To the 30th anniversary of the Institute of Europe RAS and the 25th anniversary of the Association of European studies (Russia), in collaboration with Tomsk state university the book on development of European studies in Russia was released.
European studies in Russia (1992–2017). Ed. by О.V. Butorina. – Tomsk: Tomsk university publishing, 2017. – 464 с. ISBN 978-5-98163-093-4 ISBN 978-5-7511-2494-6

Editors: Y.А. Borko, Аl.А. Gromyko, L.V. Deriglazova
The book covers the history of creation and activity of the Association of European studies (AES) – interregional union of Russian scientists (historians, social, political and law experts, economists), exploring the modern development of the countries and peoples of Europe. The book has three parts. The first one covers creation and development of regional AES divisions, headquartered in leading Russian universities from Kaliningrad to Tomsk and Kemerovo. The second part contains scientific biographies and essays on experts in European studies, written by their colleagues. The third part presents extended interviews with researchers from various cities, speaking of their professional credo, personal way in science, achievements and specific features of regional scientific schools. The book was published with financial support of Jeam Monnet Center of Excellence/Center of European studies: focus on youth in Tomsk state university, led by Prof. L.V. Deriglazova.