institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Ekaterina Alexeyevna Narochnitskaya

Ekaterina Alexeyevna Narochnitskaya
  • Scientific degree: Ph.D in History/ Candidate of Science (History)
  • Education:
    1981 Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University) USSR, School of International Relations (International Relations faculty), Western department.
  • Position:
    Leading Researcher
  • Professional activities:
    1985-2001 – Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences RAS (INION RAS), senior researcher (earlier: junior researcher, researcher).
    1994 – Brookings Institution, USA, guest scholar.
    2001-2012 – INION RAS, Head of Department of Western Europe and America.
    2001-2012 – Deputy Editor-in-chief, journal «Current Problems of Europe».
    2006-present – Foundation for Historical Outlook, Head of Centre for Research and Analitics.
    2007-present – Editor-in-chief, portal “”.
    2012-2018 – INION RAS, leading researcher.
    2015-present – Editor-in-chief, «Perspectives and prospects. E-journal».
    2018-present – Institute of Europe RAS, leading researcher, Department of country studies Centre for French studies
  • Scope of scientific interests:
    French domestic policy and politics, foreign policy, social thought and political culture; trends in Western political development, contemporary international affairs, Russian-European relations; theories of nation, nation-state, ethnic conflicts,
    separatism, immigration, multiculturalism.
  • Major publications:

    Selected publications in Russian

    (For the full list, see the bibliography in Russian


    Individual monograph and editor

    Rossiya i mir: anatomiya sovremennyh processov (2014) [Russia and the world: the anatomy of contemporary developments]. Pod. red. E.A. Narochnickaya [Ed. by E.A. Narochnitskaya]. Moscow. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. 680 p. (In Russian).
    Narochnitskaya E.A. (2000) Etnonacional'nye konflikty i ih razreshenie (politicheskie teorii i opyt Zapada) [Ethno-national conflicts and their resolution (Western political theories and experience)]. Moscow. INION RAS. 96 p. (In Russian).
    Narochnitskaya E.A. (1997) Nacionalizm: istoriya i sovremennost' [Nationalism: history and modernity]/ M. INION RAN. 60 p. (In Russian).
    Narochnitskaya E.A. (1993) Franciya v blokovoj sisteme Evropy, 1960–1980-e gody. [France in the European Bloc System, 1960s-1980s]. M.: Nauka. 236 p. (In Russian).


    Selected recent articles in academic journals and books

    Narochnitskaya E.A. (2021) Idejnoe nasledie Sharlya de Gollya. II. Nacional'naya paradigma. Chast' 2. Koncept velichiya Francii [The Ideological Legacy of Charles de Gaulle. II. National Paradigm. Part 2. A Concept of France's Greatness]. Perspektivy. Elektronnyj zhurnal [Perspectives and prospects. E-journal]. №2/3. P. 25-33. (In Russian). DOI: 10.32726/2411-3417-2021-2-3-25-33.

    Narochnitskaya E.A.
     (2021) Idejnoe nasledie Sharlya de Gollya. II. Nacional'naya paradigma. Chast' 1. Ponimanie nacional'nyh real'nostej [The Ideological Legacy of Charles de Gaulle. II. National Paradigm. Part 1. An Understanding of National Realities]. Perspektivy. Elektronnyj zhurnal [Perspectives and prospects. E-journal]. №2/3. P. 7-24. (In Russian). DOI: 10.32726/2411-3417-2021-2-3-7-24.

    Narochnitskaya E.A.
     (2020-2021). Idejnoe nasledie Sharlya de Gollya. I. Paradoksy vospriyatiya, istoricheskoj pamyati, politicheskoj filosofii [The Ideological Legacy of Charles de Gaulle. I. Paradoxical Perception, Paradoxical Historical Memory, Paradoxical Political Philosophy]. Perspektivy. Elektronnyj zhurnal [Perspectives and prospects. E-journal]. №4-2020/1-2021. P. 80-94. (In Russian). DOI: 10.32726/2411-3417-2021-1-80-94.

    Narochnitskaya E.A.
     (2020). Politicheskaya filosofiya Sh. de Gollya – vzglyad iz XXI veka. Mezhdunarodnoe izmerenie [Charles de Gaulle's Political Philosophy – a View from the 21st Century. International Dimension]. Sovremennaya Evropa [Contemporary Europe]. N 7. P. 188–198. (In Russian). DOI:

    Narochnitskaya E.A.
     (2019) Franciya: dvizhenie «zheltyh zhiletov» – god spustya [France: The Yellow Vests Movement – one year later]. Nauchno-analiticheskiy vestnik IERAN [Scientific and Analytical Herald of the IE RAS]. 6. P. 132-137. (In Russian). DOI:

    Narochnitskaya E.A.
     (2019) Krymskij vopros i poziciya Francii kriticheskij diskurs francuzskih elit [The Crimean Issue: Official French Policy under Criticism from Domestic Elites]. Perspektivy. Elektronnyj zhurnal [Perspectives and prospects. E-journal]. 3. P. 7-24. (In Russian). DOI: 10.32726/2411-3417-2019-3-7-24.

    Narochnitskaya E.A.
     (2019). Ukrainskij konflikt i Krym: ispytanie francuzskoj diplomatii [Ukrainian Conflict and Crimea: a Test for French Diplomacy]. Perspektivy. Elektronnyj zhurnal [Perspectives and prospects. E-journal]. 1. P. 20-37. (In Russian). DOI: 10.32726/2411-3417-2019-1-20-37.
    Narochnitskaya E.A. (2019). Partijno-politicheskij landshaft Francii posle vyborov 2017 g. [Party-political Landscape of France after Elections 2017]. Svet i teni «ery Makrona». Doklady Instituta Evropy [Light and Shadows of the «Macron Era». Reports of the Institute of Europe]. 362. P. 44-55. (In Russian).

    Narochnitskaya E.A.
     (2017). Vybory 2017 g. vo Francii: besprecedentnaya prezidentskaya kampaniya [2017 Elections in France: an Unprecedented Presidential Campaign]. Perspektivy. Elektronnyj zhurnal [Perspectives and prospects. E-journal]. 3. P. 5-35. (In Russian).

    Narochnitskaya E.A.
     (2016). «Krizis bezhencev» i immigracionnyj vopros v Evrope ["Refugee crisis" and the immigration issue in Europe]. Aktual'nye problemy Evropy [Current Problems of Europe]. 4. P. 20-37. (In Russian).

    Narochnitskaya E.A.
     (2015). Mnogoobraznyj separatizm: problema tipologii i evropejskie real'nosti [Separatism: Varieties, typology and European realities]. Aktual'nye problemy Evropy [Current Problems of Europe]. 1. P. 32-55. (In Russian).

    Selected publications in foreign languages

    Narotchnitskaya E. Le multiculturalisme en tant que conception de philosophie politique // Perspectives libres. – 2014. – N 11. – Р. 191-202. (In French).
    Entretien avec Ekaterina Narochnitskaya //           Outre-Terre. Revue européenne de géopolitique. – 2013. – № 35-36. – P. 581-584. (In French).
    Narotchnitskaya E. Politiques et perceptions franco-russes // Perspectives libres. P. – 2011. – N 3. – P. 17-27. (In French).