institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences


Series of books: "Reports of the Institute of Europe RAS" 

Report № 387 - 2022. The China Factor in the Mediterranean : [monograph] / [А.V. Аvilova].

М.: IE RAS, 2022. – ISBN ISBN 978-5-98163-182-5. – DOI: 

This collective monograph results from the research conducted political scientists, economists, historians and international relations scholars from the Institute of Europe RAS, Institute of Oriental Studies RAS, IMEMO RAS, MGIMO University, National State University Higher School of Economics. The chapters of the monograph share the same goal – to reveal the extent China is already present in the Mediterranean, to explore which role PRC plays in the socio-economic and political development of the states of the region, what are the future prospects of its presence and influence. The Mediterranean is highly heterogeneous in political, historical, cultural, and civilizational sense. The region consists of the members of the European Union, politically unstable states of the Middle East and North Africa, the states of the Balkans, which are still in the process of self-determination and nation-building, and ambitious regional power Turkey. The study reveals the unique state experiences of relations with the PRC in order to identify common features and national specifics. For Russia, which has its own agenda of cooperation with the Mediterranean states, understanding of the Chinese factor in the development of the region also seems necessary and significant.

Report № 386 - 2021. The United Kingdom after brexit : [monograph] / [К.А. Godovanyuk].

М.: IE RAS, 2021. – ISBN 978-5-98163-180-1. – DOI:

The edited book by Russian scholars and UK experts focuses on the political and economic developments Britain faces following the end of the post-Brexit transition period. Against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic, B. Johnson’s Conservative government was confronted with many challenges, from trying to put together an adequate anti-crisis domestic policy to fitting UK foreign policy into the «Global Britain» framework. The authors look into the UK foreign trade policy, the roadblocks in the implementation of the UK – EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement, the impact of Brexit and the pandemic on the com- petitiveness of London as a leading financial hub, and how UK plans moving over to a climate-neutral economy. Special emphasis is given to the centrifugal trends in Scotland and Northern Ireland that conspic- uously manifested themselves upon the UK withdrawal from the EU, along with the phenomenon of anti-monarchism. The authors explore Russia – UK relations in the light of the Integrated Review and provide an analysis of the latest developments in the UK defense strategy and armed forces.

Report № 385 - 2021. Catholic church and challenges of modernity in Italy: evolution of approaches and interpretations : [monograph] / [V.Е. Yazkova].

М.: IE RAS, 2021. – ISBN 978-5-98163-179-5. – DOI:

This paper takes a closer look at global challenges currently facing the Catholic Church and the Catholic community in Italy at the present stage: the 2020–2021 coronavirus pandemic, migration crisis and populism, the breakthrough of new cultural and religious traditions in Europe, an aggressive behavior of the young people as a manifestation of the culture of death, further growth of urbanization and the multi-faceted phenomenon of artificial intelligence and «post-truth». The discussion is focused around evolution of interpretations by hierarchs, and by the Pope himself first and foremost, the head of the Roman Catholic Church on global problems of our time. The starting point of the study was the Second Vatican Council. The paper attempts a comprehensive study of the key provisions of the social doctrine of the Catholic Church in the context of global challenges of modernity in Italy, using the historical-and-hermeneutical method of the Vatican’s official documents analysis and the relevant statements of Catholic hierarchs in their historical context.

Report № 384 - 2021. Problems of commoneuropean security in the works of russian political scientists : [monograph] / [А.А. Sindeev].

М.: IE RAS, 2021. – ISBN 978-5-98163-177-1. – DOI:

The monograph is devoted to the study of the problems of common European security by Russian political scientists. The author has carried out the primary conceptual systematization of the points of view that have developed in Russian political science about the essence and interrelation of the problems fundamental to European security and the transformations taking place in the European space. The monograph substantiates the thesis about the constructed nature of the phenomenon of common European security and presents two algorithms for the formation of concepts. The monograph develops a new scientific direction – study of the works of political scientists. The monograph will be useful for undergraduates, postgraduates and researchers dealing with the problems of pan-European security, related phenomena and processes.

Report № 383 - 2021. The party and political system of the European Union at the beginning of the XXI century : [monograph] / [V.Y. Schveytzer].

М.: IE RAS, 2021. – ISBN 978-5-98163-175-7. – DOI:

The monograph, covering the events of the first two decades of the XXI century, examines the most significant processes of the party political system of the European Union. The program documents of various political trends in Europe, common and country-specific in the party segment of the EU member states are analysed. Special attention is paid to election campaigns during the elections to the European Parliament, the specifics of the main «party families» of the European Union – Christian Democrats / Conservatives, Liberals, Social Democrats, «greens», ethno-regional parties, national isolationists are studied in detail. The author states the turbulence in the development of the party-political system of modern Europe, the unpredictability of the evolution of this key element of the integration process in the Old World.

Report № 382 - 2021. Moslems in Europe. Coexistence, cooperation, dia- logue of civilizations : [monograph] / [А.К. Каmkin].

М.: IE RAS, 2021. – ISBN 978-5-98163-174-0. – DOI: 

This collective monograph results from the researches of groups of experts in Islamic studies from different regions of Russia. Its articles are joint by the topic of dialogue of Islamic and European civilizations on the territory of the Old World. New times set new challenges: migration, demography, pandemic etc. And sometimes Europeans do not have adequate responses to the new challenges of modernity. This study is the first, but, hopefully, not the last, experience of scientific dialogue on this topic. Russia as the territory of peaceful coexistence of various religions, including Christianity and Islam, can share its experience with European countries, for many of which the dialogue of religions and coexistence of different cultures is a new and complex challenge.

Report № 381 - 2021. Fears and Hopes of the Europeans in the context of Pandemic : [monograph] / [R. N. Lunkin].

М.: IE RAS, 2021. – ISBN 978-5-98163-172-62. – DOI:

The monograph is devoted to the study of political solidarity and religious identity in the European space in the context of social and epidemiological challenges currently faced by Europe. The book analyzed the features of civil solidarity and public attitudes during the coronavirus pandemic in the member-state of Europe. The religious factor is touched on by the example of Orthodoxy and certain countries of the post-Soviet space, where social and political transformations are taking place (Russia, Montenegro, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus). The participation of religious associations in po- litical life is considered through the prism of the theory of post-secularization, that means growing importance of religion in civil society as a symbol of identity and a source of social solidarity.

Report № 380 - 2021. Slovakia: from European idea to EU membership : [monograph] / [М.V. Vedernikov].

М.: IE RAS, 2021. – ISBN 978-5-98163-170-2. – DOI: 

The belonging of Slovakia to Europe, the Western world, today no one doubts. However, several decades ago, especially after it gained independence in 1993, this fact was called into question. The paper traces the process of infiltration of the European idea into Slovak society, notes the peculiarities of the construction of national identity, studies the history of joining the Euro-Atlantic structures. The author notes that, despite the deviation from the course, both in the period preceding EU membership and after joining the union, the central idea was clear to be part of a united Europe. This was evidently manifested in the deepening of the integration processes and the desire to get closer to the «core of the EU» when Slovakia had already become its full-fledged member.

Report № 378 - 2020. The results of the first year of Boris Johnson’s government. [monograph]

Report № 378 - 2020. The results of the first year of Boris Johnson’s government. [monograph]. М., 2020

Report № 376 - 2020. Elections in V4 countries after 30 years. Features of 2019–2020 electoral campaigns. [monograph] / [ed. by L.N. Shishelina, R.N. Lunkin].

Report № 376 - 2020. Elections in V4 countries after 30 years. Features of 2019–2020 electoral campaigns. [monograph] / [ed. by L.N. Shishelina, R.N. Lunkin]. М., 2020, ISBN 978-5-98163-165-8.

Report № 375 - 2020. Problems of transformation of European security in the works of Russian political scientists. [monograph] / [А.А. Sindeev].

Report № 375 - 2020. Problems of transformation of European security in the works of Russian political scientists. [monograph] / [А.А. Sindeev]. М., 2020, ISBN 978-5-98163-164-1.

Report № 374 - 2020. Coalition Governments in Contemporary Europe: chances and risks. [monograph] / [V.Y. Shveytzer and other authors].

Report № 374 - 2020. Coalition Governments in Contemporary Europe: chances and risks. [monograph] / [V.Y. Shveytzer and other authors]. М., 2020, ISBN 978-5-98163-163-4.

Report № 373 - 2020. «Global Britain» in the run-up to Brexit. [monograph] / [K.А. Godovanyuk].

Report № 373 - 2020. «Global Britain» in the run-up to Brexit. [monograph] / [K.А. Godovanyuk]. М., 2020, ISBN 978-5-98163-160-3.

Report № 372 - 2020. Europe in search of new solutions. [monograph] / [А.S. Аyvazyan and other authors].

Report № 372 - 2020. Europe in search of new solutions. [monograph] / [А.S. Аyvazyan and other authors; ed. by R.N. Lunkin, P.V. Oskolkov]. М., 2020, ISBN 978-5-98163-159-7.

Report № 371 - 2020. Legal migration governance in the European Union. [monograph] / [L.S. Bisson].

Report № 371 - 2020. Legal migration governance in the European Union. [monograph] / [L.S. Bisson]. М., 2020, ISBN 978-5-98163-158-0.

Report № 370 - 2020. Monetary regulation in Russia and the EU. [monograph] / [A.I. Bazhan].

Report № 370 - 2020. Monetary regulation in Russia and the EU. [monograph] / [A.I. Bazhan]. М., 2020, ISBN 978-5-98163-157-3.

Report № 369 - 2020. Party and political system in Germany during Angela Merkel’s chancellorship (2005–2017). [monograph] / [Е.P. Тimoshenkova].

Report № 369 - 2020. Party and political system in Germany during Angela Merkel’s chancellorship (2005–2017). [monograph] / [Е.P. Тimoshenkova]. М., 2020, ISBN 978-5-98163-154-2.

Report № 368 - 2020. Germany. 2019. [monograph] / [V.B. Belov].

Report № 368 - 2020. Germany. 2019. [monograph] / [V.B. Belov]. М., 2020, ISBN 978-5-98163-153-5.

Report № 367 - 2019. The role of the UN, EU and OSCE in crisis regulation. [monograph] / [I.N. Sherbak].

Report № 367 - 2019. The role of the UN, EU and OSCE in crisis regulation. [monograph] / [I.N. Sherbak]. М., 2019, ISBN 978-5-98163-152-8.

Report № 351 - 2018. The Future of Europe: global challenges and possible responses.

351. The Future of Europe: global challenges and possible responses. Reports of the IE RAS, № 351, М., 2018. ISBN 978-5-98163-106-1.