Professional activities: 2017 – Present: Professor at the Department for International Security and Foreign Affairs at the Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (courses “Russian Foreign Policy in Counteraction to the
International Terrorism”, “Russian Foreign Policy in the Field of Information and Psychological Security”, “Influence of Non-State Actors on the System of International Relations”).
2017 – 2020 – Senior Researcher at the School of International Relations at the Saint Petersburg State University.
2017 – 2018 – Professor of the Department of European Integration Processes at the Institute of World Civilizations.
2015 – 2018 – Associate Professor at the Department of Journalism and Media Education at Moscow State Pedagogical University, since February 2016 – Associate Professor at the Department of Communication Management, Advertising and Public Relations.
2008 –2009 – Assistant at the Department of Journalism at Sholokhov Moscow State Humanitarian University, since November 2009 – Senior Lecturer, in September 2011 – November 2015 – Associate Professor at the Department of Journalism and Media Education.
2008 – 2012 – Lecturer of the Communication Management Specialization at the Faculty of Philosophy, Lomonosov State University.
2008 – 2009 – Associate Professor at the Department of Public Relations at the Griboedov Institute for International Law and Economics.
2007 – 2013 – Associate researcher at the Communication Management Centre, Russian-German Graduate School of Management at the Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
2007 – 2008 – Lecturer of the Public Relations Department at the Faculty of Philosophy at Lomonosov Moscow State University.
2006 – 2008 – Assistant at the Chair of World Civilizations History at the Moscow City Teachers’ Training University.
Major publications: Monographs and brochures
Far-Left Terrorism in the FRG: Major Trends in the Activity of the Red Army Faction (RAF) and Its Communication Support (1971 – 1992). Moscow: ICSPSC, Charity Fund “Slovo” Publishers, 2010. – 276 pp. [in Russian].
Terrorism and the antiterrorist activities: The communication aspect (on the materials of the European Union). Мoscow: ICSPSC, Charity Fund “Slovo” Publishers, 2013. – 364 pp. [in Russian].
Possibilities of Using Communication Management in Anti-Terrorist Structures (Based on the Materials of the European Union). – Moscow: ICSPSC, 2014, 274 pp. – [in Russian].
Edited monographs and collections of articles
Bazarkina D. (ed.) Existing and Prospective Threats to International Psychological Security through the Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence and Possible Ways to Neutralize Them. Proceedings of the Young Researchers’ Academic Seminar at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, 18 April 2022. Publication of the International Center for Socio-Political Studies and Consulting. – Moscow: LLC “Sam Polygraphist”, 2022. – 52 pp. – [in Russian].
Bazarkina D. (ed.) Malicious use of artificial intelligence as a threat to psychological security: Northeast Asia and the rest of the world. Proceedings of the Young Researchers’ Academic Seminars at Saint Petersburg State University and the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, 27 October and 25 November 2021. Publication of the International Center for Socio-Political Studies and Consulting. – Moscow: LLC “Sam Polygraphist”, 2021. – 52 pp. – [in Russian].
Bazarkina D., Pashentsev E., Simons G. (eds.) Terrorism and Advanced Technologies in Psychological Warfare: New Risks, New Opportunities to Counter the Terrorist Threat. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2020.
Monograph chapters
Bazarkina D. In co-authorship with Evgeny Pashentsev: Chapter 3. The malicious use of artificial intelligence against government and political institutions in the psychological area // Bielicki D. (ed.) Regulating Artificial Intelligence in Industry. London and New York: Routledge, 2022. P. 36 – 52. DOI:
Bazarkina D. In co-authorship with Kaleria Kramar: Chapter 6. Reputation Management of Russian Companies in the European Union in the Context of Russia and the EU’s Strategic Communication // Pashentsev E. (ed.) Strategic Communication in EU-Russia Relations: Tensions, Challenges and Opportunities. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. P. 161 – 211.
Bazarkina D. Chapter 9. Counter-Terrorism as Part of Strategic Communication: The EU’s Experience and Possibilities for Russia // Pashentsev E. (ed.) Strategic Communication in EU-Russia Relations: Tensions, Challenges and Opportunities. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. P. 313 – 357.
Bazarkina D. Chapter 4. Exploitation of the Advanced Technologies’ Image in Terrorist Propaganda and Ways to Counter It // Bazarkina D., Pashentsev E., Simons G. (eds.) Terrorism and Advanced Technologies in Psychological Warfare: New Risks, New Opportunities to Counter the Terrorist Threat. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2020. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2020. P. 57 – 80.
Bazarkina D. In co-authorship with Evgeny Pashentsev and Greg Simons: Introduction: Mapping Risks and Opportunities from New Technologies in Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism in the 21st Century // Bazarkina D., Pashentsev E., Simons G. (eds.) Terrorism and Advanced Technologies in Psychological Warfare: New Risks, New Opportunities to Counter the Terrorist Threat. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2020. P. XXI – XLII.
Bazarkina D. In co-authorship with Evgeny Pashentsev and Greg Simons: Conclusion: Synthesis of Old and New Approaches in the Psychological Warfare with Terrorism // Bazarkina D., Pashentsev E., Simons G. (eds.) Terrorism and Advanced Technologies in Psychological Warfare: New Risks, New Opportunities to Counter the Terrorist Threat. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2020. P. 239 – 249.
Bazarkina D. Chapter 5. Terrorist Threats on the Internet: European Union Realities // Flanagan R. (ed.) Understanding the War on Terror: Perspectives, Challenges and Issues. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2019. P. 137 – 162.
Bazarkina D. Counter-Terrorism as a Part of Strategic Communication: The EU’s Experience and Possibilities for Russia // Pashentsev E., Vlaeminck E. (eds.) Strategic Communication in EU-Russia Relations: Tensions, Challenges and Opportunities (edited by Evgeny Pashentsev and Erik Vlaeminck). Moscow: ICSPSC, 2018. – 362 pp.
Bazarkina D. Communication Aspect of Far-Right Extremism and Terrorism (Chapter 6) // Bazarkina D., Djorič M., Pashentsev E., Simeunovič D. Communication and Terrorism. Moscow: ICSPSC, 2015. – 192 pp. [in Russian]. In Serbian edition: Базаркина Д. Ю. Десничарски екстремизам и тероризам у комуникацијском простору ЕУ: од “уличних бораца до “Националсоцијалистичког подземља” // Медији и тероризам (уредници Драган Симеуновић, Марија Ђорић). Београд: Удружење “Наука и друштво Србије”, 2015.
Bazarkina D. Communication as a Means of Preventing Far-Right Violence (Chapter 7) // Bazarkina D., Djorič M., Pashentsev E., Simeunovič D. Communication and Terrorism. Moscow: ICSPSC, 2015. – 192 pp. [in Russian].
In Serbian edition: Базаркина Д. Ю. Комуникација као средство благовременог спречавања насиља екстремних десничара. // Медији и тероризам (уредници Драган Симеуновић, Марија Ђорић). Београд: Удружење “Наука и друштво Србије”, 2015.
Bazarkina D. The Roots of Ethno-Religious Terrorism in the European Union and Latin America: Common Habits and Peculiarities // Bazarkina D., Vinogradova E., Manoilo A. Pashentsev E., Simons G. USA, Syria and Iran: the Libyan Scenario Repeats. Edited by Professor Andrey Manoylo. Chapter 9. Moscow: Goryachaya Liniya – Telecom, 2012, 156 pp. [in Russian].
Selected articles in Russian editions
Bazarkina D. Countermeasures for Hybrid Threats: The Experience of the European Union and Its Member States // Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – 2022. – Vol. 92(S4). – Pp. S315-S320. – URL:
Bazarkina D. In co-authorship with Evgeny Pashentsev and Matthew Crosston: Systemic Constructs of International Security: Societal Change Agents as Conflict Resolution // E-journal Public Administration. – 2022. – No 93. – P. 81-95. – DOI: – EDN XBRHLG.
Bazarkina D. European External Action Service and High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (February 2022) // European Union: Facts and Comments. – Issue 107: December 2021 – February 2022. Edited by Olga Yu. Potemkina (managing editor), Yury. A. Borko and Natalia B. Kondratieva. – Moscow, 2022. – Pp. 83 – 85. – URL: [in Russian].
Bazarkina D. Countermeasures for Hybrid Threats: EU and its Member States Experience // Sovremennaya Evropa [Contemporary Europe]. – 2022. – № 2 (109). – с. 132‒145. – DOI: [in Russian].
Bazarkina D. Evolution of Approaches to Countering Hybrid Threats in the European Union’s Strategic Planning // Sovremennaya Evropa [Contemporary Europe]. – 2021. – №6 (106). – Pp. 133‒143. – DOI: [in Russian].
Bazarkina D. In co-authorship with Evgeny Pashentsev: BRICS Strategic Communication: The Present and the Future // Russia in Global Affairs. – 2021. – №3. – July – September.
Bazarkina D. Evolution of the European Union’s Approach to Countering Disinformation // Vlast’ [Authority]. – 2021. – №6. – Pp. 130 – 138 [in Russian].
Bazarkina D. In co-authorship with Evgeny Pashentsev: Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence. New Psychological Security Risks in BRICS Countries // Russia in Global Affairs. – 2020. – №4. – October – December.
Bazarkina D. Threats of Terrorist Propaganda at the Present Stage of Development // Proceedings of the IV International Conference on April 27, 2018 “Transformation of international relations in the XXI century: challenges and prospects”. Edited by Marina Kukartseva and Igor Bendersky. Moscow: Diplomatic Academy of the MFA of Russia, 2019. Pp. 116-119 [in Russian].
Bazarkina D. Communication Provision of the Countering Far-Right Terrorism in the EU Countries // Russia and the World: Development of Civilizations. Phenomenon of Development of Radical Political Movements in Europe: Proceedings of the VIII International Conference (April 12, 2018). Moscow: Institute of World Civilizations, 2018. Pp. 33 – 37 [in Russian].
Bazarkina D. In co-authorship with Oleg Ivanov, Polina Karpova, and Evgeny Pashentsev: Russia – EU: Quo Vadis? // Contemporary Europe – Sovremennaya Evropa. 2017. №4(76). Pp. 151 – 154 [in Russian]. Web of Science Core Collection ID: WOS:000424560400018.
Bazarkina D. Communication Component in the European Union Counter-Terrorism Strategy // Transformation of International Relations in the XXI Century. Edited by Maria Granovskaya and Olga Timakova. Moscow: Diplomatic Academy of the MFA of Russia, 2017. Pp. 47 – 56 [in Russian].
Bazarkina D. Quasi-Religious Terrorism in the European Union: Socio-Political Grounds, Evolution and Current Threat Level // Public Administration. Electronic Bulletin. 2017. Issue 61. April [in Russian] //
Bazarkina D. The impact of Quasi-Religious Terrorism on Public Opinion: The Experience of the European Union // Russia: Trends and Prospects of Development. Yearbook. Issue 12. Edited by Vladimir Gerasimov. Moscow: INION RAN, 2017. Part 1. Pp. 117 – 119 [in Russian].
Selected articles in foreign editions
Bazarkina D. In co-authorship with Darya Matyashova: “Smart” Psychological Operations in Social Media: Security Challenges in China and Germany // Lupa-Wójcik I. and Czyżewska M. (eds.) Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Social Media (ECSM 2022). Reading, UK: Academic Conferences International Limited. – 2022. – 9(1). Pp. 14 – 20. – URL:
Bazarkina D. Artificial Intelligence Enhancing Social Engineering in Terrorism: The new Threats. // Matos F. (ed.) Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics ECIAIR 2021. A Virtual Conference Hosted by ISCTE Business School, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal. 18–19 November 2021. Reading, UK: Academic Conferences International Limited, 2021. – P. 19-25.
Bazarkina D. In co-authorship with Evgeny Pashentsev: ISIS Propaganda on the Internet, and Effective Counteraction // Journal of Political Marketing. 2021. – DOI:
Bazarkina D. The Threat of Using Advanced Technologies by Terrorists: Psychological Aspect // Matos F. (ed.) Proceedings of the European Conference on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics ECIAIR 2020 Supported By Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Portugal, 22 – 23rd October 2020. Reading, UK: Academic Conferences International Limited, 2020. – P. 14 – 20.
Bazarkina D. In co-authorship with Alexey Averkin, Konstantin Pantserev and Evgeny Pashentsev. Artificial Intelligence in the Context of Psychological Security: Theoretical and Practical Implications // Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT 2019). Atlantis Studies in Uncertainty Modelling. Atlantis Press, 2019. Vol. 1. P. 101 – 107. URL:
Bazarkina D. Advanced Technologies Combating Terrorism in the EU: The Psychological Warfare Aspect // Van der Waag-Cowling N. and Leenen L. (eds.) Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security ICCWS 2019 Hosted By Stellenbosch University and the CSIR, South Africa, 28 February – 1 March 2019. Reading, UK: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, 2019. – P. 23 – 29.
Bazarkina D. Right-Wing Extremism and Terrorism in the Territory of the EU: From “Street Fighters” to “National-Socialist Underground” // Nauka I Društvo. Časopis za društvene nauke (Science and Society – Journal of Social Sciences). №2 (winter), 2015. P. 85 – 102.
Bazarkina D. Communication Management and the Problem of International Security in the Counterterrorist Activities of the European Union. // Radoslav Ratković – Život i delo. Međunarodni tematski zbornik. Beograd, 2014. P. 324 – 333.
Bazarkina D. Strategic Communication of the EU: the Counter-Terrorist Aspect. // Kuusisto R. and Kurkinen E. (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security. 11-12 July 2013, Jyväskylä, Finland. Reading, UK: Academic Conferences International Limited, 2013. Pp. 31 – 37.
Bazarkina D. The Information War against Terrorism: New Opportunities and New Risks: The German Experience. // Forough M. (ed.) At War for Peace. Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, UK, 2010. Pp. 127 – 134.
Web of Science Researcher ID: I-5469-2014
Scopus ID: 56027175500