institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Institute news

XXVIII meeting of Economic seminar n.a. N.P. Shmelev

XXVIII meeting of Economic seminar n.a. N.P. Shmelev
21 March 2023

On March 21, 2023, IE RAS held XXVIII meeting of Economic seminar n.a. Academician N.P. Shemelev: the presentation of the energy policy of the EU was delivered by N.Y. Каveshnikov, Head of Integration processes Chair, MGIMO.

«Prospects of international cooperation in the Arctic region»

«Prospects of international cooperation in the Arctic region»
17 March 2023

On March 17, 2023, IE RAS Center for Arctic studies and International Expect Council on Cooperation in the Arctic held the international round table «Prospects of international cooperation in the Arctic region».

Analytical paper No 4, 2023 «Consolidation of actions in the field of global marine use»

Analytical paper No 4, 2023 «Consolidation of actions in the field of global marine use»
16 March 2023

IE RAS presents Analytical papers of IE RAS No 4, 2023 «Consolidation of actions in the field of global marine use» (in Russian) by Marina Kolesnikova, Scientific Researcher of the Department of Black and Mediterranean Seas Studies, Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Arctic seminar n.a. V.P. Fedorov

Arctic seminar n.a. V.P. Fedorov
14 March 2023

On March 14, 2023, IE RAS Center for Arctic studies held the Arctic seminar n.a. V.P. Fedorov in the form of a meeting with the winner of the Russian President prize for young scientists in science and innovation 2022 А.А. Оsadchiev.

Discussion of the documentary «Teacher of the German language»

Discussion of the documentary «Teacher of the German language»
13 March 2023

On March 13, 2023, IE RAS hosted the discussion of the documentary «Teacher of the German language», directed by Doctor of Science (History) E.M. Kozhokin.

XXVII meeting of Economic seminar n.a. N.P. Shmelev

XXVII meeting of Economic seminar n.a. N.P. Shmelev
07 March 2023

On March 7, 2023, IE RAS held XXV meeting of Economic seminar n.a. Academician N.P. Shemelev with reports on «Effective currency rate calculation: pros and cons of use in economic analysis» (by Deputy IE RAS Director O.V. Butorina) and «Effective rate fluctuation of Swedish and Norwegian krone» (by junior research fellow D.S. Lesnoy).

The new issue of «Contemporary Europe» journal

The new issue of «Contemporary Europe» journal
06 March 2023
IE RAS presents the new issue of "Contemporary Europe" journal (№1 (115) 2023). 

Analytical paper IE RAS No 300

Analytical paper IE RAS No 300
06 March 2023

In its 35th year IE RAS presents Analytical papers of IE RAS No 300 (No 3, 2023) «Has the “Zeitenwende” taken shape in the economic relations of the EU and Germany with the Russian Federation?» (in Russian) by Vladislav Belov, Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Deputy Director, Head of the Department for Countries Studies, Head of the Center for German Studies, IE RAS, and Alexander Kotov, Candidate of Science (Economics), Leading Researcher of the Center for German Studies, IE RAS.

Memorandum between IE RAS and Institute of International Politics and Economy

Memorandum between IE RAS and Institute of International Politics and Economy
03 March 2023

On March 3, 2023, IE RAS and Institute of International Politics and Economy (Belgrade, Serbia) signed a memorandum.

«Belorussia. Moldova. Transdniestria: the new dimension of the Ukrainian conflict?»

«Belorussia. Moldova. Transdniestria: the new dimension of the Ukrainian conflict?»
03 March 2023

On March 3, 2023, Head of IE RAS Center for Belorussian studies N.М. Меzhevich took part in the conference «Belorussia. Moldova. Transdniestria: the new dimension of the Ukrainian conflict?».

«The Arctic: sustainable development»

«The Arctic: sustainable development»
03 March 2023

On March 2-3, 2023, Head of IE RAS Center for Arctic studies V.P. Zhuravel took part in VIII international conference «The Arctic: sustainable development».

The second European seminar of IE RAS and INION RAS

The second European seminar of IE RAS and INION RAS
28 February 2023

On February 28, 2023, INION RAS hosted the European seminar «Religion in modern political and economic life of Europe», organized by INION RAS and IE RAS.

The «Rammstein ledder». How much longer will Kiev be given weapons and is the EU unanimous?

The «Rammstein ledder». How much longer will Kiev be given weapons and is the EU unanimous?
27 February 2023

On February 27, 2023, IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko gave an interview to AIF publishing house.

The first seminar of the «Mediterranean talks» cycle

The first seminar of the «Mediterranean talks» cycle
27 February 2023

On February 27, 2023, the first seminar of the «Mediterranean talks» cycle was held, organized by IE RAS Department of Black and Mediterranean Seas studies.

«The new «red lines» are the supplies of offensive weapons to Ukraine»

«The new «red lines» are the supplies of offensive weapons to Ukraine»
21 February 2023

On February 21, 2023, IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko gave the interview to Business Online on building relations with the «sane» part of Europe.

«EU sanctions against Russia: what’s in the 10th package?»

«EU sanctions against Russia: what’s in the 10th package?»
21 February 2023

On February 21, 2023, Deputy IE RAS Director V.B. Belov took part in the round table «EU sanctions against Russia: what’s in the 10th package?», organized by MIA Russia Today.

«The West: the strategy of consistent escalation»

«The West: the strategy of consistent escalation»
16 February 2023

On February 16, 2023, Deputy IE RAS Director V.B. Belov and Head of IE RAS Department of European security D.А. Danilov Данилов took part in the conference «The West: the strategy of consistent escalation».

Securing technological sovereignty of the Russian economy

Securing technological sovereignty of the Russian economy
16 February 2023

On February 16, 2023, Deputy IE RAS Director V.B. Belov and Head of German economy sector А.V. Kotov took part in the scientific seminar «Technological sovereignty: definition, evaluation and provision».

«Prospects of regional foreign economic activity development in the European direction»

«Prospects of regional foreign economic activity development in the European direction»
15 February 2023

On February 15, 2023, Deputy IE RAS Director V.B. Belov and research fellows of IE RAS Center for German studies А.V. Коtоv, А.К. Ivanova, Y.S. Baranov took part in the scientific seminar «Prospects of regional foreign economic activity development in the European direction».

Analytical paper No 2, 2023 «Germany and the future of German heavy weapons supplies to Ukraine»

Analytical paper No 2, 2023 «Germany and the future of German heavy weapons supplies to Ukraine»
15 February 2023

IE RAS presents Analytical papers of IE RAS No 2, 2023 «Germany and the future of German heavy weapons supplies to Ukraine» (in Russian) by Alexey Sindeev, Doctor of Sciences (History), Professor of RAS, Chief Researcher, Institute of Europe, RAS.