February 2024

On February 19, 2024, Deputy IE Director V.B. Belov took part in the round table «Results of Munich Security Conference», organized by MIA Russia Today.

«For the freedom of nations!»

«For the freedom of nations!»
16 February 2024

On February 16, 2024, Corresponding RAS member, IE RAS Director Al.А. Gromyko took part in the Forum of supporters of fighting the new colonialism «For the freedom of nations!» in Moscow.

Visit of Al.A. Gromyko to Lugansk People’s Republic

Visit of Al.A. Gromyko to Lugansk People’s Republic
14 February 2024

On February 14, 2024, Corresponding RAS member, IE RAS Director Al.А. Gromyko in Lugansk State University n.a. V. Dal took part in the celebration of the 81st anniversary of the town’s liberation from German fascist invaders, and delivered a speech at the scientific conference «Russia yesterday, today, tomorrow».

Analytical paper No 4, 2024 «The EU summit in February: results of the battle for the budget revision»

Analytical paper No 4, 2024 «The EU summit in February: results of the battle for the budget revision»
09 February 2024
IE RAS presents Analytical papers of IE RAS No 4, 2024 «The EU summit in February: results of the battle for the budget revision» (in Russian) by Olga Potemkina, Doctor of Political Science, Head of the Department of European integration studies, Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Science.

The 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences
08 February 2024

On February 8, 2024, the State Kremlin Palace hosted the ceremonial meeting, dedicated to the Day of Russian science and the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin and RAS President G.Y. Krasnikov addressed the audience. V.V. Putin presented state awards to prominent Russian scientists and the Presidential award in science and innovation to young scientists.

«The Arctic region in times of global confrontation»

«The Arctic region in times of global confrontation»
06 February 2024

On February 6, 2024, IE RAS associates took part in the scientific conference «The Arctic region in times of global confrontation», co-organized with the Institute of USA and Canada RAS.

Analytical paper No 3, 2024 «On the Russian BRICS Chairmanship Agenda»

Analytical paper No 3, 2024 «On the Russian BRICS Chairmanship Agenda»
01 February 2024

IE RAS presents Analytical papers of IE RAS No 3, 2024 «On the Russian BRICS Chairmanship Agenda» (in Russian) by Sergey A. Roginko, Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Head of Center for Ecology and Development, Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences.