institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Babynina Ludmila Olegovna

Babynina Ludmila Olegovna
  • Scientific degree: Candidate of Political Sciences
  • Education:
    1993 - 2000 Lomonosov Moscow State University (MGU), History faculty, diploma with honors
    1989 - 1994 Moscow State Academy of Geological Exploration n.a. S.Ordzhonikidze, Geophysical faculty
  • Postgraduate:
    2001 - 2005 Postgraduate program of Institute of Europe RAS
  • Candidate dissertation:
    «Flexibility in the EU: theory and practice», Institute of Europe, RAS, 2010
  • Position:
    Head of the Centre for Political Integration Studies, leading researcher in the Department of the European integration studies
  • Professional activities:
    2004-present: Head of the Centre for Political Integration Studies, leading researcher (previously senior researcher, researcher, junior researcher) in the Department of the European integration studies, Institute of Europe RAS
    2008-present: Lomonosov Moscow State University, World politics faculty, Associate professor, Deputy Head of the Chair for Regional Issues of the World Politics.
    2007-2013: Higher School of Economics, World economy and global politics faculty, Department of international economic organizations and European integration, Senior lecturer.
    2006-2007: Russian State University for Humanities, Senior lecturer.
    2001-2004: Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, Department of information and public relations, Consultant.
  • Scope of scientific interests:
    differentiation and flexible integration in EU, europeanization and de-europeanization, Brexit, Scandinavian countries in EU, theories of European integration, external integration formats, political integration in the EU
  • Total number of publications:
    More than 130 publications incl. individual monography, articles in leading Russian journals, chapters in the collective monographs etc. (for full bibliography see the personal page in Russian)
  • Major publications:


    Monographs and book chapters:

    Babynina L.O. Flexibility in the European Union: Theory and Practice. Monograph. Moscow: URSS, 2012. 304 p. (in Russian) ISBN 978-5-382-01412-8.

    Babynina L.O. (Ed.) Ethnicity, migration and electoral processes in contemporary Europe. Мoscow, Institute of Europe, 2024. Reports of the IE RAS, № 413, p. 132. (in Russian) DOI: ISBN 978-5- 98163-223-5. EDN: VRCBZZ.

    Babynina L.O. (Ed.) The Future of Europe: Global Challenges and Possible responses. Мoscow, Institute of Europe, 2018. Reports of the IE RAS, № 351, p. 88. (in Russian) ISBN 978-5-98163-106-1. Mode of access:

    Babynina L.O. European Union: a challenge from the Brexit. in Europe between three oceans. Eds. by A.Gromyko, V Fedorov. Moscow, Nestor-Istoria 2019, pp. 71-89. ISBN 978-5-98163-133-7 (in Russian)

    Babynina L.O. New projects of enhanced cooperation: scenario № 3 becomes a reality? In European analytics 2018. Ed. by K. Gusev. Moscow: IE RAS, St. Petersburg: Nestor-History. 2018. С. 79-87 ISBN 978-5-98163-116-0 (in Russian)

    Babynina L.O. Integration formats in Europe and the limits of Europeanization. In Europe between three oceans. Ed by A.Gromyko, V Fedorov. Moscow, Nestor-Istoria 2017, pp. 145-162. ISBN 978-5-98163-087-3 (in Russian)


    Selected articles in peer review academic journals:

    Babynina L.O. Enlargement as a Special Case of EU External Differentiation. Contemporary Europe. 2025, no 1, pp. 5-17. (in Russian) DOI: 10.31857/S0201708325010012

    Babynina L.O. Denmark in the EU Justice and Home Affairs and Defense Projects: Opportunities and Limitations. Contemporary Europe. 2024, no 7, pp. 30-43. (in Russian) DOI: 10.31857/S0201708324070039

    Babynina L.O. The Model of Interaction of the European Union with Partner Countries: Swiss Experience. Contemporary Europe. 2023, no 7, pp. 21-34. (in Russian) DOI: 10.31857/S0201708323070021

    Babynina L.O. Oskolkov P.V. Northern Ireland Conflict in the Brexit Context: Political Challenges of Identity. Contemporary Europe. 2022, no 3, pp. 18-32. (in Russian) DOI: 10.31857/S0201708322030020.

    Babynina L.O. Trade and Cooperation Agreement Between the EU and the UK: Conditionality Versus Sovereignty. Contemporary Europe. 2021, no 2, pp. 5-16. (in Russian) DOI: L.O. EEA in the Brexit’ shadow. Nauchno-analiticheskij vestnik IE RAN 23(5), 2021, pp. 92-99 (in Russian). DOI: 10.15211/vestnikieran520219299

    Babynina L.O. De-Europeanization or Dismantling: Prospects of the EU-UK Relations. Contemporary Europe. 2020, no 3, pp. 5-15. (in Russian) DOI:

    Babynina L.O. The Impact of Brexit on the European Parliament Political Groups. Contemporary Europe. 2019, no 5, pp. 68-77. (in Russian) DOI: 10.15211/soveurope520196877

    Babynina L.O. The UK and the EU: prospects for future cooperation. Contemporary Europe. 2018, no. 4, pp. 68-77. (in Russian) DOI:

    Babynina L.O. The Meaning of Brexit for the EU. Contemporary Europe. 2016, no 4, pp. 21-33. (in Russian) DOI:

    Babynina L.O. Enhanced cooperation – the new trend of the EU development. MGIMO Review of International Relations. 2014, no 4 (37), pp. 148-154. (in Russian) Mode of access: 

    Babynina L.O. The transformation of the EU internal architecture: the problems of fragmentation of the political space. Political science. INION RAS. 2014, no 2, pp. 44-64. (in Russian) Mode of access:

    Babynina L.O. Flexible integration in the EU: classification and problems of institutionalization. MEiMO. 2010, no6, pp. 31-37. Mode of access: Author ID: 557456

    ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7631-440Х

    Scopus Author ID: 7194102587

    Web of Science Researcher ID: ААС-4683-2020

  • Membership in scientific associations:
    Moscow University Bulletin of World Politics
    Nauchno-analiticheskij vestnik IE RAN
  • Foreign languages:
    • English
  • Contacts:

    Phone: + 7 495 692 2015; E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.