institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

International conference «The destiny of Europe – XXI century»

  • 21 May 2017
On May 19-20, 2017, Voronezh State University (VSU), in the series of events, celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Association of European Studies (AES), with support of its regional office, headed by А.V. Аkulshina and Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Foundation, held the international conference «The destiny of Europe – XXI century».

The conference was opened by: VSU President Д.А. Endovitzky, AES President Аl.А. Gromyko, Head of Economy and Trade Department of EU Delegation to Russia L. Portero, representative of German Embassy to Russia Т. Ites, representative of Gorchakov Foundation N. Silakov. The conference was attended by delegates of 26 AES regional offices, prominent Russian and foreign experts in European studies.

The conference discussed acute problems of the Greater Europe, its countries and organizations with special focus on the EU, internal and external problems of its development.

Al.A. Gromyko was re-elected as AES President. MGIMO Professor M.L. Entin was elected as AES Board Chairman. Members of the Board and Bureau were elected. Winners and nominees of the young scientists’ contest were awarded.

International conference «The destiny of Europe – XXI century» International conference «The destiny of Europe – XXI century» International conference «The destiny of Europe – XXI century» International conference «The destiny of Europe – XXI century» International conference «The destiny of Europe – XXI century» International conference «The destiny of Europe – XXI century» International conference «The destiny of Europe – XXI century» International conference «The destiny of Europe – XXI century»