institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Conference «Germany, France, Great Britain in the EU: multi-sided triangle?»

  • 14 March 2016

On March 14, 2016, IE RAS held conference «Germany, France, Great Britain in the EU: multi-sided triangle?», organized by Department of Country Studies, with participation of experts from IE RAS, IMEMO RAS n.a. Е.М. Primakov, MGIMO University, MSU n.a М.V. Lomonosov, Higher School of Economics, RIAC, Conrad Adenauer Foundation, Russian and foreign diplomats etc.

In his welcome address IE RAS DIrector Аl.А. Gromyko stressed that understanding the role and place of Great Britain, France and Germany in the EU foreign policy is an important research task, while defining the composition of the “big three” is subject to discussion. This term is more often associated with the participants of Tegeran, Yalta and Potsdam conferences in the XX century. Today Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy by their total economic and political weight are “trend setters” in the Western Europe. And the research of their foreign policy is important for building foreign political strategy.

IE RAS associates presented four principal reports at the conference. Chief scientific associate of the Department of Country Studies, Professor RAS А.А. Sindeev told about the position of EU, stressing that it would be naïve to view Europe as a unified whole today. The absence of solidarity between countries is one of the most typical features of the European integration at the present stage. Speaking of overcoming the crisis, А.А. Sindeev outlined the importance of efficient interaction within the EU.

Head of Center for British Studies Е.V. Ananieva presented the position of Great Britain, with special focus on forthcoming referendum on the UK’s leaving the European Union. Е.V. Аnanieva spoke of the existing contradictions within the ruling Conservative Party on the referendum as well as the spectrum of public opinion, and outlined the stiffening attitude towards Russia.

Deputy Head of Center for German Studies Е.P. Timoshenkova disclosed the position of Germany with special focus on how the expert community views the country’s role in the EU. The speaker outlined the current role of Germany as the «crisis manager» of the EU, suggesting new forms of interaction.

Head of Center for French Studies Y.I. Rubinskiy told about the French model of response to the current challenges facing the EU (immigration and Ukrainian crises, Middle East situation, EU referendum in UK).

The presented reports sparkled vivid discussion, started by the Director of Russo – British Chamber of Commerce Alan Thompson. He stressed the importance of continuing dialogue, taking into account the current cautious approach of Great Britain in relation to Russia. А. Thompson outlined that the financial sanctions had not returned the expected results, and the present complicated stage is a good opportunity for objective analysis and determination of commercial interests of Great Britain and Russia. The evaluation of prospects of trade and investment cooperation is especially acute on the brink of EU referendum, which, in opinion of the speaker, would give the British citizens a unique opportunity to voice their attitude to the European integration, as, since UK’s joining the EU, there grew a whole generation that had no chance to state their position on this subject.

In the course of discussion IE RAS associates and their colleagues from other institutes and universities of Russia spoke of the European integration prospects, including the chances for its expansion, the relations with Russia, and considered such terms, as «Europe of different speeds», «multi-level integration», «multi-cultural environment» etc. Concluding the discussion, its moderator, deputy IE RAS Director V.B. Belov suggested that the conference results should be reflected in a series of analytical papers.

Conference «Germany, France, Great Britain in the EU: multi-sided triangle?» Conference «Germany, France, Great Britain in the EU: multi-sided triangle?» Conference «Germany, France, Great Britain in the EU: multi-sided triangle?» Conference «Germany, France, Great Britain in the EU: multi-sided triangle?»