the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences
Bolshakova Svetlana Mikhailovna
Junior research associate
Scientific activities: The Department is providing unit at the Institute of Europe.
A list of main functions: 1.Organization of work of Department of information. 2.Organization of technical maintenance of computer equipment of the Institute. 3.The participation in procurement of hardware and software, peripherals, telecommunications and other equipment; ensuring the functioning of technical means, the operating systems.
Report № 398 - 2023. «Soft power» in the Black Sea – Mediterranean region : [monograph] / [Е.G. Entina, N. Тanasich].
Report № 397 - 2022. Politics, economics and security of the modern Arctic (to the 25th anniversary of the Arctic council) : [monograph] / [C. Van, C. Yang, B.Е. Vlasov].