institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences


European analytics 2024

European analytics 2024

The Institute of Europe (Russian Academy of Sciences, IE RAS) presents a new issue of the annual edition «European analytics». The collection contains materials, reflecting the expert vision of IE RAS on a number of important political and socio-economic developments in the Old World, on different aspects of internal and foreign policy of European countries and organisations. The focus is on the analysis of shifts in global politics and security, acute problems, political processes and possible prospects of the European region in the conditions of a multilayer crisis.  

Das Argument: Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften Alexej Gromyko. Kubakrise2.0? ZurnuklearenDimensioninStellvertreterkriegen.

Das Argument: Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften  Alexej Gromyko. Kubakrise2.0? ZurnuklearenDimensioninStellvertreterkriegen.


The Institute of Europe RAS presents the annual joint publication with the EGMONT Institute.
It is the result of a restricted webinar, that took place on Tuesday, May 25, 2021. The text is published in parallel by the two institutions. It is dedicated to the current state of relations between Russia and the European Union, the roots of the problems and prospects of their solution.   

The Birth of the Post War World: Plans and Reality

The Birth of the Post War World: Plans and Reality

Publication by Al.A. Gromyko, IE RAS Director, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II and creation of the United Nations. This text combines two articles of the author, released in the «Contemporary Europe» journal, № 5–6, 2020.


Security Policy Briefs

Security Policy Briefs
Biden’s World? Views from the United States, China, Russia and the European Union. Sven Biscop & Alexey Gromyko (Editors)

The COVID-19 pandemic prevented the annual joint seminars that since a few years the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Egmont – Royal Institute for International Relations organise in Moscow and Brussels.


Relations between USA and Japan: the History of Ups and Downs (1791–2020)

Relations between USA and Japan: the History of Ups and Downs (1791–2020)

Relations between USA and Japan: the History of Ups and Downs (1791–2020)

M.G. Nosov

М.: «Ves Mir», 2020.  ISBN 978-5-7777-0820-5

This book tells the story of relations between USA and Japan from their first acquaintance to the present day. For more than two centuries they lived through periods of mutual interest and hatred, admiration and desire to destroy each other. Today the countries, despite their ongoing economic competition and almost total dependence of Japan on the US in the security sphere, manage to find a mutually acceptable formula of relations. Americans and Japanese have used the experience of each other, learned to forgive mutual insults and settle their conflicts.  

Migration Management and Migration Policy Models: Opportunities and Risks

Migration Management and Migration Policy Models: Opportunities and Risks

Migration Management and Migration Policy Models: Opportunities and Risks

Collection of articles (Ed. by Al. A. Gromyko) 
М.: IE RAS, 2020. ISBN 978-5-98163-156-6

This collection of articles is prepared by a group of well-known specialists on migration from Russia, Germany, Netherlands and Italy. Its publication is a result of joint efforts of Expert Council of the Institute for linguistic, civilization and migration processes at Russkiy Mir Foundation and the Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences.


Download migration2020.pdf


The EU Global Strategy: Implications for Russia.

The EU Global Strategy: Implications for Russia.
  • The EU Global Strategy: Implications for Russia / Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences; Egmont – The Royal Institute for International Relations. Ed. by Olga Potemkina. – M., 2017. – 90 P. - ISBN 978-5-98163-097-2
The Report “The EU Global Strategy: Implications for Russia”, produced by the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) and “Egmont – The Royal Institute for International Relations” (Brussels), is dedicated to the Global Strategy for the European Union’s Foreign and Security Policy (EUGS)published in June 2016. Analyzing the EUGS’s challenges and opportunities for Russia, the authors touch upon key issues in bi-lateral relations – resilience in the shared neighbourhood, EU-EAEU compatibility, energy security. The report questions the possibility of selective engagement between Russia and the EU in the conditions of major crisis and conflict of interests. Still, it states that the general EU’s shift from value based external relations to “principled pragmatism” can create the impetus for relaunching the political dialogue with Russia.

Civil Society: Experience of the European Union Countries and Russia.

Civil Society: Experience of the European Union Countries and Russia.
  • Kanunnikov A. A.
  • 2017, ISBN 978-5-98163-096-5, ISBN 978-5-9516-0805-5
The monograph shows the history of the formation of the concept of «civil society», the role and place of civil society in the modern world. Considering the civil society in the context of globalization, the author makes predictions about the future prospects, particularly in Europe, based on the analysis of the formation of EU policy towards civil society, development of mechanisms for the European civil society participation in the European integration processes. On the basis of the existing systems of measurement and evaluation of civil society, the author proposes a system of definitions of civil society models in the European Union countries.

The study shows EU principles of interaction with foreign civil society on the example of the EU dialogue with civil society of Latin America. The author also examines examples of looking by civil society organizations for answers to the modern challenges.

Special paragraph is dedicated to the peculiarities of the formation of civil society in Russia and the relations between the state and the civil society.

The European Union in Search of Global Role: Politics, Economy, Security

The European Union in Search of Global Role: Politics, Economy, Security
  • Ed. by Аl.А. Gromyko and М.G. Nosov.
  • М.: «Ves Mir», 2015. ISBN 978-5-7777-0597-6

The book is devoted to the EU foreign policy, its political, military and economic aspects. While the key role of the EU in global economy is beyond any doubt, its external political and military capabilities remain to be much less pronounced. They are still incomparable to the EU's impact on the global economy due to several reasons. The WWII results for Europe, as well as for Japan, became a strong anti-war vaccine demonstrating that, by cutting military expenses, one can promote economic development. USA, willingly and to their own benefit, proclaimed themselves the warrantor of Western Europe’s security, turning the European foreign policy into the function of the policy of Washington. Creation of NATO, dominated by the US, sealed the role of USA as the leading antagonist of Moscow in the Cold war.

The Greater Europe. Ideas, Reality, Prospects

The Greater Europe. Ideas, Reality, Prospects
  • Ed. by Аl.А. Gromyko and V.P. Fedorov.
  • М.: «Ves Mir», 2014. ISBN 978-5-7777-0643-0 60x90 1/16, 704 p. Collective monograph series: The Old World – the New Times
Scientists of IE RAS and other Russian research centers united to study the key aspects of interstate and supernational relations on the European continent in the context of continuing integration. The book has three parts: «Europe in the World History», «Contemporary Europe» and «Future of the Greater Europe», and suggests the most efficient ways and means of settlement of the existing and newly arising contradictions between European countries and their unions. This publication features high level of actuality, wide scope of subjects and comprehensive analysis of historical, political, economic, ideological and cultural aspects of the problems considered. The authors conclude that, despite all difficulties and recoils in building Russia’s relations with other European countries and the EU, the objective necessity for creation of the common Greater Europe area and further rapprochement of Russia and its neighbors remains.

The Modern Germany. Economy and Politics.

The Modern Germany. Economy and Politics.
  • Ed. by V.B. Belov
  • М.: «Ves Mir», 2015. ISBN 978-5-7777-0596-9 70x100 1/16, 720 p.

The German economic, party and political model has gone through serious changes over the last 15 years, first of all, due to large-scale reforms, initiated in 2003. These changes helped greatly in overcoming consequences of the global financial crisis of 2008–2010. Despite certain achievements, Germany still needs further reforms in various social and economic spheres. This collective monograph analyses different aspects of economy and politics of the modern Germany – one of the major partners of Russia in the EU and leader of the Western European integration. The modern Germany attracts attention of an interested reader as means of finding answers to questions on prospects of market model transformation, party and political mechanisms changes, ruling parties reaction to internal and external challenges and the German state quest for its place in the constantly changing globalizing world.

«European Integration» textbook

«European Integration» textbook
  • Ed. by О.V. Butorina
  • by О.V. Butorina
  • М.: «Delovaya Literatura», 2011. ISBN 978-5-93211-04-92 720 p.

The Experience of WWII for Europe of the XXI Century

The Experience of WWII for Europe of the XXI Century
  • Ed. by Аl.А. Gromyko (editor-in-chief), Е.V. Аnanieva
  • М.: «Ves Mir», 2011. ISBN 978-5-91299-104-2

The Experience of WWII for Europe of the XXI Century.

Military Policy of the European Union

Military Policy of the European Union
  • V.V. Zhurkin
  • 2014. 256 p. 60х90/16 ISBN: 978-5-7133-1485-9

The book analyses the 15 years of the EU Common Security and Defense Policy: formation and development of the European Security Strategy, planning and supervision structures, modernization potential, achievements and difficulties of military operations and civil missions. The publication covers the EU’s experience of overcoming obstacles and challenges on the way of military development and high technologies realization. The long term external security cooperation between Russia and the European Union is characterized in great detail as well.

European Army: Defeats and Victories

European Army: Defeats and Victories
  • V.V. Zhurkin
  • 2012. 192 p. 60x90 1/16 ISBN: 978-5-7133-1403-3

The book is devoted to the new direction of EU activities, that is being developed in the XXI century – Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP). Pre-history and major reasons for its creation are analyzed, along with formation of the European Security Strategy. EU military operations and civil missions under the CSDP are characterized. Achievements and difficulties in its realization, problems and solutions, including those within EU – NATO framework, are disclosed. Special focus is made on Russia – EU cooperation in the sphere of external security.

Russia and Germany. War and Peace: from Global Catastrophes to European Security

Russia and Germany. War and Peace: from Global Catastrophes to European Security
  • I.F. Maximychev
  • 2013

The book is published with support of the Historical Perspective Foundation. It covers the 100 years from 1914. After the extended period of introduction of new documents disclosing the unknown episodes of the XX century, which was so rich for various catastrophes, it is now time for large scale generalizations, conclusions and attempts to look beyond the horizon of the future. The book of I.F. Maximychev, reflecting this new trend, is special because it's author served for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 36 years, most of which were devoted to the German direction, including 17 years in the Embassies in the GDR and FRG. Thus, the reader will face not only the theory, but also the rich experience of the witness who personally participated in many events, described in the book.

Building Good Neighborhood

Building Good Neighborhood
  • Ed. by Аl.А. Gromyko, Е.V.Ananieva.
  • М.: «Ves Mir», 2013. ISBN 978-5-7777-0539-6
This collective monograph of authors from Russia, Bulgaria, Poland and Serbia, united by participation in programs of the Association of European Studies (Russia), is devoted to various aspects of not only bilateral relations of Russia with those countries, but also of cooperation of Russia with the states of the European region in general. In the broad context of historical heritage and civilization ties, the authors consider various subjects and directions of cooperation: European and Russian identity, Russian role in the past and modern history of Europe, situation in the Balkans, Russian-Polish ties, security problems etc. Great attention is paid to the modern state of integration processes.

European Parliament Elections 2014: Results and Prospects

European Parliament Elections 2014: Results and Prospects
  • S.M. Fedorov

The book is prepared by IE RAS in cooperation with «Spravedliviy Mir» Institute and with support of Moscow office of F. Ebert Foundation.

Dilemmas of Britain. The Search for Ways of Development.

Dilemmas of Britain. The Search for Ways of Development.
  • Al.A. Gromyko, E.V. Ananieva
  • М.: «Ves Mir», 2014. ISBN 978-5-7777-0566-2 60х90 1/16 480 p.

Collective monograph «Dilemmas of Britain. The Search for Ways of Development» is the result of collaboration between IE RAS and RIAC. The authors of the book represent several generations of Russian British studies experts. This monograph is the most recent comprehensive research of internal and foreign policy of the modern Great Britain, one of the leading European countries. It analyses evolution of the British development model under the impact of the global economic crisis, demonstrating how traditions and innovations can coexist in various spheres of life. Special focus is made on the Russian – British relations. This book is aimed at describing the recent past and present of the Foggy Albion, as well as at looking into its foreseeable future.