institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

«Germany after election»

  • 04 October 2017
On October 4, 2017, IE RAS associates took part in «Germany after election» event, organized by the Russian affiliate of «Rosa Luxemburg Foundation – Public development analysis and civil education» (Germany).

The meeting was moderated by the affiliate’s head Kerstin Kaiser. German politician and long-time Bundestag deputy of the «Left» party Wolfgang Gerke and Christiane Reimann presented their book «Germany and Russia – how to move ahead? Exit out of the German-Russian crisis» (published in German by „editon berolina“). The participants of the discussion outlined that the authors use constructive arguments for everybody who is looking for education instead of propaganda, who is willing to participate in building the external relations of the two countries, playing key roles in keeping peace in Europe.

Then the participants discussed Bundestag election results. The introductory report on how the election campaign and results are viewed in Russia was presented by Deputy IE RAS Director V.B. Belov, who stressed the issue of the right radical «Alternative for Germany» party’s accession to the parliament. Co-reports were made by Wolfgang Gerke and Albrecht Maurer, focusing on prospects of the left parties in Germany. The event was attended by: deputy Head of IE RAS Center for German studies Е.P. Timoshenkova and leading scientific associate of IE RAS Department of social and political studies B.P. Guseletov.


«Germany after election» «Germany after election» «Germany after election» «Germany after election»