IE RAS presents Analytical papers of IE RAS No 19, 2024 « Elections in Saxony and Thuringia: A Test of Stability of Germany's Party-Political System» (in Russian) by Vladislav Belov, Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Deputy Director, Head of the Department for Countries Studies, Head of the Center for German Studies, IE RAS.
On September 1, 2024, elections were held to the state parliaments (Landtage) in two Eastern German states: Saxony and Thuringia. As expected, the “protest” parties "Alternative for Germany" (AfD) and "Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance for Reason and Justice" achieved significant results. Meanwhile, the parties that make up the federal government received historically low support. The author analyzes implications of these outcomes for the party-political system of the Federal Republic of Germany and assesses prospects of governments’ configurations in Saxony and Thuringia.