Education: 1996 - Master of social and economic geography. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Geographic faculty.
1998 - Bachelor of law. International Institute of Economics and Law, Law faculty.
Candidate dissertation: 2006 - Candidate of Science (Politics). IE RAS. «Transformation of institutional structure of the European Union (1992-2005)».
Professional activities: 1996-present – IE RAS, Department of European integration research, Leading research fellow (since 2012). Previously: senior research fellow (2007-2008), research fellow (2004-2007), junior research fellow (1999-2004), postgraduate student
2003-present – MGIMO University of Foreign Ministry of Russia, Head of Integration Studies (since 2012). Previously: Associate professor. (2003-2007)
Scientific activities:
РИНЦ Author ID: 77252
Scopus Author ID: 21739950800
Researcher ID (WoS): E-3785-2013
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0223-1083
Scope of scientific interests: regional integration in Europe
institutional studies of European Union
EU energy policy
relations between Russia and European Union
EU-Russia relations
Major publications:
Monographies and textbooks:
- Kaveshnikov N., Matveevsky Yu. (2017) Evropaysky soyz: istoria, instityty i politiki. Uchebnik (European Union: history, institutions, policies. Textbook). Moscow, Aspekt Press, 2017. 320 p.
- Butorina O.V., Kaveshnikov N.Yu. (Eds.) (2016) Evropeiskaya integratsiya. Uchebnik (European Integration. Textbook). 2nd Мoscow, Aspekt Press, 2016. 736 S. (in Russian)
- Potemkina O.Yu., Kaveshnikov N.Yu., Kondratieva N.B. (Eds.) (2012) Evropeysky Soiuz v XXI veke: vrenia ispytaniy (European Union in XXI Century: Time of Trials). Moscow, Ves Mir, 2012. 656 S. (in Russian)
- Kaveshnikov N. (2010) Transformatsia institutsionalnoy struktury Evropeyskogo soyuza. (Transformation of the Institutional Structure of the European Union). Moscow, MGIMO-University, Navona, 2010, 480 S. (in Russian)
- Kaveshnikov N. (2009) (ed.) Evrosoyuz i Rossia: printsipy doveria i strategia dialoga (European Union and Russia: Trust Building Principles and Strategy of Dialogue). Moscow, RSUH, 2009, 120 S. (in Russian)
Selected articles & chapters
- Kaveshnikov (2019) European Union. In Countries and regions in global politics. In two volumes. Volume 1: Europe and America. Textbook. Ed. by V. O. Pechatnov, D. V. Streltsov. - Moscow: Aspect Press, 2019, pp. 56-99. (in Russian) ISBN 978-5-7567-1044-1
Kaveshnikov (2017) ‘Energy Security in Mogherini’s Strategy: Conclusions for Russia’ in
The EU Global Strategy: Implications for Russia. Ed. by Olga Potemkina. Institute of Europe RAS; Egmont - The Royal Institute for International Relations. M., 2017, p. 52-62. ISBN 978-5-98163-097-2
Kaveshnikov (2016) ‘Possible Outcomes of Brexit for European Union Development (Nekotorye posledstviya Brexit dlya razvitiya Evropeiskogo soyuza)’. Vestnik MGIMO-Universiteta, № 6, 2016. S. 24-30. (in Russian)
Kaveshnikov (2016) ‘
Nebezopasnaya Evropa v nestabilnom mire (Unsecure Europe in the Unstable World)’. At the website of the
Russian Council of International Relations, 30 March 2015. 19 June 2016. (in Russian)
Kaveshnikov (2008) ‘
Malye i vrednye? (Small and harmful?)’.
Mejdunaridnye Protsessy. Vol. 6, No. 3(18). September-December 2008. (in Russian).
Kaveshnikov (2005) ‘Konstitutsionny krizis (Constitutional Crisis)’. Evropeysky Soiuz: Fakty i Kommentarii, № 39. S. 5-7. (in Russian)
Membership in scientific associations: Since 1998 – Association of European Studies
Since 2004 – Russian Association of International Studies