institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences


Innovation Development Financing: Theory and Practice

Innovation Development Financing: Theory and Practice
  • A.M. Eroshkin, M.V. Petrov, D.E. Plisetzkiy. Scientific editor: V.P. Fedorov, Deputy Director IE RAS, Corresponding member RAS.
  • М.: IE RAS; SPb.: Nestor-Istoria, 2012. — 184 p. ISBN 978-5-90598-615-4
This monograph discusses theoretical and practical aspects of innovation development financing, and analyses major instruments of attracting investments in science and technologies. The book presents advanced foreign experience of innovation development financing and peculiarities of participation of the state in R&D support.

10 Years of Negotiations Are Better Than 1 Day of War. Remembering Andrei Gromyko

10 Years of Negotiations Are Better Than 1 Day of War. Remembering Andrei Gromyko
  • Al.A. Gromyko.
  • M.: «Ves Mir», 2009. ISBN 978-5-7777-0444-3 70х100 1/16 320 p.

The name of Andrei Gromyko marks an epoch in the history of foreign policy of our country. For 28 years (1957-1985) he was the Foreign Minister of the USSR, securing the nation's interests in the turbulent Cold War period. This book of memories celebrates the centennial anniversary of the outstanding diplomat, with more than thirty articles of Soviet and Russian scientists and diplomats, followers of the diplomatic art of А.А. Gromyko. The preface is written by the Russian Foreign Minister S.V. Lavrov. The book is compiled by grandson of the Russian minister — Dr. Аl.A. Gromyko.

Modernization of the Party System of Great Britain

Modernization of the Party System of Great Britain
  • Al.A. Gromyko.
  • М.: «Ves Mir», 2007. ISBN 978-5-7777-0382-8 60x90 1/16 344 p.

This book is devoted to modernization of the party and political system of Great Britain, focusing on both leading and smaller political parties. The author analyses internal decision taking mechanisms, structural and ideological changes in British parties. The dynamics of parliamentary elections is considered along with the results of local, European and regional ones. Besides, the author dwells on the subject whether modern British parties meet the current demands of a developed democratic society.

Political Reformism in Great Britain (1970-1990)

Political Reformism in Great Britain (1970-1990)
  • Al.A. Gromyko.
  • М.: «Ves Mir», 2001. ISBN 5-293-00037-3, 978-5-293-00037-1 60x84 1/16 268 p.

The book analyses the leading political movements in the modern history of Great Britain — neoconservatism and «New Labourism». Their origins, development, common and particular features are disclosed. The impact of Thatcherism and the “Third Way” concept on society, economy, party system and state institutions is considered.