institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Report on the 20th anniversary of the Arctic Council

  • 08 September 2016
On September 8, 2016, regular meeting of the Arctic Development Committee of the International Economist Union was held. The principal report «On the 20th anniversary of the Arctic Council, its decisions and development prospects» was presented by leading scientific associate of IE RAS Center for Northern European Studies V. Zhuravel.
The speaker analyzed the inputs of Denmark, Iceland, Canada, Norway, Russia, USA, Finland and Sweden during their presidencies in the Council and outlined the role of Russia in strengthening the international cooperation on exploration of the Arctic region. The discussion was devoted to development of the Arctic key zones and infrastructure, Northern sea route, proper use of natural resources, protection of environment and native peoples culture preservation.
Special stress was made on preparation of specialists for Arctic exploration, reflected in the reports of President of Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Prof. Е. Kudryashova and leading scientific associate of IE RAS Center of international social and economic comparison N. Govorova. The discussion results were summed by the International Economist Union Director, International Management Academy Vice-President А. Krasilnikov and IEU Arctic Development Committee Chairman Dr S. Lipina.

Report on the 20th anniversary of the Arctic Council Report on the 20th anniversary of the Arctic Council