institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Shumilin Alexandr Ivanovich

Shumilin Alexandr Ivanovich
  • Scientific degree: Doctor of Political Science
  • Education:
    1976 Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Faculty of International Relations
  • Postgraduate:
    1976 - 1979 studied in absentia at the postgraduate course of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
  • Candidate dissertation:
    "The problem of creating a Palestinian state" (IMEMO, 1980)
  • Doctoral dissertation:
    "Interaction of US and Russian Strategies in the Greater Middle East: Problems of Cooperation and Rivalry" (ISCRAN, 2009)
  • Position:
    Head of the Europe-Middle East Center, Chief Scientific Researcher
  • Professional activities:
    1976-1979 - USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting, editor of the Broadcasting Department to the Middle East of the radio station "Peace and Progress"
    1979 - 1982 - Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Researcher of the Israel Studies Department, Assistant Director (E.M. Primakov) for the Middle East
    1982 - 1985 - USSR Embassy in Tunisia
    1985 - 1988 - journal "Abroad", editor of the Department of Arab countries
    1988 - 1989 - newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" (KP), senior editor of the International Department
    1989 - 1991 - Algeria, Head of KP Bureau in North Africa
    1991-1997 - Cairo, Head of the Center for Russian Press (KP, “Nezavisimaya Gazeta”, “Kommersant”, “Novoye Vremya” magazine, “Moskovskie Novosti”)
    1997-2002 - Moscow, international columnist for “Kommersant” newspaper, “Expert” magazine, “Izvestia” newspaper
    2002 - 2018 - Head of the Center for Analysis of Middle East Conflicts, Institute of the USA and Canada, Russian Academy of Sciences
    Since April 2018 - Chief Scientific Researcher of the Department of European Security of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Scope of scientific interests:
    International relations, Middle East, analysis of challenges from the Middle East for Europe, USA and Russia
  • Courses taught:
    • History of Middle East conflicts
    • Civilizational Foundations of Foreign Policy
  • Major publications:

    Science articles

    1. Shumilin A.I. European Union-USA: on the way to a “new normality” // Modern Europe, no. 5, 2020, p. 1-11.
    2. Shumilin A.I. USA – Iran: Between “Maximum Pressure” and “Heroic Flexibility” // World Economy and International Relations, 2020, volume 64, no. 7, p. 69-79. DOI: 10.20542 / 0131-2227-2020-64-7-69-79.
    3. Shumilin A.I. The European Union and Turkey: Conflict Partnership // Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, No. 5, 2020, p. 7-15. DOI:
    4. Shumilin A.I. European Neighborhood Policy: Time of Trials // Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the Institute of European Studies, no. 86-93. DOI:
    5. Shumilin A.I. Transatlantic kink against the backdrop of a pandemic // Scientific and analytical bulletin of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, no. 13-20. DOI:
    6. Shumilin A.I. Pandemic factor in the EU's foreign policy // Scientific and analytical bulletin of the IE RAS, No. 2, 2020, p. 14-21. DOI:


    Chapters in collective monographs or collections of works

    1. Shumilin A. Middle Eastern Conflicts: Transform ation of Regional Centers of Power. Middle East Crisis: Scenarios and Opportunities, National Institute of Corporate Reform, 2020 .-- 248 pages. ISBN 978-5-906532-20-6
    2. Shumilin A.I. Middle East conflicts: the ratio of local and regional factors. SIPRI Yearbook 2020, ISBN 978-5-9535-0402-7, published in Russian and English (Oxford University Press and IMEMO RAN, Moscow).

    Individual monographs:

    1. Shumilin A.I. Middle East conflicts: European approach: monograph / A.I. Shumilin. - M.: Institute of Evropy RAS, 2019 .-- 122 p. - (Reports of the Institute of Europe = Reports of the Institute of Europe / Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Europe Russian Acad. Sciences; No. 366) - Paral. tit. l. English - ISBN 978-5-98163-150-4. 
    2. Shumilin A. I. Scientific editor of the collective monograph "Euro-Atlantic Today: Middle Eastern Challenges", Moscow, IE RAS, International Relations Publishing House, 2018, 208 pp. ISBN 978-5-98163-114-6 (IE RAS) ; ISBN 978-5-7133-1623-5 (International Relations) 
    3. Shumilin A.I. "Euro-Atlantic Today: Middle East Challenges", collective monograph, A.I. Shumilin and others; scientific. ed. I. Shumilin // Moscow: International Relations, 2018 .-- 208 p.  
    4. Shumilin A.I. "US Policy in the Middle East in the Context of the" Arab Spring "- M .:" International Relations ". 336 p. ISBN: 978-5-7133-1492-7. 
    5. “Russia's diplomacy in the Middle East: back to geopolitics” Alexander Shumilin // L'Institut français des relations internationales. Paris, France, 2016. Ser. 93 Russie.Nei.Visions Volume Notes de l'Ifri
    6. Shumilin A.I. “Russia and the United States in the Middle East: Partner-Rivals” - M. Publishing House “Rus-Olympus”. 351 s. ISBN: 978-5-9648-0348-5
    7. Shumilin A.I. "Energy Strategy of Russia and the United States" - M. "International Relations". 168 s. // ISBN: 978-5-7133-1351-7 
    8. Shumilin A.I., Brass A. “Terror Without Borders:“ Cousins ​​”or Mortal Enemies? - M. Astrel, 2004.332 p. 

    Chapters in monographs and articles:

    1. Shumilin A.I. Challenges to European Security 2020: Between Munich and Idlib // Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, No. 1 (13), 2020. 4-10.  
    2. Shumilin A.I. European Security: Middle East Challenges. // Europe between three oceans: monograph // [Al.A. Gromyko, V.V. Zhurkin, V.P. Fedorov and others]; under total. ed. Al.A. Gromyko and V.P. Fedorov; Federal state budgetary institution of science Institute of Europe Russian acad. sciences. - M .: IE RAN: Nestor-History, 2019 .-- 608 p. ISBN 978-5-98163-133-7 (IE RAS) ISBN 978-5-4469-1640-5 ("Nestor-History"). S. 566-587. 
    3. Shumilin A.I. The European Union is preparing for a "geopolitical breakthrough" // Scientific-analytical bulletin of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, No. 6, 2019. 4-10.    
    4. Shumilin A.I. European choice: from the fall of the Berlin Wall to Brexit // Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, No. 5, 2019. 4-9.  
    5. Shumilin A.I. Britain in the Persian Gulf: between the United States and the European Union // Scientific-analytical bulletin of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, No. 4, 2019. 93-98.  
    6. Shumilin A.I. The European Union and Turkey: Differences in “Values” and Interpretation of Sovereignty // Scientific and Analytical Bulletin of the IE RAS, No. 3, 2019. 76-81.   
    7. Shumilin A.I. The USA is pulling Europe into the Middle East conflicts // Scientific- analytical bulletin of the Institute of European Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, No. 1, 2019. 131-136.  
    8. Shumilin A. I. “The Middle East: a Window of Opportunity or a Trap for Atlantists” // World Economy and International Relations, 2019, Volume 63, No. 7, p. 111-120 
    9. Shumilin A. I. "The European Union in search of a new role in the Middle East" // Modern Europe, no. 3, 2019, p. 25-35 
    10. Shumilin A.I. "European sovereignty: a test by Iran" // chapter in the collective monograph "Defense of state sovereignty - the experience of the European Union and European countries" / [V. B. Belov and others; otv. ed. VB Belov]; IE RAS, Ves Mir publishing house, 2018. - 204 p.  
    11. Shumilin A.I. “USA-Europe: the confrontation around Iran is growing” // article in the collection “European Analytics 2018” of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ed. N. Gusev, St. Petersburg: Nestor-History, 2018 .-- 168 p.  
    12. Shumilin A. I., Shumilina I. V. "The USA, the European Union - the problem of Iran: between" soft "and" hard "power // World Economy and International Relations" №8, 2018, p. 5-15  
    13. Shumilin A.I., Shumilina I.V. "Syria after ISIS: features of the approach of the US and the European Union" // Modern Europe, no. 6, 2018, p. 73-81
    14. Shumilin A. I., Shumilina I. V. “On the formation of the anti-Iranian strategy of Donald Trump” // Contours of global transformations ”No. 6, 2018, p. 56-67 
    15. Shumilin A.I. "Evolution of US Approaches to Conflicts in the Middle East" // "US and Canada: Politics, Economics, Culture." No. 1 (565). S. 32-53.
    16. Shumilin AI Russia as a gravity pole of the GCC's new foreign policy pragmatism // article in the journal The International Spectator. V.52. # 2. P.115-129.  
    17. Shumilin A.I. "The problem of Jerusalem in the US Middle East policy" // "World Economy and International Relations", 2017. 12, pp. 43-51.
    18. Shumilin A.I. “The Evolution of the Energy Factor in US Middle East Policy: From George W. Bush. to D. Trump "//" USA and Canada: politics, economics, culture ". No. 12 p. 53-62.
    19. Shumilin A.I. “Syrian Crisis-2017: Military Victories Without Political Compromises // collection“ Year of the Planet ”IMEMO RAN, 2017, pp. 98-112.
    20. Shumilin A.I. "The role of the Israeli factor in Washington's Middle East policy" // USA and Canada: politics, economics, culture. No. 2 (542). S. 32-47.
    21. Shumilin A.I. "The Syrian Crisis and the US Policy in the Middle East" // article in the US-EPK magazine. No. 4 (532). S. 43-54.
    22. Shumilin A.I. “USA-Egypt: in search of a new partnership model” // “USA-Canada: EPK. 2013. 01 (517). S.37-54. 1.5 a.l 
    23. Shumilin A.I. Introduction and chapter “Arab Spring”: Consequences for Russia ”in the collection“ Russia and “New Elites” of the “Arab Spring” Countries - Opportunities and Prospects for Interaction ”. Workbook - Moscow, "Spetsbook". Volume V. 2013.
    24. Shumilin A.I., Satanovsky E.Ya. "Blue helmets": reasons for powerlessness "// Security Index. Volume 19. No. 3 (106). S.105-118.
    25. Shumilin A.I. "Arab Spring" and the US strategy in the Middle East "in the collection of articles" Foreign policy of the Obama administration (2009-2012) - Moscow, ISK RAS. 2012.S. 185-202.
    26. Shumilin A.I. "Islamic Extremism: Assessments and Opportunities for Russian-American Interaction" (round table) // "USA and Canada: Politics, Economics, Culture". No. 9 (513). S. 33-54.
    27. Shumilin A.I. "War by proxy": Iranian version "// Russia and the Muslim world. INION RAS. 2011. No. 4. S. 134-147.
    28. Shumilin A.I. The Obama Doctrine and the Libyan Crisis // Free Thought. No. 10 (1628). S.53-62.
    29. Shumilin A.I. “Russia and the arms markets of the Arab countries” in the collection “Russia and the world: 2011. Economy and foreign policy. Annual forecast (Euro-Atlantic Security Initiative - EASI project). - IMEMO RAN. 2010.
    30. Shumilin A.I. "On the question of the transformation of Turkey's foreign policy" // Russia and America in the XXI century. ISK RAS. 2010. No. 3.
    31. Shumilin A.I. Chapters "Introduction"; “Greater Middle East: transformation of challenges dictates new approaches of Russia and the United States”, “Energy strategy of the Russian Federation in the Greater Middle East: ends and means”, “Russia-USA: strengthening rivalry in the energy sphere”; "Conclusion" - in the monograph "Russia in the Greater Middle East: Energy Resources and Politics." ISK RAS. 2009.S. 3-6, 8-34, 35-51, 108-127, 199-205.
    32. Shumilin A.I. "Anti-terrorism and Russia's foreign policy" // Free thought. No. 4 (1599). P.47-60.
    33. Shumilin A.I. "Great Game" in Central Asia "// Free Thought. No. 12. P. 19-35
    34. Shumilin A.I. "The problem of Iraq and the confrontation between the legislative and executive powers of the United States in 2007" // Russia and America in the XXI century. ISK RAS. 2008. No. 1.
    35. Shumilin A.I. “The problem of oil and the prospect of the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq” // “USA-Canada: EPK. 2007. 12. P.37-54.
    36. Shumilin A.I. “The problem of Iraq in the US-Russian relations (2002-2006)” // “USA-Canada: EPK. 2006. 10. P.35-46.
    37. Shumilin A.I. Introduction (pp. 4-7) and the chapter "US Foreign Policy: Between George W. Bush and George W. Kerry" (pp. 8-22)) in the monograph "Antiterrorism - a system-forming factor of US foreign and defense policy." Moscow, ISK RAS. 2005.
    38. Shumilin AI «GCC - Russia Relations» - in a collection Gulf Yearbook 2004 (Gulf Research Center) - Dubai, UAE. 2005. 241-245.
    39. Shumilin A.I. "The problem of terrorism and external threats to the Baltic states" in the collection "Russia - Baltic IV" - Moscow, "Polygrand". S. 430--434. 

    Expert activities:

    Brainstorming: Consultant to the UN Political Department on the Syrian Crisis (New York, USA, 2013-2014); Washington Institute for the Middle East (Washington, USA, 2013); Stanford University (Stanford, California, USA, 1916);

    American-Russian Middle East Dialogue (Berlin, Germany, 2016); Syria and the problem of European security (Helsinki, Finland, M. Ahtisaari Institute, 2017); Consultant to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (Tokyo, Japan, 2017);

    Gulf Research Center - 2010-2016 (Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Berlin, London).

    Public Speeches: Sasakawa Peace Foundation (Tokyo, Japan, 2012, 2014); Italian Institute of International Relations (Milan, Italy, 2013); IFRI (Paris, France, 2014); Dagestan State University (Makhachkala, Russia, 2016),

    permanent conference "European Union-MFA RK on the Middle East" (Seoul, 2016-2018).


  • Awards:
    April 26, 2013 Letter of gratitude from the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs
    "For participation in the work of the Council of Federation Council Committee on International Affairs Expert Council on Russian-American relations and Middle East settlement"
    August 19, 2013 Rossotrudnichestvo diploma "For active work in the development of international humanitarian and public relations"
  • Contacts:

    Phone: +7 (495) 6295921

    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.