institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Belov Vladislav Borisovich

Belov Vladislav Borisovich
  • Date of birth: 04.08.60
  • Place of birth: Moscow
  • Scientific degree: Candidate of Science (Economics)
  • Education:
    Moscow Financial Institute, International economic relations faculty, 1977-1982
  • Postgraduate:
    Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Academy of Sciences of USSR, 1982-1985
  • Candidate dissertation:
    The impact of the international interlacement of capital in the form of private direct investment on the German economy, 1986, 08.00.14 "World Economy".
  • Position:
    Leading researcher, Deputy Director for Scientific Work, Head of Department of country studies and of Center for German studies
  • Professional activities:
    1985 - 1989 – scientific researcher of Western Europe Department, Institute of World Economy and International Relations
    1989 - 1991 – Head of [Germany] sector, Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Academy of Sciences of USSR)
    1992 - present – Head of Center for German studies, IE RAS
    2006 - present – Head of Department of country studies, IE RAS
  • Scope of scientific interests:
    Social, economic and political development of [Germany], economic order policy (Wirschaftsordnungspolitik), regional and innovation policyl (Standortpolitik), financial, credit and monetary policy, foreign economic activity of German companies,
    Russian-European and Russian-German relations.
  • Major publications:


    Selected publications in Russian

    (for full list, see the bibliography in Russian

    Individual monographs / co-authored monographs (in Russian):

    Belov V., Schwartz B. Energosberegayushchaya sanatsiya tipovykh zhilykh zdaniy: nemetskiy opyt dlya rossiyskikh regionov [Energy-saving refurbishment of typical residential buildings: German experience for Russian regions]. Bonn: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, 2013 .-- 140 p.

    Belov VB, Maksimychev I.F. Obraz sovremennoy Rossii v Germanii [The Image of Modern Russia in [Germany]] / Ed. V.B. Belov. - M .: Institute of Europe RAS: Rus. souvenir, 2010 .-- 66 p.

    Belov VB, Baranova KK, Gromyko Al.A. Opyt reorganizatsii promyshlennykh territoriy v krupnykh gorodakh Yevropy (na primere Parizha, Londona, Berlina) [Experience of reorganization of industrial territories in large cities of Europe (on the example of Paris, London, Berlin)] / Ed. V.B. Belov. Moscow: IE RAN - OGNI, 2004 .-- 80 p.

    Belov VB, Baranova KK, Gromyko Al.A., Rubinsky Yu.I. Opyt vedushchikh zapadnoyevropeyskikh stran v sfere poiska optimal'nykh vzaimootnosheniy gosudarstva s chastnym biznesom [The Experience of Leading Western European Countries in Searching for Optimal Relationships between the State and Private Business] / Ed. V.B. Belov. Moscow: IE RAN - Kvadrat S, 2004 .-- 137 p.

    Belov V.B., Rykin V.S., Baranova K.K. Bavariya v sisteme germanskogo federalizma: opyt dlya Moskvy kak sub"yekta Rossiyskoy Federatsii. [Bavaria in the system of German federalism: experience for Moscow as a subject of the Russian Federation] - M .: OGNI, 2003 .-- 46 p.

    Belov V.B. German Direct Investment in Russia. Reports of the Institute of Europe N 109. - Moscow: Institute of Europe, 2002. - 84 p. (In English)

    Collective Monographs: Editing (selected, in Russian)

    Germaniya [Germany]. 2019 [monograph] / [V.B. Belov and others; Ed. by V.B. Belov]. - M.: Institute of Europe RAS, 2020 .-- 144 p. DOI:

    Germaniya [Germany] . 2018 / Ed. by V.B. Belov. - M.: Institute of Evropy RAS, 2019 .-- 126 p.

    Zashchita gosudarstvennogo suvereniteta – opyt Yevrosoyuza i yevropeyskikh stran [Protection of state sovereignty - the experience of the European Union and European countries] / Resp. ed. V. B. Belov. - M.: IE RAN, 2018 .-- 194 p.

    Germaniya [Germany]. 2017 / Ed. by V.B. Belov. - M.: Institute of Evropy RAN, 2018 .-- 140 p.

    Germaniya [Germany]. 2016 / Ed. by V.B. Belov. - M.: Institute of Europe RAS, 2017 .-- 130 p.

    Germaniya [Germany]. 2015. Part I / Ed. by V.B. Belov. - M.: Institute of Evropy RAS, 2016 .-- 108 p.

    Germaniya [Germany]. 2015. Part II / Ed. by V.B. Belov. - M.: Institute of Evropy RAS, 2016 .-- 94 p.

    Sovremennaya Germaniya: ekonomika i politika [Contemporary Germany: Economics and Politics] / Edited by V.B. Belov. - M.: Institute of Europe RAS: Publishing House "Ves mir". 2015 .-- 720 p.

    Germaniya [Germany]. 2014. Part I: Economics / Ed. by V.B. Belov. - M.: Institute of Evropy RAS, 2015 .-- 120 p.

    Germaniya [Germany]. 2014. Part II: Politics / Ed. by V.B. Belov. - M.: Institute of Evropy RAS, 2015.-- 120 p.

    The role of small parties in the party-political system of [Germany] / Ed. by V.B. Belov and E.P. Timoshenkova. - M .: Institute of Evropy RAS, 2015 .-- 136 p.

    Germaniya [Germany]. 2013 / Ed. by V.B. Belov. - M.: Institute of Evropy RAS, 2014 .-- 126 p.

    Germaniya [Germany]. 2012 / Ed. by V.B. Belov. - M.: Institute of Evropy RAS, 2013 .-- 126 p.

    Germaniya [Germany]. 2011 / Ed. by V.B. Belov. - M.: Institute of Evropy RAS, 2012 .-- 126 p.

    Germaniya [Germany]. 2010 / Ed. by V.B. Belov. - M.: Institute of Europe RAS: Rus. souvenir, 2011 .-- 194 p.

    Germaniya [Germany]. Challenges of the XXI century / Ed. by V.B. Belov. - M .: Ves Mir, 2009 .-- 792 p.

    Collective Monographs: Chapters (selected, in Russian):

    Belov V.B. Ekonomicheskiy rost na grani retsessii [Economic growth is on the brink of recession]. - Germany. 2019 [monograph] / [V.B. Belov and others; Ed. by V.B. Belov]. - M.: Institute of Evropy RAS, 2020 .-- Pp. 13-26

    Belov V.B. Rossiya v germanskoy vneshney politike i ekonomike [Russia in German foreign policy and economy]. - Germany. 2019 [monograph] / [V.B. Belov and others; Ed. by V.B. Belov]. - M.: Institute of Evropy RAS, 2020 .-- Pp. 117-129

    Belov V.B. Tsifrovaya transformatsiya yevropeyskoy promyshlennosti [Digital transformation of European industry] // Yevropa mezhdu trekh okeanov [Europe between three oceans] : monograph / [Al.A. Gromyko, V.V. Zhurkin, V.P. Fedorov and others]; Ed. by Al.A. Gromyko and V.P. Fedorov. - M.: IE RAN: Nestor-Istoriya, 2019 .-- Pp. 363-378

    Belov V.B. Yevropa mezhdu trekh okeanov [Relations between Russia and the European Union in the context of mutual restrictions] // Yevropa mezhdu trekh okeanov [Europe between the three oceans]: monograph / [Al.A. Gromyko, V.V. Zhurkin, V.P. Fedorov and others]; Ed. by Al.A. Gromyko and V.P. Fedorov. - M.: IE RAN: Nestor-History, 2019 .-- Pp. 545-656

    Belov V.B. Osnovnyye itogi vnutripoliticheskogo i ekonomicheskogo razvitiya Germanii v 2018 g. : vzglyad v budushcheye [The main results of the domestic political and economic development of Germany in 2018: a look into the future] / Economy and politics of Germany: a year after the elections (Edited by E.P. Timoshenkova) - M.: Institute of Europe RAS, 2019 -  Pp. 13 -22

    Belov V.B. «Novaya» koalitsiya v Germanii, «novyy» prezident v Rossii, novyye geopoliticheskiye vyzovy dlya dvustoronnego sotrudnichestva» ["New" coalition in Germany, "new" president in Russia, new geopolitical challenges for bilateral cooperation"]// Germany. 2018 / Ed. by V.B. Belov. - M.: Institute of Evropy RAS, 2019 .-- Pp. 97-107

    Belov V.B. «Severnyy potok – 2» – posledovatel'naya realizatsiya v usloviyakh protivodeystviya ["Nord Stream - 2" - consistent implementation in the face of opposition] // Germany. 2018 / Ed. by V.B. Belov. - M.: Institute of Evropy RAS, 2019 .—Pp. 108-118

    Belov V.B. Proyekt «Severnyy potok» kak chast' energeticheskogo suvereniteta i energeticheskoy bezopasnosti Germanii [The Nord Stream Project as a Part of Germany's Energy Sovereignty and Energy Security] // Zashchita gosudarstvennogo suvereniteta – opyt Yevrosoyuza i yevropeyskikh stran [Defense of State Sovereignty - the Experience of the European Union and European Countries] / Resp. ed. V. B. Belov. - M.: IE RAN, 2018 .-- Pp. 126-137

    Belov V.B. Khozyaystvenno-politicheskoye i sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoye prostranstvo Germanii [Economic-political and socio-economic space of Germany] // Contemporary Germany: economics and politics / Edited by V.B. Belov - M .: Institute of Europe RAS: Publishing House "Ves mir". 2015 .-- Pp. 54-77

    Belov V.B. Ekonomicheskoye sotrudnichestvo mezhdu Rossiyskoy Federatsiyey i FRG [Economic cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Federal Republic of Germany] // Contemporary Germany: economics and politics / Edited by V.B. Belov - M .: Institute of Europe RAS: Publishing House "Ves mir". 2015 .-- Pp. 392-453

    Belov V.B., Potemkina O.Yu. Rossiya i Yevrosoyuz – dinamika vzaimootnosheniy [Russia and the European Union - Dynamics of Relations] // Bol'shaya Yevropa: idei, real'nost' perspektivy [Greater Europe: Ideas, Reality of Perspective] / Ed. by Al.A. Gromyko and V.P. Fedorov. - M: The whole world; Institute of Evropy RAS, 2014. - Pp. 463-487

    Belov V.B., Yazkova A.A. Regional'nyye izmeneniya Bol'shoy Yevropy [Regional changes in Greater Europe] // Bol'shaya Yevropa: idei, real'nost' perspektivy [Greater Europe: ideas, perspective reality] / Ed. Al.A. Gromyko and V.P. Fedorov. - M: The whole world; Institute of Evropy RAS, 2014. – Pp. 619-637

    Belov V.B. Sotsial'noye rynochnoye khozyaystvo Germanii: osobennosti vykhoda iz krizisa [Social market economy in Germany: features of overcoming the crisis] // Global'nyy mir: k novym modelyam natsional'nogo i regional'nogo razvitiya [Global world: towards new models of national and regional development]. Scientific monograph in 2 vols. / Editorial board - I.S. Semenenko (editor-in-chief), N.V. Zagladin, V.V. Lapkin, V.I. Pantin. - M .: IMEMO RAN, 2014.Vol. 2. - Pp. 5-22

    Belov V.B., I.D. Ivanov. Yevrosoyuz kak ekonomicheskiy partnor Rossii [The European Union as an economic partner of Russia] // Rossiya v politsentrichnom mire [Russia in a polycentric world] / Under. ed. A.A. Dynkin, N.I. Ivanova. - M .: Ves mir, 2011 .-- Pp. 296-304

    Belov V.B., Shenaev V.N. Osobennosti protsessa vosproizvodstva [Features of the reproduction process] // Germany. Challenges of the XXI century / Ed. by V.B. Belov. M .: Ves Mir, 2009 .-- Pp. 409-416

    Belov V.B., Baranova K.K. Denezhno-kreditnaya politika. Bankovskaya sistema [Money-credit policy. Banking system] // Germaniya. Vyzovy XXI veka [Germany. Challenges of the XXI century] / Ed. by V.B. Belov. M .: Ves Mir, 2009 .-- Pp. 530-545

    Belov V.B. Mirokhozyaystvennyye aspekty razvitiya [World economic aspects of development] // Germaniya. Vyzovy XXI veka [Germany. Challenges of the XXI century] / Ed. by V.B. Belov. M .: Ves Mir, 2009 .-- Pp. 679-705

    Belov V.B. Rossiysko-germanskoye ekonomicheskoye sotrudnichestvo [Russian-German economic cooperation] // Germaniya. Vyzovy XXI veka [Germany. Challenges of the XXI century] / Ed. by V.B. Belov.  M .: Ves Mir, 2009 .-- Pp. 706-740

    Belov V.B. Makroekonomicheskoye regulirovaniye v Yevrope [Macroeconomic regulation in Europe] // Yevropa: vchera, segodnya, zavtra  [Europe: yesterday, today, tomorrow] / Ed. by N.P. Shmelev. - M .: ZAO "Publishing house" Economics ", 2002. –  Pp. 169-185

    Belov V.B. Den'gi i banki. Denezhnaya i valyutnaya politika [Money and banks. Monetary and foreign exchange policy] // Mekhanizm regulirovaniya ekonomiki v Germanii: kak on funktsioniruyet i chemu uchit [The mechanism of regulation of the economy in Germany: how it functions and what it teaches] / Ed. by V.P. Gutnik. - M .: VlaDar, 1995. –  Pp. 37-46; 60-81

    Articles in scientific journals (selected, in Russian):

    Belov V.B. Novyye vodorodnyye strategii FRG i YES: perspektivy kooperatsii s Rossiyey [New hydrogen strategies of Germany and the EU: prospects for cooperation with Russia] // Contemporary Europe, No. 5, 2020. P. 65-76. DOI:

    Abstract. At the beginning of June 2020, Germany adopted a national hydrogen strategy. A month later, when Germany assumed the EU Council presidency, the European Union Commission presented a similar document. Both strategies acknowledge the need to import hydrogen to meet the demand of the EU countries as an essential prerequisite for the transition to a climate-neutral economy. In parallel, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted the Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2035, which sets the goal of turning our country into one of the global players in the world hydrogen market. Despite Russia's obvious competitive advantages in this relatively new segment of the energy market, Berlin and Brussels do not mention it as a potential partner. The article provides an assessment of the main provisions of these strategic documents. The author explores the prospects and possibilities of Germany and the EU cooperating with the Russian Federation in the production and supply of hydrogen, analyzes the content of the position documents of the German-Russian Chamber of Commerce and the Eastern Committee of the German Economy on these issues, draws conclusions and formulates recommendations for interested parties.

    Belov V.B. Spetsial'nyye investitsionnyye kontrakty i rossiysko- germanskoye ekonomicheskoye sotrudnichestvo. Chast' vtoraya [Special investment contracts and Russian-German economic cooperation. Part two] // Contemporary Europe, No. 1, 2020. - S. 146-157. DOI:

    Abstract.  The first part of the article is devoted to the role of the first generation of special investment contracts (SPIC) in Russian-German economic cooperation (see. “Contemporary Europe”, No.6, 2019, c.). Due to the experience gained in 2015-2018 during the implementation of German leading projects, by mid-2019 a law was prepared, informally called “SPIC 2.0” and came into force on August 13, 2019. In the second part of the article, the author analyzes the impact of the new generation of contracts, which are focused on motivating strategic players to introduce the latest technologies and processes in their Russian enterprises, on the behavior of German investors in the medium-term Run. Particular attention is paid to the German concern Siemens, which wants to conclude SPIC with the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade for the production of high-capacity gas turbines, and the related conflict with the joint venture partner of the Russian company "Power machines". The author analyzes potential areas of interaction between German business and the Russian state in the sphere of SPIC 2.0. Among other things, it is concluded that only those investors from Germany who are interested in coming to Russia with modern breakthrough technologies in exchange for medium-term state guarantees and support have a good chance. In the coming years, the number of applicants for the conclusion of the next generation of, according to the author, in contrast to previous years will be minimal.

    Belov V.B. Spetsial'nyye investitsionnyye kontrakty i rossiysko-germanskoye ekonomicheskoye sotrudnichestvo. Chast' pervaya [Special investment contracts and Russian-German economic cooperation. Part one] // Contemporary, No. 6, 2019. P. 105‒116. DOI:

    Abstract.  The first part of the article analyzes the role of special investment contracts (SPIC) in Russian-German economic cooperation. German companies were the first with which the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation under the new industrial policy concluded pilot SPIKs in various sectors of the industrial sector. Due to the experience gained in 2015-2018 in preparation for the implementation of German lighthouse projects, by mid-2019 a new law was prepared (informally called SPIC 2.0). It came into force on August 13, 2019. The author comprehensively explores the peculiarities of German companies' participation in special investment contracts, which allows in the second part of the article to assess the impact of their new generation on the behavior of German investors in the medium term.

    Belov V.B. Yevropeyskiy syr'yevoy al'yans [European Raw Materials Alliance] // Nauchno-analiticheskiy Vestnik IYe RAN [Scientific and analytical Herald of the IE RAS] the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, №6, 2020. DOI:

    Abstract. On September 3, 2020, the European Commission presented the Action Plan for Critical Raw Materials. One of the first steps in its implementation was the creation on September 29 of the European Raw Materials Alliance. It will bring together the efforts of industrial companies, research institutes, universities, government agencies, non-governmental organizations and trade unions. Brussels continues to implement the provisions of the EU's New Industrial Strategy on the support of industrial ecosystems. They are based on management organizations built on network principles of stakeholder interaction throughout the value chain. They are designed to ensure the energy and digital transition of the EU countries to a climate-neutral economy. The author analyzes the place of the European Raw Materials Alliance in the strategic autonomy of the EU, its relationship with the European Battery Alliance. He also considers tasks in the context of the stated Action Plan, management structure, participants and assesses the prospects of the new organization.

    Belov V.B. Yevropeyskiy al'yans chistogo vodoroda [European Alliance of Pure Hydrogen] // Nauchno-analiticheskiy Vestnik IYe RAN [Scientific and Analytical Herald of the IE RAS], No. 5, 2020. - P. 52-59. DOI:

    Abstract. On July 8, 2020 the European Commission has adopted a new hydrogen strategy. On the same day, the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance was established. It was formed in the same way as of the European Battery Alliance and received the status of an Important Project of Common European Interest. The article analyzes the goals, objectives, structure, and prospects for the new structure, and examines the opportunities for Russian companies to participate in it. The author comes to the conclusion that in the conditions of transition from the EU countries to a climate-neutral economy, Brussels relies on the development and large-scale state support of strategic ecosystems. First of all, this applies to the hydrogen sphere. With the help of the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance, it should ensure that the strategic goals of the European green deal are met.

    Belov V.B. Migratsionnyye aspekty predsedatel'stva germanii v Sovete YES [Migration aspects of the chairmanship of Germany in the Council of the EU] // Nauchno-analiticheskiy Vestnik IYe RAN [Scientific and analytical Herald of the IE RAS], 2020, no 4. – Pp. 7-14. DOI:

    Abstract: One of the most difficult tasks that Germany will have to solve during its presidency of the EU Council in the second half of 2020 is to improve the EU's migration policy in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. Its implementation is the responsibility of the Federal Ministry of the interior and its subordinate Federal office for migration. The article analyzes the content of the German program declared for this period and assesses the prospects for implementing its migration provisions. The main challenges for Germany are improving the asylum procedure, which should be based on the principles of solidarity and responsibility of all EU countries, strengthening its external borders and returning citizens who are not eligible for refugee status. Germany pays special attention to African countries in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. Berlin also wants to make progress in the area of legal migration, especially in attracting highly skilled workers. The author analyzes the main migration provisions of the stated agenda of the German presidency and assesses the prospects for their implementation.

    Belov V.B. COVID-19 – Game changer yevropeyskoy ekonomiki? [COVID-19 - Game changer for the European economy?] // Nauchno-analiticheskiy Vestnik IYe RAN [Scientific and Analytical Herald of the IE RAS], No. 3, 2020. - Pp. 4-12. DOI:

    Abstract. The COVID-19 pandemic, by breaking up global value chains, has shown the real level of globalization of the world economy, before it seemed to many to be a formal and low-tangible category. The behavior of economic actors and households has not been determined by market mechanisms, but by the strict regulations of nation-states, which have significantly reduced both supply and demand for goods and services. Government intervention has led to the first time in the history of the global crisis, the shortest period of time has simultaneously spread to all national economies, most of which in 2020 expect a significant decline in GDP, bankruptcies of firms and an increase in unemployment. Market participants are forced to adapt to non-market restraints, the appearance of which was impossible to predict. They are looking, and not without success, for alternative patterns of behavior. This gives many economists a reason to ask the question: what will be the model of the World and European economy in the post-coronavirus period? The article analyzes the causes of the current economic crisis and assesses its consequences for the socio-economic space of the European Union.

    Belov V.B. Posledstviya pandemii koronavirusa dlya ekonomiki Germanii [Consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for the German economy] // Nauchno-analiticheskiy Vestnik IYe RAN [Scientific and Analytical Herald of the IE RAS], 2020, no. 2 – Pp.  83-90. DOI:

    Abstract. The coronavirus epidemic, which began in China in early 2020, has grown into a global pandemic. It has qualitatively changed the situation in the world economy. Global production value chains have been disrupted. This led to a failure in the production processes of many companies, primarily, automotive and engineering, pharmaceutical industry. Transport and logistics operations have been drastically reduced, international exhibition and tourism business has been stopped. The results of the first quarter raised the issue of the beginning of the global recession and the economic crisis. Among the EU countries, Germany was one of the first to experience the negative effects of the pandemic. This is due to the high level of openness of the economy, respectively, dependence on exports and imports of goods and services. A number of productions were suspended and employees were transferred to a reduced working week. The German government's strict measures to combat the coronavirus, first of all, the introduction of quarantine for citizens, significantly worsened the situation in the economy. The state has developed and started to implement a large-scale program of assistance to economic entities. The article analyzes the first results of the influence of external and internal factors on the German economy, mechanisms of state support for business and their effectiveness. The author gives an assessment of the prospects for the economic development of Germany in 2020-2021.

    Belov V.B.  Elektromobil'nost' Germanii i «Yevropeyskiy batareynyy al'yans» [Electromobility in Germany and the European Battery Alliance] // Nauchno-analiticheskiy Vestnik IYe RAN [Scientific and analytical Herald of IE RAS], 2020, No. 1. S. 86-93. DOI:

    Abstract. Electromobility is one of the priorities of the German Industrial Strategy and the achievement of climate targets to reduce CO2 emissions.  It is impossible to achieve these targets without large-scale production of batteries. Berlin was one of the initiators of the creation of the European battery platform. Its goal is to unite the European companies into a single network structure included in the global chain of production of batteries and their elements. This should ensure the reliability of the supply of the EU market with batteries. The article analyzes the role of Germany in the creation and activities of the European Battery Alliance - both at the state level and at the level of individual economic entities. Particular attention is paid to Berlin's cooperation with Paris and Warsaw. Among other things, the author concludes that, in contrast to the modest progress at the level of inter-state cooperation, Germany's private business has good practical results at the beginning of 2020, primarily in the field of cooperation with the Swedish Partners.

    Belov V.B. Khozyaystvenno-politicheskaya rol' Germanii v Yevrosoyuze [Economic and political role of Germany in the European Union] // Aktual'nyye problemy Yevropy [Actual problems of Europe]. No. 4. 2019. - P. 93-111 DOI: 10.31249 / ape / 2019.04.06

    Abstract. From the moment of creation of ECSC, EEC and Euroatom  Germany consistently strengthened the role within processes of the Western European economic, and then political integration. After unification of two German states the German politicians paid special attention to maintaining balance between national European interests, seeking for creation in the 90th and zero years of the European Germany, but not of the German Europe. In the last two decades  the German state became the leading protagonist of institutional changes in the European Union and the jealous supervisor behind implementation by member countries of the Maastricht and Kopengagen agreements and also the Pact of Stability. The German political leaders supported the main reforms offered by E. Macron in 2017. Along with ambiguous decisions within migration policy, obvious economic and political domination, pressure upon the southern, central and East European countries put by Germany, causes open discontent with the German policy and behavior model in many European states that among other things promotes formation of euroskeptical moods among EU citizens. The federal chancellor A. Merkel within more than 13 years leading the government coalitions, and her present government at the beginning of 2019 appeared before a number of serious internal and external calls. The vector of further economic development of the European Union in many respects depends on efficiency of answers to them. In article questions of a relevant economic and political role of Germany in the EU are analyzed. Special attention is paid to French-German cooperation, Brexit, the eurozone, processes of digitalization and cooperation with Russia. The forecast about a medium-term role and the place of Germany in the European Union is given.

    Belov V.B. Germaniya – slozhnyy poisk novoy promyshlennoy strategii [Germany - a difficult search for a new industrial strategy] // Sovremennaya Yevropa [Contemporary Europe]. No. 4. 2019. - P. 27-36 DOI:

    Abstract. At the beginning of February, 2019, the Minister of Economy and Energy of Germany P. Altmayer presented the project of national industrial strategy for public discussion. The German strategy has to be coordinated with similar policy at the level of the European Union. One of its keynotes is need of effective state support of the industrial sector. Without the state intervention it is impossible to provide long-term competitiveness of the German and European industrial companies in the world markets. The Minister's proposals caused a mixed reaction of German business. Most of its representatives, especially small and medium-sized firms, criticized them harshly. In the following months, P. Altmeyer, with the support of his colleague from France, entered into an active discussion with German entrepreneurs. In the article the main ideas of the offered strategy and the offered mechanisms of their realization, as well as critical comments of the German business community are analyzed. The author makes a prediction about the probability of adoption of the concept of the future industrial policy of Germany proposed by the Minister.

    Belov V.B. Tsifrovaya povestka rossiysko-germanskoy khozyaystvennoy kooperatsi [Digital agenda of Russian-German economic cooperation] // Contemporary Europe. No. 2, 2018. - P. 120-128 DOI:

    Abstract. The processes of digitalization play an increasingly important role in the economic and political development of leading national economies. Their international competitiveness in the medium and long term depends on the success of digital transformation. This fully applies to the national economies of Germany and Russia. Both states pursue a policy of supporting digitalization in spheres of industry and services. Germany has more experience in this sphere. According to the main innovation indicators, RF and Germany are behind the world leaders. One of the ways to overcome this problem is to develop Russian-German digital cooperation, which is substantially weaker in comparison with the level of digital cooperation between FRG and other countries, especially China. The article covers issues of the available potential and prospects of bilateral cooperation in this area.

    Belov V.B. Germaniya: realizatsiya Natsional'noy i Yevropeyskoy vodorodnykh strategiy [Germany: implementation of the National and European hydrogen strategies] // Yevropeyskiy soyuz: fakty i kommentarii [European Union: facts and comments]. 2020. No. 102. - Pp . 43-49. Doi: 10.15211 / eufacts420204349

    Belov V.B. Obespecheniye Yevrosoyuza kriticheski vazhnymi syr'yevymi resursami [Provision of the European Union with critically important raw materials] // Yevropeyskiy soyuz: fakty i kommentarii [European Union: facts and comments]. 2020. No. 102. S. 49-54. Doi: 10.15211 / eufacts420204954

    Belov V.B. Novyye strategii YES obespecheniya klimaticheski neytral'noy ekonomiki [New EU strategies for ensuring a climate-neutral economy] // Yevropeyskiy soyuz: fakty i kommentarii [European Union: facts and comments]. No. 101. 2020. June-August. – Pp. 5-10. DOI: 10.1521 / eufacts320200510

    Belov V.B. Novoye trio predsedateley v Sovete YES [New trio of Presidents of the EU Council] // Yevropeyskiy soyuz: fakty i kommentarii [European Union: facts and comments]. No. 101. June-August 2020. – Pp. 18-24 Doi: 10.1521 / eufacts3202001824

    Belov V.B. Strategiya razvitiya malogo i srednego biznesa v usloviyakh «dvoynogo perekhoda» [Strategy for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the context of the "double transition"] // Yevropeyskiy soyuz: fakty i kommentarii [European Union: facts and comments]. No. 100. 2020. March-May 2020 – Pp. 53-59. DOI:

    Belov V.B. Kontrol' za strategicheskimi pryamymi investitsiyami v YES [Control over strategic direct investments in the EU] // Yevropeyskiy soyuz: fakty i kommentarii [European Union: facts and comments]. No. 100. March-May 2020 – Pp. 59-64. DOI:

    Belov V.B. Yevropeyskaya zelenaya sdelka [European Green Deal] // Yevropeyskiy soyuz: fakty i kommentarii [European Union: Facts and Comments]. No. 99. December 2019 - February 2020 - pp. 33-39. DOI:

    Belov V.B. Investitsionnyy plan Yevropeyskoy zelenoy sdelki i mekhanizm spravedlivogo perekhoda [European Green Deal Investment Plan and Just Transition Mechanism] // Yevropeyskiy soyuz: fakty i kommentarii [European Union: Facts and Comments]. No. 99. December 2019 - February 2020 - pp. 33-39. DOI:

    Articles in scientific journals in foreign languages (selected):

    Vladislav Belov. Im Westen nichts Neues. Russland, die EU und Deutschland // Welttrends. Das außenpolitische Journal. Nr. 172, Februar 2021. – S. 34-39.

    Vladislav Belov. Deutschlands Aussenpolitik – 30 Jahre nach der Vereinigung. Ein Blick aus Moskau // 30 Jahre Berliner Aussenpolitik. Herausforderungen und Begrenztheiten / Erhard Crome (Hrsg.). – WeltTrends, Potsdam. 2020 – S. 12-15.

    Vladislav Belov. Russia, China, the Belt & Road Initiative and A New World Order  /  INTERNATIONAL SECURITY FORUM BONN 2019.  Full Report. Rapporteur: Simone Becker - Bonn : Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies. 2020. - Pp. 49-51

    Vladislav Belov. Zwischen den Weltmächten // Welttrends. Das außenpolitische Journal. Nr. 168, Oktober 2020. – S. 30-33.

    Vladislav Belov. Russland und China in der Großen Eurasischen Partnerschaft // Raimund Krämer (Hrsg.) Zwischen Kooperation und Konkurrenz – Europa und Asien im 21. Jahrhundert. - WeltTrends, Potsdam 2019. – S. 52-56

    Vladislav Belov. Das polnisch-russische Verhältnis // Welttrends. Das außenpolitische Journal. Nr. 158, Dezember 2019

    Belov, V., Steinmeier-Formel: Position und Perspektiven Russlands, O/L-2-2019, 

    Wladislaw Below. Konfrontation Russland – USA // Welttrends. Das außenpolitische Journal. Nr. 152, Juni 2019. S. 36-40

    Vladislav Belov. Eine Chronik der Sanktionen // OstContact. April 2019

    Vladislav Belov. Mosca e Berlino sono più vicine di quanto appaia //  URL: (Геополитический журнал “Limes” (Италия). Январь 2019 г.)

    Vladislav Belov. Russland und europäische Sicherheitsordnung. Ursachen und Perspektiven für die gegenwärtige Krise // Jenseits der Konfrontation! Für eine Neugestaltung der Beziehungen zwischen der EU und Russland (Raimund Krämer (Hrsg.)). – Potsdam: Welttrends, Medienhaus Babelsberg. 2018. – S. 21-28

    Vladislav Belov. Einkreisung durch den Westen? Russische Wahrnehmung westlicher Sicherheitspolitik / Kampf um die Ukraine. Ringen um Selbstbestimmung und geopolitische Interessen / Herausgegeben von Heinz-Gerhard Justenhoven. Studien zur Friedensethik. Baden-Baden (Nomos Verlag) 2018. S. 79–88



    Vladislav Belov. Russland und Deutschland – vorsichtige Annäherung? // Welttrends. Das außenpolitische Journal. Nr. 119, September 2016. S. 33-38

    Vladislav Belov. Syrienkrise – eine russische Sicht // Welttrends. Das außenpolitische Journal. Nr. 111, Januar 2016. S. 18-21

    Deutschlandversteher Russlands wissenschaftliche Elite schaut auf das heutige, moderne Deutschland / Herausgeber Dr. Vladislav Belov, Prof. Dr. Andrey Zverev. - Berlin, 2015. 401 S.

    Belov V. Einleitung // Deutschlandversteher Russlands wissenschaftliche Elite schaut auf das heutige, moderne Deutschland / Herausgeber Dr. Vladislav Belov, Prof. Dr. Andrey Zverev. - Berlin, 2015. - S. 25-32

    Belov V. Der wirtschaftspolitische und sozialökonomische Standort Deutschland  // Deutschlandversteher Russlands wissenschaftliche Elite schaut auf das heutige, moderne Deutschland / Herausgeber Dr. Vladislav Belov, Prof. Dr. Andrey Zverev. - Berlin, 2015. - S. 66-80

    Belov V. Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Russischen Föderation und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland // Deutschlandversteher Russlands wissenschaftliche Elite schaut auf das heutige, moderne Deutschland / Herausgeber Dr. Vladislav Belov, Prof. Dr. Andrey Zverev. - Berlin, 2015. - S. 257-304

    Belov V. Schlusswort // Deutschlandversteher Russlands wissenschaftliche Elite schaut auf das heutige, moderne Deutschland / Herausgeber Dr. Vladislav Belov, Prof. Dr. Andrey Zverev. - Berlin, 2015. - S. 393-396

    Belov V. Der Austausch von russischen und deutschen Führungskräften als Möglichkeit zum Wissenstransfer // Das Jahrbuch für die deutsch-russischen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen. Wegweiser. Berlin. 2014

    Belov V. Russland und Westen - Partner oder Konkurrenten? // Politische Studien. N 452. Januar-Februar 2014. S. 46-51

    Below W. Russlands objektives Streben nach umfassender Sicherheit // ADLAS. Magazin für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik. 1/2014. S. 49-50

    Vladislav Belov. Standortpolitik deutscher Bundesländer: Erfahrungen russischer Unternehmen // Business Guide 2013 / Das Jahrbuch für die deutsch-russischen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen. Wegweiser. Berlin. 2013. S. 78-80.

    Vladislav Belov. Russia and European Union. From Cooperation to Genuine Partnership. Prospects for Overcoming Stagnation in Bilateral Relations / From Cooperation to Partnership: Moving Beyond the Russia-EU Deadlock. Bertelsmann Stiftung (ed.). Europe in Dialoge 1/2013. P.50-62

    Vladislav Belov, Historical Perceptions of Germany in Russia / Constructing Identities in Europe (Reinhard Krumm, Sergei Medvedev, Hans-Henning Schröder (Hrsg.)). – Nomos; SWP. 2012. – S. 81-97

    Below W. Quo vadis deutsch-russische Beziehungen? Reflexionen eines russischen Germanisten // Russland-Analysen. NR. 248, 30.11.2012. S. 5-8.

    Below W. In den deutsch-russischen Wirtschafts- und Wissenschaftsbeziehungen gibt es nur noch Überreste aus DDR-Zeiten // Ostalgie international. Erinnerungen an die DDR von Nicaragua bis Vietnam / Thomas Kunze, Thomas Vogel (Hg.) - 1. Aufl. Berlin: 2010. S. 117-126

    Below V. Russische Positionen für eine europäische Sicherheitsentwicklung // Sozialwissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe. Internationales Institut Liberale Politik Wien. 2010. Maerz. Heft 32. S. 11-18

    Below W. Russland - Deutschland. Stagnation oder Entwicklung? // Wostok. 2010. Nr. 2. S. 39-41

    Below W.  Uns verbindet mehr als Öl und Gas //  Energiemarkt Russland. Sonderausgabe der Moskauer Deutschen Zeitung, 2007, S. 30-31

    Belov V. Russia comes home to Europe // D+C, Development & Cooperation, No. 2 2004, February 2004. P. 78-79

    Belov V.B. German Direct Investment in Russia. Reports of the Institute of Europe N 109. - Moscow: Institute of Europe, 2002. - 84 p.

    Belov V. A Russian at the Bundestag // International Affairs. 2002. Volume 48. Number 1. P. 78-85

    Belov V. Russian Perceptions of Germany's Role in the EU and Europe // Germany's European policy: perceptions in key partner countries / ed.: Mathias Jopp... - Bonn: Europa UnionVerlag, 2002. S. 271-278

    Below W. Russland und Deutschland - Perspektiven der bilateralen Kooperation unter den Bedingungen der europäischen Partnerschaft // Neue Bewegung in die deutsch-russischen Beziehungen! / hrsg. von Erich G. Fritz. - 1. Aufl. - Oberhausen : Athena, 2001, S. 83-92

    Belov V. Modelle der Kooperation mit EG-Ländern im Rahmen der Transformationsprozesse der russischen Wirtschaft // Russland als Partner auf dem Weg vom Staatshandelsland zur Marktwirtschaft. Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik. Ebenhausen/Isartal: AP 2825, Januar 1994. S. 42-46

    Below W. Ein Beispiel für den Übergang von der Planwirtschaft zur Marktwirtschaft: die DDR // Epochenwechsel : Neue Chancen der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Ost und West / Werner Weidenfeld (Hrsg.) - Bonn : Europa Union Verlag, 1992. S. 71-76

    Analytical papers of IE RAS (selected, in Russian)

    Belov V.B. Election of the new chairman of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany. Analytical paper of the IE RAS No. 1, 2021 (No. 231) 

    Belov V.B. Hydrogen energy - a new niche of Russian-German cooperation // Analytical paper of the IE RAS. 2020. No. 37 (220). URL:   

    Belov V.B. The importance of communal elections in North Rhine-Westphalia for party-political processes in the Federal Republic of Germany // Analytical paper of the IE RAS №36, 2020 (№219). URL: 

    Belov V.B. Economic and political agenda of the German Presidency of the EU Council. Analytical paper of the IE RAS No. 29, 2020 (No. 212. URL: 

    Belov V.B. The largest opportunistic program of the government of the Federal Republic of Germany in post-war history // Analytical paper of the IE RAS No. 27, 2020 (No. 210). URL: 

    Belov V.B. Germany: Party and Political Life in a Pandemic // Analytical paper of the IE RAS No. 21, 2020 (No. 204). URL: 

    Belov V.B. COVID-19 as a mirror of Germany's digital transformation. Analytical paper of the IE RAS No. 18, 2020 (No. 201). URL: 

    Belov V.B. New industrial strategy of the European Union. Analytical paper of the IE RAS No. 13 (196), 2020. URL: 

    Belov V.B. Nord Stream 2 in the context of the Munich Security Conference - Analytical paper of the IE RAS No. 4, 2020 (No. 187). URL: 

    Belov V.B. Thuringia: new political earthquake in Germany. Analytical paper of the IE RAS No. 1, 2020 (No. 184). URL:

  • Membership in scientific associations:
    • Scientific Council of IE RAS
    • Editorial board of scientific Journal «Contemporary Europe» and Monograph series "The Old World – the New Times" (IE RAS)
    • Vice President of the International Society"Russia-[Germany]" Society
    • Supervisory board of Society of Russian and German Economists «Dialogue+»
    • German-Russian Forum
    • German-Russian public Forum «Petersburg dialogue»
  • Foreign languages:
    • German, English
  • Contacts:
     +7 (495) 692-27-56, +7 (495) 692-11-09
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