institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Borko Yuriy Antonovich

Borko Yuriy Antonovich
  • Date of birth: 06.02.29
  • Place of birth: Rostov-on-Don
  • Scientific degree: Doctor of Science (Economics)
  • Scientific title: Professor
  • Education:
    Graduated from Lomonosov MSU in 1953 (History faculty)
  • Candidate dissertation:
    1969 - Кандидат экономических наук. Диссертация по социальной политике Европейского экономического сообщества.
  • Doctoral dissertation:
    Doctor of Science in 1984 (dissertation: «Capitalist economic integration and social and economic processes: EU experience and bourgeois theories»)
  • Position:
    Head of Centre of multidisciplinary analysis
  • Professional activities:
    1953-1962 – History teacher, schools №№ 479 and 112, Moscow
    1962-1963 – junior scientific associate, Institute of World Economy and International Relations RAS
    1963-1970 – editor-in-chief (earlier - section editor) «World Economy and International Relations» journal
    1970-1989 – principal scientific associate, Head of Department of Europe and North America, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences RAS
    1990 – present – IE RAS, Head of Department of European integration (1993-2004), deputy Director of IE RAS (1995-1999), Head of EU documentation Center (2005 — 2020).
  • Scientific activities:

    Lection courses on European integration problems and Russia-EU relations (1993-2007) in MGIMO, National Economy Academy, Universities of Yaroslavl, Voronezh, Nizhniy Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Tyumen etc., European University for Humanities (Minsk); academic advising to postgraduate students of ISISS RAS and IE RAS (over 20 Doctor and Candidate dissertations defended).

  • Scope of scientific interests:
    Problems of European economic integration; social aspects of economic integration; history of the «Unified Europe» idea; USSR/Russia – EU relations; European Union and Russia in XXI century.
  • Courses taught:
    • Lection courses on European integration problems and Russia-EU relations (1993-2007) in MGIMO,
    • National Economy Academy, Universities of Yaroslavl, Voronezh, Nizhniy Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Tyumen etc., European University for Humanities (Minsk)
    • academic advising to postgraduate students of ISISS RAS and IE RAS (over 20 Doctor and Candidate dissertations defended)
  • Total number of publications:
    over 400 publications, inc. 4 monographs, chapters in 40 monographs, articles, brochures.
  • Major publications:

    Selected publications in foreign languages (for full list, see the bibliography in Russian):

    • Russia and the EU in the 21st Century: Four Possible Scenarios of Relations // The Third ECSA-world Conference: The European Union in a Changing World. Bruxelles, September 19-20, 1996. A selection of conference papers. Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1998;
    • The European Union in 2004 between widening and deepening // Views from the Outside. The European Union between a Constitution and Parliamentary Elections. Sofia, 2004
  • Membership in scientific associations:
    Honorary President of Association of European studies (earlier, President of AES, 1992-2010), member of Journalists Union of USSR/Russia (since 1967);
    member of International Academy of regional development and cooperation (since 2002);
    member of Academic Council of IE RAS, deputy Chairman of Dissertaion council for political sciences and member of Dissertaion council for economic sciences IE RAS;
    member of editorial boards of «World Economy and International Relations» and «Contemporary Europe» journal;
    editor-in-chief of quarterly bulletin «European Union: facts and comments» (1995 – 2020).
  • Foreign languages:
    • English, French
  • Contacts: 8(495) 692-29-56; 602-10-23.