the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences
Slesarenko Maria Albertovna
Date of birth: 14.04.60
Place of birth: Moscow
Head of IT Department
Scientific activities:
The Department is providing unit at the Institute of Europe.
A list of main functions: 1.Organization of work of Department of information. 2.Organization of technical maintenance of computer equipment of the Institute. 3.The participation in procurement of hardware and software, peripherals, telecommunications and other equipment; ensuring the functioning of technical means, the operating systems. 4.Site support Institute Europe . Constantly updating the site with new materials, instruments. Support for the new website of the Institute of Europe 5.Content is added regularly to the website for the journal "Contemporary Europe". 6.Participation in the grants. 7.Responsible for the protection of information and personal data security at their processing within the AP AC ERC HA (Dissertation Councils).
Contacts: Phone:8-916-187-39-93E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Report № 398 - 2023. «Soft power» in the Black Sea – Mediterranean region : [monograph] / [Е.G. Entina, N. Тanasich].
Report № 397 - 2022. Politics, economics and security of the modern Arctic (to the 25th anniversary of the Arctic council) : [monograph] / [C. Van, C. Yang, B.Е. Vlasov].