IE RAS presents Analytical papers of IE RAS No 22, 2024 «Results of Brandenburg State Election and Prospects for the Upcoming Federal Election» (in Russian) by Vladislav Belov, Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Deputy Director, Head of the Department for Countries Studies, Head of the Center for German Studies, IE RAS.
On September 22, Brandenburg held its state parliamentary elections, marking the third election this month in Eastern Germany. Contrary to forecasts, the Social Democrats (SPD) were victorious, while the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) were defeated. As expected, Germany’s major protest parties — Alternative for Germany (AfD) and the Alliance for Reason and Justice, led by Sahra Wagenknecht — gained ground. The Greens and the Left Party failed to enter the state parliament, while liberals across all three Eastern states became a marginal force. This situation has forced the leadership of the Free Democratic Party to reconsider their role in the "traffic light" coalition. The author examines prospects for government formation in Brandenburg and broader implications of the elections for Germany's political landscape.