the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences
International Dialogue on NATO – Russia Military Risk Reduction in Europe
29 December 2020
In June 2020 Institute of Europe (RAS) and Institute for US and Canadian Studies (RAS) co-organised an international project «Dialogue on NATO – Russia Military Risk Reduction in Europe». 20 online seminars followed involving a core group of about 40 well-known experts from the United States, Russia and other European countries. After five months of work the Group has produced a document, presented here.
These Recommendations have been supported by over 140 specialists, including former ministers of foreign affairs and defence, former high-placed diplomats and retired generals and admirals. The basic idea, underpinning the document, consists in a desire to stop escalation in the military sphere between Russia and NATO in Europe, to urge heads of states and governments to take immediate actions to lower the risks of the current confrontation, which can easily spill into a military conflict and probably a big war.