Education: 2008 Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, Economy and Territorial Management faculty
Postgraduate: Institute of Regional Economics RAS (Sankt-Petersburg)
Candidate dissertation: Transformation of the territorial and sectoral structure of industry in the Russia`s North in the context of the transition to an innovative economy
Position: Senior Research Fellow, German Studies Centre, Head of the Germany`s Economy Sector
Professional activities: 2008 - 2017 - Assistant, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Socio-Economic Sciences, MIIGAiK
2012–2019 - Senior Researcher of the Council for the Study of the Productive Forces (SOPS) of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Russian Academy of Sciences (in 2017-2019 - SOPS VAVT of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia)
2021 - 2022 - Senior Researcher, Department of Territorial Systems, Institute of Economics and Trade of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2020 - to date - Senior Researcher, Center for German Studies, Department of Country Studies, IE RAS
2020 - to date - Associate Professor at the Faculty of Geography and Geoinformation Technologies, National Research University Higher School of Economics (part-time)
2018- to date - Senior Researcher, Center for Spatial Economics, RANEPA (part-time)
Scope of scientific interests: spatial and economic development of Germany, standort policy of German-speaking countries, comparative analysis of strategic spatial planning systems in Russia, Germany and European countries; regional policy of Germany;
interregional economic interactions and cooperation; territorial and sectoral aspects of innovation, technological, industrial policy of Germany
Major publications:
Selected publications in Russian (for full list, see the bibliography in Russian)
Chapters in collective monographs
Kotov A. V. (2022) The concept of regional "smart specialization": the experience of Germany // Moscow: Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 152 p. – (Reports of the Institute of Europe). – ISBN 978-5-98163-189-4. – DOI 10.15211/report62022_392
Germany. 2021: [monograph] / [V.B. Belov, A.V. Kotov and others (2022)]. DIE RAN, No. 393, Moscow. DOI: 10.15211/report72022_393. – ISBN 978-5-98163-190-0. – (Reports of the Institute of Europe).
Kotov A. V. (2020) Economic and investment policy during the corona crisis // in Germany.2020. (ed. V.B. Belov) - Moscow: Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2021. - 228 p. – (Reports of the Institute of Europe).– DOI 10.15211/report12021_379.
Grishina I.V., Polynev A.O., Shkuropat A.V., Kotov A. V. Ponomarev Y. Y., Michailova T. N. (2020). Regional and Spatial Policy: Features of Evolution. In: Economic policy of Russia. Turbulent decade 2008–2018. Foundation "Institute for Economic Policy named after E.T. Gaidar". P.459-485 - 760 p.
Kotov A. V. (2019). North and Arctic: continuing the tradition. In: Complex spatial research. (Ed. A. A. Adamesky). All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. P. 258-263. - 371 p.
Grishina I.V., Polynev A.O., Shkuropat A.V., Kotov A. V. (2018). Spatial development strategy of Russia: methodological approaches to the development of the economic block. All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. 280 p.
Pelyasov A. N., Kotov A. V. (2015). The Russian Arctic: potential for international cooperation. Report N17 of the Russian Council on International Affairs. 120 p.
Articles in scientific journals
Kotov A. V. (2022) Actual challenges for German business in the Russian market /Contemporary Europe. No. 3(110). P. 104-116. DOI 10.31857/S0201708322030081.
The article explores the reaction of leading German companies in the Russian market after the start of the special military operation on the territory of Ukraine. The author considers it especially important to consider the decisions of firms in the general context of the winding down of German business activities after 2014. It is shown that after the end of the acute phase of the pandemic, trade and economic cooperation between Russia and Germany demonstrated a tendency to recover. However since 24 February 2022 German companies generally supported anti-Russian sanctions. There has been only a small number of exceptions has become one of the most hotly debated firms' situations. The paper describes the conceptual typology of firms' decisions - “exit”, “activity compression”, “stabilization - continuation” of work in the difficult environment. The author concludes that the long-term trajectory of the real actions of German companies has fundamentally changed. Based on analysis, the paper revealed the foundation of pragmatic market relations erode in the German foreign economic policy in Russia towards politicized decisions. This explains why German companies declare their willingness to pay. Recently, during the joining of Crimea, groups of lobbyists from the German economy still fought to maintain their usual contacts, now they have practically been reduced to nothing.
Kotov A. V. (2021) Determining the Smart Specialization of Russian Regions in the Context of Domestic and European Experience. Regional Research of Russia. Vol. 11. No 3. P. 378-386. DOI 10.1134/S2079970521030084.
Kotov A.V. (2021) Options for the spatial development of Russia in the context of interregional interactions. Studies on Russian Economic Development. V. 32. № 3. С. 318-324.
Kotov A. V. (2020). Methodological approach to smart specialization for the Russian regions. Region: ekonomika i sociologiya. [Region: economics and sociology]. 2. P. 22-45. (In Russian).
Kotov A. V. (2020). Project management in the implementation of long-term interregional initiatives. Upravlencheskoe konsul'tirovanie [Management consulting]. 8 (140). P. 132-144. (In Russian).
Kotov A. V. (2020). Mechanisms of federal support in the development of interregional cooperation [Problems of theory and practice of management]. 3. P. 24-38. (In Russian).
Kotov A. V. (2020). Assessing the efficiency of regional policy tools. Ekonomika regiona [Economy of Region]. 2. P. 352-362. (In Russian).
Kotov A. V. (2019). Export-oriented raw material model of the russian economy: in search of a new model of spatial development. Nacional'naya bezopasnost' i strategicheskoe planirovanie [National security and strategic planning]. 2. P. 5-16. (In Russian).
Selected publications in foreign languages
Kotov A.V. (2020). Intercultural communication as a factor of cooperation of science, business and society (experience of Germany). In: Functional aspects of intercultural communication. translation and interpreting issues. Collection of articles. Moscow, RUDN, P. 463-468.
Kotov A. V. (2021). Veränderungen in einer Partnerschaft zum Verhältnis von Russland und China [Changes in a partnership to the relationship between Russia and China]. Welttrends [World trends]. 172. P. 40-44. (In German).
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