institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Godovanuk Kira Anatolievna

Godovanuk Kira Anatolievna
  • Scientific degree: Ph.D. (Political Science)
  • Education:
    2008 Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Humanities and Social Sciences Department, Department of Law (RUDN)
  • Postgraduate:
    Institute of Europe (RAS)
  • Candidate dissertation:
    Russia in the UK foreign policy strategy at the current stage, 2015
  • Position:
    Leading scientific researcher, British Studies Centre, Department for Country Studies
  • Professional activities:
    2013 – to date – Institute of Europe
    2011 – 2016 –International Organization for Migration (UN Migration Agency), Project Coordinator
    2007-2010 – LUKOIL-Inter-Card
  • Scope of scientific interests:
    UK foreign and domestic politics, EU, international security, international organizations, migration
  • Courses taught:
    • Political Science, World Politics and International Relations: theory and concepts
  • Major publications:

    Selected publications in Russian

    Individual monograph

    1. Godovanyuk, К.А. (2020) «“Global'naya Britaniya” v preddverii brekzita» [«Global Britain» in the run-up to Brexit]. Monograph. Moscow. 160 p. (In Russian) DOI:

    Book chapters, collective works, etc.

    1. Godovanyuk, K. A. (2020) Kiberbezopasnost' – novaya sfera protivostoyaniya (na primere Velikobritanii) [Cybersecurity – a New Sphere of Confrontation (the Case of the UK)] // Evropa v poiske novyh reshenij [Europe in search of new solutions]. Monograph; (ed). R.N. Lunkin, P.V. Oskolkov. P.59-71 (In Russian) DOI: 
    2. Ananieva, E.A., Godovanyuk, K.A. (2019) Britaniya v teni brekzita [Britain in the shadow of Brexit] // Evropa mezhdu tryoh okeanov [Europe between three oceans], Moscow, Nestor-Istoria. P. 149-174. (In Russian)
    3. Godovanyuk, K. A. (2014) Evolyuciya otnosheniya v period koalicionnogo pravitel'stva [Evolution of UK-Russia relations under the coalition government]// Dilemmy Britanii. Poisk putej razvitiya [ “Britain’s Dilemmas: In Search of Ways for Development” ]. Moscow, Ves Mir. P.363-386 (In Russian)
    4. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2019) Rossijsko-britanskie otnosheniya na etape «postSolsberi» [Bilateral Relationship at the Post-Salisbury Stage] // Itogi pravleniya Terezy Mej [Theresa May’s Governance – Summing Up]. Reports of the Institute of Europe, № 364, Moscow. P. 131- 137. (In Russian)
    5. Godovanyuk, K. A. (2019) Kitajskaya dilemma Soedinyonnogo Korolevstva [The Chinese dilemma of the United Kingdom]// Evropejskaya analitika 2019 [European Analytics 2019]. Moscow IE RAS St Petersburg Nestor-Historia. P. 73-82. (In Russian) DOI: 10.15211/978-5-98163-143-6.09
    6. Godovanyuk, K.A. Osobennosti vneshnej politiki Velikobritanii v period prem'erstva T. Mej [UK Foreign Policy During the Premiership of Theresa May] // «Global'nyj YUg» v policentrichnom miroporyadke (Mirovoe razvitie. Vypusk 19) [The Changing West and its Role in Global Regulation] (ed) Voda K.R., Godovanyk K.A., Davydov A.A. at al.,– Moscow, IMEMO, С.102-111. (In Russian) DOI:10.20542/978-5-9535-0569-7
    7. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2019) «Osobye otnosheniya» SSHA i Velikobritanii v usloviyah sovremennyh vyzovov [UK-US “special relationship” in light of modern challenges] // SSHA v 2018 g. [the USA in 2018]. ISKRAN, 2019. P. 112-123
    8. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2018) Latinoamerikanskoe napravlenie vneshneekonomicheskoj politiki Velikobritanii v usloviyah Brekzita [Latin America’s Dimension of the UK Foreign Trade Policy in the Context of Brexit] // Global South in the Polycentric World (Global Development, iss. 19). – Moscow, IMEMO. P. 186-195 (In Russian)
    9. Godovanyuk, K.A. «Delo Skripalej kak instrument britanskoj politiki». [“The Scripal case” as аn instrument of British politics]. Evropejskaya analitika 2018 [European Analytics 2018]. Moscow IE RAS St Petersburg Nestor-Historia. P.119-127 (In Russian)
    10. Ananieva, Е.A., Godovanyuk, K.A. (2018) «Delo Skripalej»: posledstviya dlya vnutrennej politiki Britanii i mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij" [«The Scripal Case»: Implications for UK Politics and International Relations] // Pravitel'stvo men'shinstva Terezy Mej: god u vlasti [Th. May’s Minority Government — A Year in Power]. Reports of the Institute of Europe, № 356, Moscow. P. 59-85 (In Russian)
    11. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2018) Posledstviya Brekzita dlya Obshchej politiki bezopasnosti i oborony ES. [The Consequences of Brexit for the EU Common Security and Defence Policy] // «Budushchee Evropy: global'nye vyzovy i vozmozhnye otvety» [The Future of Europe: global challenges and possible responses]. Reports of the Institute of Europe № 351. 2018. P. 14-20. (In Russian)
    12. Godovanyuk, K. A. (2017) Politiko-konstitucionnye diskussii v Britanii posle referenduma o chlenstve v ES [Political and Constitutional Debate in Britain after the UK EU Referendum] // Transformaciya partijno-politicheskogo landshafta v stranah Evrosoyuza v usloviyah krizisa [Transformation of The Party and Political Landscape in European Union Countries In The Period Of Crisis]. Part I. Reports of the Institute of Europe № 337. М. P.45-55 (In Russian)
    13. Ananieva, Е.A., Godovanyuk, K.A. (2017) «U Britanii net vechnyh vragov» [“Britain has no perpetual enemies”] // Evropejskaya analitika 2017 [European Analytics 2017]. Moscow IE RAS St Petersburg Nestor-Historia. P. 118-130 (In Russian)

    Articles in academic journals

    1. Godovanyuk K.A (2021). Vneshnyaya politika «Global'noj Britanii»: osobennosti «suverennogo» atlantizma [Global Britain’s” Foreign Policy: Special Features of “Sovereign” Atlanticism] Sovremennaya Evropa [Contemporary Europe]. 6. P.30-41. DOI:
    2. Godovanyuk K.A. (2021) Novyj format otnoshenij Britanii i ES: vyzovy postbrekzita. [UK-EU new format of relationship: the postbrexit challenges]. Vestnik Diplomaticheskoj akademii MID Rossii. Rossiya i mir [The Herald of the Diplomatic Academy of the MFA of Russia. Russia and the World]. № 4 (30). С.54-70 (In Russian) 
    3. Godovanyuk K.A. (2021) Indiya v britanskoj vneshnej politike: vyzovy dlya partnerstva liberal'nyh demokratij [India in British foreign policy: Challenges for partnership of liberal democracies]. Asian and Africa today. № 9. P. 49-55 (in Russian) DOI: 10.31857/S032150750015442-8
    4. Godovanyuk K.A. Ukraine in light of British foreign policy interests. Postsovetskie issledovaniya = Post-Soviet Studies. 2021;5(4):427–434. (In Russ.)
    5. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2021) Britano-tureckie otnosheniya v svete Brekzita [UK-Turkey Relationship in Light of Brexit]. Nauchno-analiticheskiy vestnik IE RAN [Scientific and Analytical Herald of the IE RAS]. 1. P.24-31. (In Russian) DOI:
    6. Anan'eva E.V., Godovanyuk К.А. (2021) Strategiya nacional'noj bezopasnosti Velikobritanii: zamysly i voploshchenie. [UK National Security Strategy]. Analiticheskie zapiski of IE RAS. No 5 (No 235), pp. 1‒7. DOI: (in Russian).
    7. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2020) «Global'naya Britaniya» kak sledstvie istoricheskih  diskussij ob identichnosti [“Global Britain” as an Outcome of Historical Disputes over UK Identity] Sovremennaya Evropa [Contemporary Europe]. 6. P.181-190. DOI: 
    8. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2020) Prioritety Velikobritanii v Indo-Tihookeanskom regione [The UK Priorities in the Indo-Pacific]. Sovremennaya Evropa [Contemporary Europe]. 1. P.37-48. (in Russian) DOI:  
    9. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2020) Problema nelegal'noj migracii cherez La-Mansh [The Problem of Illegal Channel-crossing]. Nauchno-analiticheskiy vestnik IE RAN [Scientific and Analytical Herald of the IE RAS]. 5. P.92-98. (In Russian) DOI:
    10. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2020) [International Development Assistance on «Global Britain». Nauchno-analiticheskiy vestnik IE RAN [Scientific and Analytical Herald of the IE RAS]. P. 101-107 (In Russian) DOI: 
    11.  Godovanyuk, K.A. (2020) O perspektivah sotrudnichestva Velikobritanii s afrikanskimi stranami posle brekzita [On the Prospects of the UK–Africa cooperation after Brexit]. Vestnik udmurtskogo universiteta. Sociologiya. Politologiya. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniyaBulletin of Udmurt University. Sociology. Political Science. International Relations. Vol 4 (2). P.179-185. (In Russian) DOI:  
    12. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2020) Problemy regulirovaniya immigracii v Velikobritanii posle brekzita [Immigration Regulation Issues in the UK after Brexit]. Nauchno-analiticheskiy vestnik IE RAN [Scientific and Analytical Herald of the IE RAS]. 2. P. 76-82. (In Russian) DOI: 
    13.  Godovanyuk, K.A. (2019) Faktor Gonkonga v britano-kitajskih otnosheniyah [The Hong Kong factor in China-UK relations]. Nauchno-analiticheskiy vestnik IE RAN [Scientific and Analytical Herald of the IE RAS]. P. 121-126. (In Russian) DOI: 
    14. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2019) Mesto Indii v «Global'noj Britanii»: protivorechivoe partnerstvo [India in «Global Britain»: contradictions vs desirable partnership]. Nauchno-analiticheskiy vestnik IE RAN [Scientific and Analytical Herald of the IE RAS] P. 54-59. (In Russian) DOI: 
    15. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2019) Bezopasnost' Arktiki i Severnogo morskogo puti: britanskij vzglyad [Security of The Arctic and the Northern Sea Rout: UK’s View]. Vestnik Udmurtskogo universiteta. Sociologiya. Politologiya. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya [Bulletin of Udmurt University. Sociology. Political Science. International Relations]. Vol.3 (3). P. 326-331. (In Russian) DOI: 10.35634/2587-9030-2019-3-3-326-331 
    16. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2019) Kiberbezopasnost' i Bor'ba s Dezinformaciej: opyt Velikobritanii [Cybersecurity and combating disinformation: UK case]. Nauchno-analiticheskiy vestnik IE RAN [Scientific and Analytical Herald of the IE RAS] 4. P.87-92. (In Russian)  DOI: 
    17. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2019) Britano-yaponskoe strategicheskoe partnyorstvov usloviyah brekzita [UK-Japan Strategic Partnership in Light of Brexit]. Nauchno-analiticheskiy vestnik IE RAN [Scientific and Analytical Herald of the IE RAS]. 3. P.89-94. (In Russian) DOI: 
    18.  Godovanyuk, K.A. (2019) «Osobye otnosheniya» SSHA i Velikobritanii na sovremennom etape:protivorechiya i perspektivy» [UK US “Special Relationship” at the Current Stage: Contradictions and Prospects]. Vestnik Diplomaticheskoj akademii MID Rossii. Rossiya i mir [The Herald of the Diplomatic Academy of the MFA of Russia. Russia and the World]. 3.P. 63- 80. (In Russian) URL:Вестник%20№3-2019.pdf 
    19. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2019) Blizhnevostochnye manyovry britanskoj diplomatii [The Middle East Manoeuvres of British Diplomacy]. Nauchno-analiticheskiy vestnik IE RAN [Scientific and Analytical Herald of the IE RAS].   P. 145-150 (In Russian) DOI: 
    20. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2019) Brekzit bez sdelki – vzglyad iz evropejskih stolic [No-Deal Brexit – Views from the EU Capitals]. Nauchno-analiticheskiy vestnik IE RAN [Scientific and Analytical Herald of the IE RAS]. P. 30-35. (In Russian) DOI: 
    21. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2018) Kontury novoj migracionnoj politiki Soedinyonnogo Korolevstva [The New Contours of UK Migration Policy]. Nauchno-analiticheskiy vestnik IE RAN [Scientific and Analytical Herald of the IE RAS]. P.106-111 (In Russian) DOI: 
    22. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2018) Afrikanskoe napravlenie vneshnej politiki velikobritanii [African dimension of the UK foreign policy]. Nauchno-analiticheskiy vestnik IE RAN [Scientific and Analytical Herald of the IE RAS]. 2018. P 151-157 (In Russian) DOI: 
    23. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2018) Profilaktika radikalizacii: opyt Velikobritanii [Prevention of radicalisation: the case of Britain]. Nauchno-analiticheskiy vestnik IE RAN [Scientific and Analytical Herald of the IE RAS]. P. 186-192 (In Russian) DOI: 
    24. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2018) Vtoraya godovshchina referenduma v Velikobritanii [The Second Anniversary of the UK EU Referendum]. Nauchno-analiticheskiy vestnik IE RAN [Scientific and Analytical Herald of the IE RAS]. P 106-112 (In Russian) DOI: 
    25. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2018) Sammit Zapadnyh Balkan v Londone [Western Balkans Summit in London]. Scientific and Analytical Herald of the Institute of Europe RAS. 4. P. 73-78 (In Russian) DOI: 
    26. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2018) «Osobye otnosheniya» Ssha i Velikobritanii: faktor Trampa [US-UK «Special Relationship»: Trump’s Factor]. Nauchno-analiticheskiy vestnik IE RAN [Scientific and Analytical Herald of the IE RAS].  4. P. 142-149 (In Russian) DOI: 
    27. Ananieva, E.A., Godovanyuk, K.A. (2018) Matreshka of the Skripals’ Affair [Matreshka of the Skripals’ Affair]. Sovremennaya Evropa [Contemporary Europe]. 3. P. 16-27 (In Russian) DOI: 
    28. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2018) Yadernaya sdelka s Iranom – poziciya Londona [Iran’s nuclear deal – London’s position]. Nauchno-analiticheskiy vestnik IE RAN [Scientific and Analytical Herald of the IE RAS]. P. 106-112. (In Russian) DOI: 
    29. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2018) Politika Velikobritanii «k vostoku ot Sueca» [«East of Suez policy»]. Nauchno-analiticheskiy vestnik IE RAN [Scientific and Analytical Herald of the IE RAS]. P. 120-126. (In Russian) DOI: 
    30. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2018) Britano-belorusskie peregovory [UK-Belarus negotiations]. Nauchno-analiticheskiy vestnik IE RAN [Scientific and Analytical Herald of the IE RAS]. P. 47-54. (In Russian) DOI: 
    31. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2018) Sammit sodruzhestva nacij i Novaya vneshnepoliticheskaya strategiya Britanii [The Commonwealth Summit and the New UK Foreign Policy Strategy]. Nauchno-analiticheskiy vestnik IE RAN [Scientific and Analytical Herald of the IE RAS]. 2. P. 35-42. (In Russian) DOI: 
    32. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2018) Brekzit kak klyuchevoj faktor britanskoj politicheskoj zhizni [Brexit as the key factor of British political life]. Vestnik Diplomaticheskoj akademii MID Rossii. Rossiya i mir [The Herald of the Diplomatic Academy of the MFA of Russia. Russia and the World]. 2 (16). P. 71-84 (In Russian) 
    33. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2018) Britano-Pol'skij sammit i «rossijskij faktor» [UK-Poland summit and “Russian factor”]. Nauchno-analiticheskiy vestnik IE RAN [Scientific and Analytical Herald of the IE RAS]. P 135-140 (In Russian) 
    34. Godovanyuk K. (2018) T. Mej podtverzhdaet voennoe partnyorstvo s Franciej i torgovye svyazi s Kitaem [May confirms military cooperation with France and business relations with China]. Nauchno-analiticheskiy vestnik IE RAN [Scientific and Analytical Herald of the IE RAS].1. P 111-117 (In Russian) 
    35. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2018) Gumanitarnaya politika Velikobritanii v konfliktnyh zonah i postkonfliktnyh regionah [Britain’s humanitarian policy in conflict and postconflict areas]. Puti k miru i bezopasnosti [Pathways to Peace and Security]. 1(54) Special Issue: Humanitarian Challenges, Humanitarian Support and Human Protection in Armed Conflicts. Edited by Ekaterina Stepanova, P. 265-278 DOI:10.20542/978-5-9535-0532-1 (In Russian) 
    36. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2012) Mekhanizm prinyatiya vneshnepoliticheskih reshenij Velikobritanii [Foreign policy decision-making mechanism in the UK]. Obozrevatel' [Observer]. 2. P. 81–91. (In Russian) 
    37. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2012) Nekotorye aspekty sotrudnichestva Rossii i Velikobritanii v oblasti mezhdunarodnoj bezopasnosti [Aspects of Russia-UK cooperation for International security issues]. Mir i politika [Mir i politika]. 6 (69). P.167-177 (In Russian) 
    38. Godovanyuk, K.A. (2012) Vneshnyaya politika ES i dilemmy britanskoj diplomatii [EU common foreign policy and Britain’s diplomacy dilemmas]. Sovremennaya Evropa [Contemporary Europe]. № 2. P. 71–81. (In Russian)


    For full list, see the bibliography in Russian


    Selected publications in foreign languages:

    Godovanyuk, K. (2019) Breksit glazami Moskvy [Brexit aus Moskauer Sicht]. Ost/Letter-2-2019. Ostinstituts Wismar – Ausgabe 2/2019.
    URL:  (In German)


    SPIN-код: 1907-5618, AuthorID: 753752
    Scopus Author Profile

    Researcher ID 

  • Foreign languages:
    • English, Spanish, Italian
  • Contacts:
    • tel. +7 (495) 692-23-18