institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences


Series "Analitycal papers of IE RAS". 


Alexey Gromyko. Working paper №7, 2015 (№7). Reminiscenses about Nikolai Shmelyov. A Farewell to Yevgeny Primakov. ENG

Olga Potemkina. Working paper №6, 2015 (№6). Current Problems of the European Union Immigration Policy. ENG

The increased number of deaths of migrants in the Mediterranean Sea who try to make their way from the coast of Libya to the southern EU states outraged the international community and demanded immediate action from the European Union. The EU Commission is trying to resolve the crisis by using not only immigration policy tools, but the Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) as well. The differences between the Member States prevent finding a proper solution in a timely manner.

Alexey Gromyko. Working paper №5, 2015 (№5). «New Normality» or a New Deal. ENG


Alexey Gromyko, Valentin Fedorov. Working paper №4, 2015 (№4). To Ban Economic Sactions. ENG


Kirill Gusev. Working paper №3, 2015 (№3). Foreign investments, ruble exchange rate and restructuring of the Russian economy. ENG

Author analyses the impact of foreign capital outflow on ruble exchange rate as an instance of vulnerability of the current national economy structure and suggests ways of improving economic policy of the Russian state.

Liudmila Babynina. Working paper №2, 2015 (№2). Iceland and the EU: fish and banks. ENG

The story of Iceland’s entry into the European Union proved to be brief, and, to a significant degree, the result could have been predicted: six years after submitting its application, Iceland withdrew it and halted its negotiations on joining the EU.

Olga Potemkina. Working paper №1, 2015 (№1). The EU-Russia cooperation in fighting terrorism. ENG

The paper deals with the EU-Russia cooperation in fighting terrorism in the condition of sanctions. The author demonstrates that freezing the political dialogue has seriously decreased possibilities and potential of EU-Russia joint actions against the global terrorist threat. The main conclusion is that the shared interests in fighting terrorism and organized crime on the Eurasian space should override short-term tactical calculations.