On February 21, 2022, Valery P. Zhuravel and Diana S. Timoshenko, researchers of the Center for Arctic Studies of the Department of Country Studies, took part online in the round table "International cooperation and regional security issues: the Arctic," which was held in Krasnoyarsk.
The round table was opened by Olga S. Pustoshinskaya, Chairman of the Tyumen Regional Branch of the Russian Political Science Association, and Vasily V. Nikulenkov, Acting Director of the Institute of North and Arctic of the Siberian Federal University.
Then the panellists had their floor.
In the report "Russian Chairmanship of the Arctic Council: First Results, Risks and Prospects for International Cooperation", Head of IE RAS Center for Arctic Studies Valery P. Zhuravel paid special attention to the peculiarities of the Russian Chairmanship of the Arctic Council (AC) in the context of pandemic, sanctions and Western pressure on Russia. He analysed the implementation of the Program and Action Plan of Russia's Chairmanship in the Arctic Council.
Senior Research Associate of the Center for Arctic Studies IE RAS Diana S. Timoshenko analyzed the new European Arctic strategy and issues of international cooperation. She provided the audience with results of the study on Joint Communication to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: a stronger EU engagement for peaceful, sustainable and prosperous Arctic. The researcher paid special attention to the need for joint efforts of European countries and Russia to develop and implement new technologies in extraction of minerals in the Arctic. She gave generalised description of the economic state of AC countries and spoke about international projects of the Center for Arctic Studies IE RAS.
The event was also attended by scientists from the Institute of North and Arctic of the Siberian Federal University, Tyumen State University, St. Petersburg State University, representatives of Russian Association of Political Science, and Krasnoyarsk Innovation Center LLC.
Valery P. Zhuravel took an active part in the discussion of Arctic issues and announced the series of Arctic seminars named after Valentin P. Fedorov, held by IE RAS.