institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

XXI Krynitza Economic forum

  • 09 September 2016
On September 6-9, 2016, XXI Economic forum was held in Krynitza (Poland). IE RAS delegation conducted two panel discussions during the forum.
The first discussion «The new great resettlement of peoples: threat or benefit» was organized and moderated by IE RAS deputy Director V.B. Belov with participation of Head of IE RAS Center for French Studies, prof. Y.I. Rubinskiy, IE RAS Scientific Secretary N.B. Kondratieva, Complutense University of Madrid professor Ruth Ferrero, member of French Senate Jean-Yves Leconte and President of Study and Research center IDOS Ugo Melchionda ‪(Italy), who presented their visions of causes and consequences of the current mass legal and illegal migration in Eurasia.
The speakers outlined that the massive wave of refugees and immigrants that flooded the EU in 2015, resembles the Great resettlement of peoples on the eve of the Christian era from East to West, caused by contrasts of economic development and demographic dynamics. The same factors act now, but in the new context of globalization of economy and living standards of peoples from various civilizations, residing in the unified information field, which multiplies the conflict potential of migration flows. The discussion revealed weaknesses of global institutes in fighting with the key reasons of mass migration.
IE RAS would like to thank O. Sokolovskaya, chief coordinator for Russia and Belorussia of «Institute of Eastern European Studies» foundation, who provided all the necessary organizational support for Russian participants of the forum. 
XXI Krynitza Economic forum XXI Krynitza Economic forum XXI Krynitza Economic forum XXI Krynitza Economic forum