IE RAS presents Analytical papers of IE RAS No 12, 2024 «Franco-German tandem and the modernization of the EU» (in Russian) by Yury Rubinskiy, Doctor of Sciences (History), Professor, Chief Researcher, Head of Centre for French Studies, Institute of Europe, RAS, and Alexey Sindeev, Doctor of Sciences (History), Professor of RAS, Chief Researcher, Institute of Europe, RAS.
The authors analyze the joint program of selective cooperation of the Franco-German tandem of 2023, the principal aspects of Sorbonne speech of the President of France E. Macron of 2024. In the context of modernization of the European Union, the program of 2023 and the Sorbonne speech of 2024 were compared. The authors noted some difficulties in the tandem. They formulated six hypotheses that may be important for the European policy of the Russian Federation.