institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Alexander Vasilchenko

Alexander Vasilchenko
  • Education:
    P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University, 2017-2021. Programme: 38.03.01 Economics, “World Economy and International Business”
    MGIMO University, 2021-2023. Programme: 38.04.01 Economics, “International Economic Relations”
  • Postgraduate:
    Bachelor qualification work: «Regional Integration in the Modern World Economy: Forms, Trends, and Effects», P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University, 2021
    Master qualification work: «Global Production Networks and Economic Developments in European Regions», MGIMO University, 2023
  • Position:
    junior researcher, Department of economic studies
  • Scientific activities:

    International trade, global production networks, trade in intermediates, EU and EAEU economic integration.

  • Total number of publications:
  • Major publications:


    Sapir, E., Vasilchenko, A. Regional Economic Integration. A New Approach to Macroregional Interaction Between State and Firms. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. 2021. 211 с.
    ISBN: 978-620-3-91160-2

    Chapters in collective monographs:

    Kotov, A., Plusnin, R., Vasilchenko, A. Impact of Economic Crises on the EU Intraregional Trade (chapter) / in Europe in the Crisis World (ed. Gromyko, Al. A.) - Moscow: Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2022. – 376 p. – DOI: 10.55604/9785777708953.

    Vasiclhenko, A. EU Intraregional Trade Clusters Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic (chapter) in New Developments in the European Economy (ed. Bazhan A.I.) - Moscow: Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2023. – 199 p. – DOI:

    Articles in scientific journals and conference proceedings:


    Vasilchenko, A. Global Production Networks and Their Organizational, Geographic and Relational Spaces // International scientific conference of young researchers “Regions and Spaces: Where Do Borders Begin and End?”. Moscow, IMEMO RAS, 21.04.2023.
    Vasilchenko, A. The Concept of “International Trade Resilience”: Essence and Quantitative Assessment // Scientific conference of young researchers “Economic Theory and Reality. Economics in a Changing World”. Moscow, The Institute of Economics of the RAS, 25.10.2023.
    Vasilchenko, A. Regionalization of European Global Production Networks as a Response to Modern Challenges in the World Economy // International scientific conference VI Liventsev Readings “Modern system of international economic relations: between globalization and fragmentation”. Moscow, MGIMO University, 24.11.2024.
    Vasilchenko, A. Logvinov, D., Semenova, A. (2023). Non-Price Factors of Demand on Wheat Imports in Northern Africa / The Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 4, 157-180, 10.52180/2073-6487_2023_4_157_180.
    Plyusnin, R., Vasilchenko, A. (2023). Factors of Foreign Trade Resilience on the Example of the North Europe Countries. Ability to Recover // Contemporary Europe, 6(120), 126-141. DOI 10.31857/S0201708323060116. – EDN XYULWQ.
    González, G. H., Sapir, E. V. & Vasilchenko, A. D. (2023). Global Production Networks in the Regional Analysis Framework: Case of the EU Peripheral Automotive Manufacturing. Ekonomika regiona / Economy of regions, 19(1), 230-243,


    Sapir, E., Vasilchenko, A. (2022). Informal Network Integration and MNEs Territorial Embeddedness: Mapping Differences. Estudios Economicos, 39(79). ISSN: 2525-1295. (Accepted for publication, volume 39, issue 79, July 2022).


    Sapir, E., Vasilchenko, A. (2021)  A New International Trade Policy–XXI Emergence: Methodological Framework. International Conference ’Evolution of the International Trading System: Problems and Prospects’. Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg University, 04/17/2021

    Sapir, E., Vasilchenko, A. (2021) Trade in Automotive Parts.  Effects on the NAFTA Integration Transformations. Contemporary Economic Processes, №3, 79-100 =46494501 

    Sapir, E., Vasilchenko, A. (2021) The Intermediates Exports Evolution in NAFTA Transport Engineering: Regionalism vs Globalism. Theoretical Economy, 2(74),73-80 php/tor/article/view/23/22 

    Sapir, E., Vasilchenko, A. (2021). Access to Foreign Markets: Overcoming the Barriers. Local Exporters’ Experience. Contemporary Problems in Foreign Economic Activity Management. Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Foreign Trade Academy, 11/26/2020


    Vasilchenko, A. (2020). Reshoring in the European Union: Causes, Dynamics, Factors. Contemporary Europe, (4), 191-200.

    Vasilchenko, A., Kazakov, E. (2020) Regional Integration and the Prospects for SMEs’ Participation in GVCs. EU-EAEU Transition of Lessons. Financial Economy, 11, 229-233. 83416 

    Zaletov, Y., Vasilchenko, A. (2020) Reindustrialization in Advanced Economies as a Leading Trend. Theoretical Economy, 2(62), 51-59. X074_c_aqEJbt_3ZHhVaYUsn_R/view 

    Sapir, E., Vasilchenko, A. (2020). Adaptation of the Foreign Experience of Export Assistance to Economic Realities of Russian Regions (the Case of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises). International Student Conference ’Lomonosov 2020’. Section: ’Strategic Management and Regional Economy’. Russian Federation, Moscow, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 03/2020

    Sapir, E., Vasilchenko, A. (2020). SMEs Technological Transformation: Challenges and Promotion. International Conference ’Problems and Prospects of the Development of Scientific and Technological Space’.Russian Federation, Vologda, Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 06/19/2020

    Sapir, E., Vasilchenko, A. (2020) The Drivers of Economic Integration Through the Historical Evolution of Regional Trade Unions. Innovative Economy: Prospects for the Development and Modernization, 4(46), 23-32.

    Sapir, E., Vasilchenko, A. (2020) WTO Crisis as a Demonstration of Structural Changes of Global Political Landscape. Economics: Theory and Practice, 2(58), 17-22 72573 

    Sapir, E., Vasilchenko, A. (2020) Standardization of Production Processes as a Factor for Building Global Value Chains: Foreign Experience. Business. Education, 2(51), 53-58. y_42775129_58449380.pdf 

     Sapir, E., Vasilchenko, A. (2020) Technical Barriers to Trade and Their Impact on Imports: Essence and Effects. Theoretical Economy, 9, 79-87. rJV0mTxwgvzwW94mgo/view

    Sapir, E., Vasilchenko, A. (2020) Regional Integration’s Effects: Methodological Approaches to its Contents and Measurement. Economics: Theory and Practice, 4(60), 3-9. 47641

    Extracurricular training:

    Online course ’Economic Analysis of Non-Tariff Measures’. UNCTAD Division on International Trade and Commodities, 04 October - 19 November 2021

    Project Management and the Markets under the National Technological Initiative. Qualification Upgrading Certificate No. 762410667464. P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University. Certificate issued on 07/09/2021

    Online course ’How to Access International Markets’. International Trade Center SME Trade Academy. Certificate issued on 10/24/2020

    IX Chinese-Russian Summer School on International Relations ’Deterring Protectionism and Promoting Diversity in Changing Political Landscape’. Higher School of Economics, Moscow. 07/11/2019

    Technical and personal skills:

    Programming Languages: Confident in: R, SQL Also basic ability with: Python, Microsoft Azure.

    Professional Software Skills: Most MS Office products, Gretl, LaTeX

    International trade databases: World Bank Data, Penn World Table 10.0, UN Comtrade, Trade Map, Market Access Map, UNCTAD TRAINS, Eurostat, OECD Statistics, OECD TiVA (Trade in Value Added), CEPII BACI, EORA-Database, World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS)

    Full-text databases: Science Direct, Scopus, Microsoft Academic, Google Scholar, Springer, EBSCO

    ORCID: 0000-0002-4904-1562 

  • Contacts:

    Mobile Phone : +7 915 982 69 99,

    Courriel : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.