On April 20, 2016, XXV jubilee meeting of the International Union of Economists «The Modern World: New Economic Reality», devoted to the 25th anniversary of the organization, took place. The event was opened by IUE President, Honorary President, Chairman of the Senior Council (Senate) of the Free Economic Society of Russia G.H. Popov.
Participants of the meeting heard the speeches of: IE RAS Director, RAS Professors Council Chairman Dr. Аl.А. Gromyko; IMEMO RAS Director, Presidium member of the Presidential Council on Science and Education, RAS Academician А.А. Dynkin; deputy Secretary General, Executive Director of the United Nations Office for Project Services, Grete Faremo.
The event was attended by leading experts, economists, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassadors of various states to the Russian Federation, representatives of state authorities and business communities of many countries, national and international social and youth organizations.