institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

30th anniversary of IE RAS

  • 17 November 2017
Ceremonial meeting celebrating the 30th anniversary of IE RAS

On November 16-17, 2017 IE RAS celebrated its 30th anniversary. On November 16, the ceremonial meeting was held to hear congratulations of highest state officials, representatives of RAS, social organizations and partners. The discussion «Europe from the Atlantics to the Pacific ocean» created a platform for exchange of opinions between heads of diplomatic missions of Russia and European countries. In the evening session the ceremony of IE RAS Professor inauguration was conducted. All day the audience enjoyed a short promo movie of IE RAS along with video addresses of its associates.

On November 17 IE RAS hosted international conference «The present and future of Europe» comprising of five discussions shared by prominent Russian and foreign scientists, representatives of diplomatic, analytical and public institutions. Members of RAS, heads of IE RAS departments, professors of Russian and European universities contributed to the forum.

Discussion «The role of Europe in global coordinates»

Discussion «Modern world and migration challenges» (together with «Russkiy mir» foundation)

Discussion «The dusk of Europe 2.0?» 

Discussion «European security crisis» (together with Martti Ahtisaari Center, Finland)

Discussion «Global strategies: Russia, EU, China, USA» (together with Egmont - Royal Institute for International Relations, Belgium)


Photo album

First day of celebration of the 30th anniversary in the Institute of Europe RAS 

«International affairs» journal published report of the first day of celebration of the 30th anniversary in the Institute of Europe RAS.