institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Jubilee «Potsdam meetings» in Berlin

  • 23 June 2017
On June 22-23, 2017, IE RAS Director, RAS Corresponding member Аl.А. Gromyko and IE RAS Deputy Director V.B. Belov in Berlin took part in the 20th «Potsdam meetings».
This time the subject was «Russia and the West: political and economic ways out of the crisis». Greetings of Russian and German Foreign Ministers S.V. Lavrov ( and S. Gabriel ( were presented by the Chairman of German-Russian Forum M. Platzek and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to Germany V.М. Grinin.

Аl.А. Gromyko presented the introductory speech in the first section «Chances of the future system of global security and peace» (see the interview in German: V.B. Belov discussed the role of China in the strategic partnership with the EU, ЕАEU and their members (first of all, with Germany and Russia), and highlighted the prospects of Russian-German cooperation in digitalization.

On June 22, the participants of «Potsdam meetings» brought flowers to the Memorial of Soviet soldiers in Tiergarten. For the first time, the conference was attended by delegates of the youth section of «Potsdam meetings» (their forum took place in Moscow on May 10-12). «Potsdam meetings» were organized by: Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Foundation and German-Russian Forum.


Jubilee «Potsdam meetings» in Berlin Jubilee «Potsdam meetings» in Berlin Jubilee «Potsdam meetings» in Berlin Jubilee «Potsdam meetings» in Berlin Jubilee «Potsdam meetings» in Berlin Jubilee «Potsdam meetings» in Berlin Jubilee «Potsdam meetings» in Berlin Jubilee «Potsdam meetings» in Berlin Jubilee «Potsdam meetings» in Berlin Jubilee «Potsdam meetings» in Berlin Jubilee «Potsdam meetings» in Berlin Jubilee «Potsdam meetings» in Berlin Jubilee «Potsdam meetings» in Berlin