institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Conference «Religious diversity in the Crimea after 2014»

  • 08 June 2017
On June 8, 2017, IE RAS held international scientific and practical conference «Religious diversity in the Crimea after 2014».
The event was organized by IE RAS Center for problems of religion and society, and aimed at analyzing the current state of state and confession relations in the Crimea, the social role and service of various religious unions, first of all, Christianity and Islam, and the problems acute for believers and communities.

The conference was attended by: protopope Alexander Yakushechkin, secretary of Simferopol and Crimea episcopate, secretary of Interconfessional council of Crimea «Peace – God’s gift», Aider Ismailov, deputy Chairman of Spiritual government of Muslims of Crimea and Sevastopol and Russian State Duma deputy (the Crimean Republic) Ruslan Balbek. The conference was greeted by Metropolite of Simferopol and Crimea Lazar (Ukrainian Orthodox church) and Head of Department of Associated Russian Union of Christians of Evangelical Faith (Pentecostals) in Crimea and Sevastopol bishop Konstantin Bendas.

The participants marked the important role of the Interconfessional council of Crimea «Peace – God’s gift», uniting Orthodox, Muslim, Jewish, Baptist, Catholic and other churches in the Crimea. The traditions of tolerance, openness and the present level of dialogue between believers help to overcome existing disputes and internal contradictions.

Foto: Ivan Alyabyev.



Conference «Religious diversity in the Crimea after 2014» Conference «Religious diversity in the Crimea after 2014» Conference «Religious diversity in the Crimea after 2014» Conference «Religious diversity in the Crimea after 2014»