institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Shcherbak Igor Nikolaevich

Shcherbak Igor Nikolaevich
  • Date of birth: 12.05.47
  • Place of birth: Moscow
  • Scientific degree: PhD in History
  • Education:
    1965-1970- Moscow State Institute ( University) of International Relations ( MGIMO)
  • Candidate dissertation:
    Confidence- building in disarmament , MGIMO MID RF, 1984
  • Position:
    Leading associate, Department of European security
  • Professional activities:
    1970- 1989- diplomatic service in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR and abroad in the diplomatic missions in South Asia
    1990-1995- Deputy Director of Department of International Organizations of the RF MFA
    The RF Representative to the UN Disarmament Commission
    1995- 1998- Deputy Head of the RF Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva ( UNOG)
    1998- 2006 - Deputy Director of Department of International Organizations of the RF MFA
    2006- 2010- The First Deputy to the RF Permanent Representative to the UN ( New- York) with the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary) dealing with the UN Security Council
    2010- 2012- Deputy Director of Department of International Organizations of the RF MFA
    2012- Leading associate of the Department of European Security of the Institute of Europe , Russian Academy of Science
  • Scope of scientific interests:
    UN and international organizations , the European Union, the OSCE, Eurasian Economic Union , crisis management and peace- keeping operations, arms control and disarmament
  • Total number of publications:
  • Major publications:

    Igor Shcherbak , “ Confidence- building in disarmament”, United Nations, Geneva, UNIDIR, 1991

    Igor Shcherbak, On the new EU strategy in the sphere of emergency assistance to the crisis regions in cooperation with international organizations, European Analytics, Institute of Europe, RAN, 2018, pp.87-94

    I.N. Shcherbak , The role of the UN, EU and OSCE in crisis regulation, Monography, Reports of the Institute of Europe  No 367 , Moscow IE RAS, 2019

    Igor Shcherbak, The EU- UN: In search of Strategic Partnership for Strengthening Global Security and Crisis Management, Vestnik of the Institute of Europe , 2019 ,  No. 2 pp. 139-144

    Igor Shcherbak , Towards strengthening of the OSCE effectiveness in answering International and European Security challenges, Vestnik of the Institute of Europe, No.2,pp.12-18

    Igor Shcherbak, Relations between the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union in terms of sustainable economic development and regional security in Greater Eurasia, Vestnik of the Institute of Europe till 2030 , 2019, No. 4 , pp. 74-81

    Igor Shcherbak, Dilemma of crisis diplomacy of the European Union in the context of events in Catalonia, Vestnik of the Institute of Europe. 2018,No.3. 2018, pp.15-22

    Igor Shcherbak, The  EU- UN Partnership in crisis management, Sovremennaya Evropa, 2019.No.5, pp.89-99

    Igor Shcherbak, The EU crisis management strategy at present time, in “ Europe between three oceans” pp. 509-515, ed. by  A. Gromyko and V. Fedorov , Stary Svet. 2019, Moscow

    Igor Shcherbak, Renaissance of the OSCE: is it Possible amid Pandemic, Vestnik of the Institute of Europe RAN, 2020, № 3 pp.27-33.

    Igor Shcherbak, Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict in the Center of the EU Crisis Diplomacy, Vestnik of the Institute of Europe RAN, 2020, № 5 pp. 60-68 .

    Igor Shcherbak, European Security and the Future of the Open Skies Treaty, Vestnik of the Institute of Europe RAN, 2020, № 4 pp. 94-99.

    Igor Shcherbak, Strategic Autonomy of the EU and Problems of Formation of the Foreign Policy Agenda in the Time of the Pandemic, Sovremennaya Evropa, 2020.No. 6, pp.29-40.

    Igor Shcherbak, The OSCE in the Era of a Threat to the European Security-Challenges and Prospects, Sovremennaya Evropa, 2021. No.7,pp.115-122.

    Igor Shcherbak, EU’s Crisis Response Strategy in Light of Global Challenges, Sovremennaya Evropa,2021, No.4,pp.151-160.

    Igor Shcherbak , The Western Balkans in the EU’s Strategy, Vestnik of the Institute of Europe , No.3, 2021, pp.41-47.

    Igor Shcherbak , EU Strategic Autonomy at the Cross- Roads, Vestnik of the Institute of Europe, No. 2, 2021 , pp.34-40.

    Igor Shcherbak, Afghan Crisis: Prospects for a New Strategy of the European Union, Vestnik of the Institute of Europe, No.4, 2021, pp. 7-13.

  • Honorary title:
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
  • Awards:
    Honorary member of the RF diplomatic service
  • Foreign languages:
    • English, French
  • Contacts:

    Tel.+74956922312; e- mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.