institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Nevskaya Natalia Aleksandrovna

Nevskaya Natalia Aleksandrovna
  • Scientific degree: Candidate of Science (Economics)
  • Scientific title: associate professor
  • Education:
    Far Eastern Academy of Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation, Faculty of State and municipal administration, Department of Political science.
    1997 – 2002 (The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, RANEPA)
  • Postgraduate:
    Pacific National University, 2002 – 2005.
  • Candidate dissertation:
    «Formation and implementation of export potential to industrial enterprises (on the Khabarovsk territory) », Pacific National University, 2005.
  • Position:
    Leading Research Fellow at the Department of economic studies, Institute of Europe RAS.
  • Professional activities:
    2007-2013 – assistant, associated professor, professor of the theory of economy Department, Deputy of the Head of the theory of economy Department, Russian state university of the trade and economy
    2013-2015 – Professor of the Political economy Department, Deputy of the Head of Political economy Department, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
    2015-2017 – Leading Research Fellow at the Department of Political economy, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
    2018-present – Leading Research Fellow at the Department of economic studies, The Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences (IE RAS)
  • Scope of scientific interests:
    Macroeconomic forecast and planning, indicative planning, industrial policy, international economic relations, EU economy
  • Total number of publications:
    over 80 publications in Russia and abroad. Author of individual and several collective monographs.
  • Membership in scientific associations:
    Gromyko association for foreign policy studies, expert.
    Academic secretary at Department of Political economy of the Central House of Scien-tists of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Honorary title:
    Award "Russian universities’ choice" 2016 for the textbook and workshop «Macroeconomic planning and forecasting» by «Urait» publishing house
  • Foreign languages:
    • English
  • Contacts: № 217. Тел: + 7 495692-29-36, № 223.

    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.