institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Zhuravel Valery Petrovich

Zhuravel Valery Petrovich
  • Date of birth: 19.07.52
  • Place of birth: the town of Yagotin, Kiev region
  • Scientific degree: Dr. of pedagogical sciences (2001)
  • Scientific title: assistant professor (2006 г.)
  • Education:
    In1975 graduated with honors the Lvov Higher Military-Command School of the Soviet Army and Navy
    In 1983 graduated the Military-Political Academy named after V.I.Lenin;
    In 1999 upgraded qualification at the higher courses of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; specialty: “Defense and security maintenance of the Russian Federation”
  • Candidate dissertation:
    “Improved use of mass media in training servicemen of interior troops of the Ministry of internal affairs (the example of local armed conflicts)”
  • Position:
    leading fellow of the Center for Arctic Studies
  • Professional activities:
    1970 to 2004 military service with interior troops of the Ministry of internal affairs of Russia
    In 2001 seconded with halting military service by the order of the Minister of internal affairs to the State Duma as an assistant to the deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Army General A.S.Kulikov
    Completed military service at the position of the head of division – deputy head of the directorate of training and education of the General Command of interior troops of the Ministry of internal affairs of Russia
    February 2009 to October 2014 – consultant; counselor, chief counselor of the department of international security of the office of the Security Council of the Russian Federation (Administration of the President of the Russian Federation);
    secretary of the section on global problems and international security of the scientific council at the Security Council of the Russian Federation
    January 2015 - leading fellow of the Center of Northern Europe of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of sciences
    Since 2014 member of the steering board of the “Arctic Herald” Magazine
  • Scientific activities:

    Member of the Expert Council, analytic media "INFORM-24" 

  • Scope of scientific interests:
    International cooperation of states – members of the Arctic council;
    of observer states Issues of the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation
    Problems of international and national security
    History of the Second World war
  • Total number of publications:
    32 monographs (individual and co-authored, collections of documents and reference books); over 60 chapters in collective monographs, articles and publications in scientific journals and collections.
  • Major publications:


    The full list of works can be accessed on:

    1. Zhuravel V.P. (2022) The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF-2022) and Its Arctic Agenda. Arktika i Sever [Arctic and North] 48 pp. 244–260. DOI: 10.37482/issn2221-2698.2022.48.24 EDN: FYASIZ

    The article summarises the results of the 25th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF-2022), which was held in St. Petersburg from June 15 to 18, 2022. Those include current problems in the Arctic Council's activities, issues of the development of the Northern Sea Route, shipbuilding, and ship repair in the Arctic, ensuring security in the region by the forces and means of the Russian EMERCOM, the state and prospects of building the international Arctic station Snezhinka, and problems of education and personnel training. Particular attention is paid to increasing the role of science, scientific and educational centers in making strategic decisions on the development of the economy, social and spiritual spheres of the Arctic territories.

    1. Zhuravel V.P., Timoshenko D.S. (2022) Spitsbergen: Past, Present, and Future. Sovremennaya Evropa [Contemporary Europe] 6 pp. 98-111. (in Russian). DOI: 10.31857/S0201708322060079. EDN: GPWJZZ

    Spitsbergen as part of the Arctic is the focus of attention for many actors in the geopolitical arena. In the 19th century the use of the archipelago for peaceful economic and scientific purposes was the main condition for international cooperation which was then encapsulated by the Spitsbergen Treaty in 1920 in Paris. The USSR joined the treaty fifteen years later. The paper emphasises that the Russian presence in Spitsbergen is preconditioned not only by economic benefits gained from ongoing coal mining, fishing, and tourism but also by strategic considerations as well as the prospect of discovering new minerals, especially rare earth metals. The article analyses Russian-Norwegian relations in the context of determining the status and economic activity on the archipelago. The paper explores the state policy of modern Russia over the last 30 years, reveals the nature and algorithm for resolving the conflict in summer 2022 caused by the sanctions of the EU on the delivery of cargo for the Arktikugol trust. Growing militarisation of Norway and tightened requirements of Norwegian legislation concerning the use of a special zone around the Svalbard archipelago increase military tension in the European continent. Finland and Sweden’s accession to NATO membership is a direct way to undermine the existing peace, stability, and atmosphere of interaction in the region and threaten Russia's national security. As a practical solution, the authors conclude that it is necessary to conduct consultations on the understanding and interpretation of the provisions of the Spitsbergen Treaty with its signatories, taking into account current international realities.

    1. Timoshehko D.S. (2022) The Modern Arctic: Global Bipolarity or Bipolar Disorder. Nauchno-analiticheskij vestnik IE RAN [Scientific and Analytical Herald of the Institute of Europe RAS] 28(4): 77-85. (in Russian). DOI: EZAFYY  

    After February 2022, the situation in the Arctic begins to acquire some features of a hybrid war. Many large European and Asian companies from unfriendly countries have left or declared their intention to leave economic projects in the Russian Arctic. Interaction with the foreign scientific community in the field of Arctic research has almost ceased. The well-established algorithm of the Arctic Council’s activities was violated (in March, the participation of Western countries in the events of the chairmanship of Russia (the RF) in the Arctic Council (2021-2023) was terminated; in June, the activities of the Council were resumed without the RF; the EU is trying to increase its influence on Denmark, Sweden, and Finland, which are founding AC members). In the summer, a conflict arose and was partially resolved in the Arctic related to the blocking by Norway of Russian cargo sent for Russians and employees of the Arktikugol trust in the village of Barentsburg on Spitsbergen under the pretext of implementing EU sanctions. Russia is working out additional specific steps to ensure state interests in the Arctic in the socio-economic and defense spheres.

    Zhuravel V.P. Russia's Chairmanship of the Arctic Council//Modern Europe. 2021. No. 5. pp. 90-99. DOI: 
    Zhuravel VP USA, Russia and European countries in the Arctic: cooperation or confrontation? // Russia and America in the XXI century. - 2021. - Issue No. 4. URL: DOI: 10.18254/S207054760017799-5 
    Zhuravel V.P. Norway's Arctic Strategy and Security Issues // Scientific and analytical Herald of the IE RAS. 2021. №5. pp. 23-30. DOI: 10.15211/vestnikieran520212330 
    Zhuravel V.P. Modern Arctic: geopolitical and international dimensions// Scientific and analytical Herald of the IE RAS. 2021. No. 4 (22). pp.113-116.
    Zhuravel V.P. Science and new technologies help explore and develop the Arctic: Russian and European approaches // ARCTIC — 2035: topical issues, problems, solutions. 2021. No. 2. S. 75-83. DOI: 10.51823/74670_2021_2_75
    Zhuravel V.P. Arctic business trip of the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.M. Sergeev to Yakutia: the main results and prospects for the development of Russian science//Arctic and North. 2021. No. 43. pp.229-245. DOI: 10.37482/issn2221-2698.2021.43.229
    Zhuravel V.P. Modern Arctic: geopolitical and international dimensions// Scientific and analytical Herald of the IE RAS. 2021. No. 4 (22). pp.113-116.
    Zhuravel V.P. Science and new technologies help explore and develop the Arctic: Russian and European approaches // ARCTIC — 2035: topical issues, problems, solutions. 2021. No. 2. S. 75-83. DOI: 10.51823/74670_2021_2_75
    Zhuravel V.P. Arctic business trip of the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.M. Sergeev to Yakutia: the main results and prospects for the development of Russian science//Arctic and North. 2021. No. 43. pp.229-245. DOI: 10.37482/issn2221-2698.2021.43.229
    Zhuravel V.P. On the question of Russia's chairmanship in the Arctic Council // Scientific and analytical Herald of the IE RAS. 2021. No. 3 (21). pp.62-68.
    Zhuravel V.P. NATO and Russia's National Security Issues in the Arctic // Scientific and analytical Herald of the IE RAS. 2021. No. 2 (20). pp.55-61. DOI:
    Zhuravel V.P. Arctic Council: results of the first year of the Icelandic chairmanship// Arctic and North. 2021. No. 42. pp. 186-199. DOI: 10.37482/issn2221-2698.2021.42.186
    Zhuravel V.P. Russia in the Arctic: results of 2020 and development prospects // Scientific and analytical Herald of the IE RAS. 2021. No. 1. pp. 89-95. DOI:
    Zhuravel V.P. 200th anniversary of the discovery of Antarctica: a breakthrough in domestic scientific research is needed // Modern Europe. 2020. No. 7. pp. 207-217. DOI:
    V P Zhuravel, R-E A Kudryavtseva, T Chistalyova, K Yu Eidemiller. The first results of Icelandic chairmanship over the Arctic Council //5th International Conference "Arctic: History and Modernity" IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 539 (2020) 012050 IOP Publishing. DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/539/1/012050
    Grinyaev S.N., Zhuravel V.P. Issues of integrated security in the Fundamentals of Russian state policy in the Arctic zone until 2035: previous experience and prospects for implementation // Arktika i Sever. 2020. No. 39. pp. 52–74. DOI: 10.37482/issn2221-2698.2020.39.52
    Zhuravel V.P. The Arctic in 2019: international and national aspects (issues of international cooperation and security) // Arctic and North. 2020. No. 38. pp. 105–122. DOI:10.37482/issn22212698.2020.38.105.
    Zhuravel V.P. US Arctic policy, lagging behind European countries// ARCTIC 2035: TOPICAL ISSUES, PROBLEMS, SOLUTIONS. 2020. №4. pp. 19-25.
    Zhuravel V.P. US Arctic Policy and Russia's Interests: Past, Present, Future // Scientific and analytical Herald of the IE RAS. 2020. No. 4. pp.136-140.
    Zhuravel V.P., Nazarov V.P. Northern Sea Route: present and future // Bulletin of the Moscow State Regional University. 2020. No. 2. DOI: 10.18384/2224-0209-2020-2-1010
    Zhuravel V.P. Issues of military security in the Arctic in the state policy of the Russian Federation // Scientific and analytical Herald of the IE RAS. 2020. No. 3. pp. 42-47. DOI:
    Govorova N.V., Zhuravel V.P. Arctic: offshore projects and sustainable development of regions// Scientific and analytical Herald of the IE RAS. 2020. No. 2. pp. 136-140.
    Zhuravel V.P. Arctic Council: in anticipation of Russia's chairmanship// Scientific and analytical Herald of the IE RAS. 2020. №1. pp. 115-118. DOI:
    Fedorov V.P., Zhuravel V.P., Grinyaev S.N., Medvedev D.A. The Northern Sea Route: Problems and prospects of development of transport route in the Arctic // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 434, Issue 1, 29 January 2020, Article number 012007 DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/434/1 /012007



    - Zhuravel V.P. What will the US bring to their chair in the Arctic council “Arctic and the North” 2015. - № 21. – pp.5-16

    Text of the arcicle:

    - Zhuravel V.P., Baranov V.P. Finland. Exit from war (the victory of the Soviet troops and diplomacy). //Herald of Heroes. – 2015. - № 5 (53). - pp.6-7.

    - Zhuravel V.P. On the improvement of the system of military-patriotic education in the Russian Federation// Military-patriotic education of Russian citizens: situation, problems, ways of improvement. – М. Analytical Herald. Analytical directorate of the office of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. – 2015.- № 33. – pp. 33-40.

    - Zhuravel V.P. participated in the preparation of the 2 volume book “Troops of NKVD (MVD, MGB) on the eve and during the Great Patriotic war and in fighting the nationalist underground in the post-war period (compendium of documents and materials 1939-1955)” issued by the Chief Command of the interior troops of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Russian Federation for the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic war

    Additional information about the book:

    - Zhuravel V.P. Russia and European countries on the Chinese policy in the Arctic//Law ans investments. – 2015. - № 1-2 (55). – pp.78-83

    Manoilo A.V., Zhuravel V.P. European Union facing the threat of a new wave of terrorist acts and colored revolutions//Herald of the Northern (Arctic) federal university named after M.V.Lomonosov. Humanitarian and social sciences series. – 2015. - № 3. – pp. 55-62.

    - Zhuravel V.P. Russia in the Arctic (short essay)//Arctic Review. – 2015. - № 1. – pp.16-19.

    - Foreword to the book: Medvedev D.A. International economic cooperation in the Arctic. The Arctic economic council/Ed. Zhuravel V.P. – М.: АНО ЦСОиП, 2015. 92 p. URL:

    - New page in the history of the Great Patriotic war. The book about the Hero of the Soviet Union, Army General I.I.Maslennikov

    - Zhuravel V.P., Antyushina N.M. The Arctic council: chair transition from Canada to the US// Observer. - 2015. - № 3. – pp. 47-55. 

    - Zhuravel V.P. Geopolitical problems of the development of the arctic zone.//Current problems of using the potential of sea and coastal zone waters: materials of the XI international scientific conference in 2 parts / Ed. A.V.Semenov, N.G.Malysheva, Yu.S.Rudenko. М.: ЧОУВО «МУ named after Yu.Vitte», 2015. – part.I. - pp. 37-42.

    - Zhuravel V.P. Main directions of the scientific research of states – members of the Arctic council: situation and prospects // Integrated scientific research and cooperation in the Arctic: interaction of teaching universities with academic and branch scientific organizations: Materials of the All-Russian conference with foreign participation [electronic resource] / compiled by S.V.Ryabchenko; the Northern (Arctic) federal university named after M.V.Lomonosov – electronic text data. – Arkhangelsk: NAFU, 2015. pp. 104-108.

    - Zhuravel V.P. Legal and organizational-international factors of fighting terrorism in Russia facing growing security threats //Herald of the Northern (Arctic) federal university named after M.V.Lomonosov. Humanitarian and social sciences series. – 2014. - № 6. – pp. 11-24. 

    - Rodionova I.A., Lipina S.A., Zhuravel V.P., Pushkarev V.A. Maintenance of the ecological security: state management of the Arctic region // Current problems of science and education. – 2015. – № 1. URL: 

    - Zhuravel V.P. Topical problems of the security maintenance in the Northern Caucasus (the example of the Republic of Dagestan) //International relations. – 2014. -№ 2. – pp. 200-208.

    - Zhuravel V.P. Fighting terrorism in Dagestan // Observer. - 2014. - № 1. - pp. 25-38. 

    - Zhuravel V.P. Fighting terrorism as a factor of strengthening national security of Russia // Observer. - 2014. - № 3. - pp. 87-97. 

    - Zhuravel V.P., Lipina S.A. International meeting of representatives of states – members of the Arctic council, observer states and foreign scientific community // Modern production forces.- 2014. - № 3. - pp. 152-157. 

    - Zhuravel V.P. Modern terrorism: ways of fighting (some ideological approaches) // VIII International anti-terrorist forum “XENOPHOBIA-VIRUS OF EXTREMISM AND TERRORISM” 2013, Editorial house of the European center of painting arts, Bratislava, 2014. – pp. 71-74.

  • Membership in scientific associations:
    St. Petersburg Arctic Academy of Sciences, "Geopolitics and Security"
    Expert Council of the media "INFORM-24"
    Editorial board of scientific journals "Arctic Vedomosti", "Arctic Review" and "Russian Polar Research"
    Expert council of the Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East
  • Honorary title:
    "Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation", 1998
  • Awards:
    Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" 2nd class with the image of swords
    2 Orders of the Russian Orthodox Church
    Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation
    Departmental medals of the USSR and the Russian Federation
    Gratitude and certificate of honor from the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Security Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Security Council of the Russian Federation,
    gratitude from the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.
    Medal "For contribution to the implementation of state policy in the field of scientific and technological development.", by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, September 17, 2021
    All-Russian award "Journalists against terror" (2008, 2011)
    All-Russian award "Golden Crown of Victory" (2008)
    A.A. Svechina of the Academy of Military Sciences (2016)
  • Contacts:

    Work tel. + 7 (495) 692 04 86

    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.